




Mountain Survivalist
The Touch of Forn
Intimidation, Survival

As an Ander Clan dwarf, you hail from a toilsome lineage famed for its martial prowess and unyielding independence. Your kin find solace in the icy expanses of Mortéglace, choosing to live in seclusion far removed from the rule of others. Under the guidance of King Ander, your clan dedicates itself to constructing a sanctuary that reflects the purest embodiment of Forn's ideals of freedom and safety.   The Ander Clan's primary mission is to forge such a secure and prosperous refuge that it entices other dwarves to rejoin their devoted path of Forn. However, their protective nature combined with their remote and treacherous habitat makes forming connections with the Ander dwarves a considerable challenge.
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: A Melee Weapon of your choice of one type of Artisan's Tools
Equipment: A melee weapon or a set of artisan's tools of your choice, a set of common clothes, a shovel, and an iron pot

Special Attribute: The Touch of Forn
The Touch of Forn is a divine boon bestowed upon you due to your clan's deep connection with Forn. This gift enables you to create items of extraordinary quality that resist the tests of time and usage, proving more durable than most. Anything you successfully craft is incredibly resilient, boasting double the hit points of its normal equivilent. Moreover, the exquisite craftsmanship and beauty of your creations make them highly sought-after treasures, valued 25% more than typical items.
Feature: Mountain Survivalist
As an Ander dwarf, you traverse the perilous terrains of the mountains with an ease that is almost supernatural. Your keen awareness of the terrain's dangers, from falling rocks to unstable cliffs and treacherous slopes, enables you to navigate these hazards and chart a safe path. Your comprehensive knowledge of mountain flora and fauna further enhances your survival skills, making you proficient in foraging for food and identifying medicinal plants in the wild expanse of Mortéglace.
Suggested Characteristics
Dwarves of the Ander Clan are products of the harsh land they were raised in. Their lives of cold climates, being surrounded by enemies, and having to protect those who can't protect themselves define who they are. It is not unheard of for the Anders to have flaws related to their stubborn nature.

For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Ander Clan - Background

Medicine, Persuasion

People naturally gravitate towards you, treating you as their best friend, and with good reason. Halflings share a kindred connection with the god of travel Temilian, and are celebrated for their loyal companionship, lightning-fast movements, and cheerful demeanor. In a world dominated by towering giants, halflings stand as brave and fortunate allies sought after by the most superstitious adventurers. You offer companionship to those deserving of a best friend's trust.
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Cook's Utensils
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Cook's utensils, a map of the region you are in, a two-person tent, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch of pebbles from your homeland
Feature: BFF (Best Friends Forever)
As a companion, your innate helpfulness and unwavering loyalty make you an invaluable ally, boosting your friend's abilities with your expert assistance, and ensuring their success. Whenever you use the Help action, you can add your proficiency bonus, providing valuable assistance to your allies.
Suggested Characteristics
Being someone's best friend is a devotion and responsibility, and many of your traits reflect that. Turning those traits up to eleven leads to the majority of your flaws.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Best Friend - Background

Aquatic Couriers
Coral Manipulation
Athletics, Perception

Your culture is based in your aquatic nature, your divine connection with Narwel, and the years of isolation you endured. These factors have shaped traditions that may seem peculiar to outsiders but are integral to maintaining the prosperity of the sea and upholding the favor of your goddess.   As a member of the triton community residing in the submersible city of Flotsodom, you have emerged from a long exile to bring service to the people of the land. However, your presence in the world above has sparked wariness and uncertainty among surface dwellers, who remain unfamiliar with the motives and history of the tritons.   Flotsodom has settled at a significant location known as the Eye of Narwel within the country of Frijring. This emergence has caused tension with the neighboring Tritos Dominion, a nation already embroiled in conflicts with Frijring. As a citizen of Flotsodom, you find yourself navigating the delicate political landscape, seeking to balance your commitment to aiding the land-dwellers while managing the strained relations between your submersible city and the Tritos Dominion. It is a challenging act, striving for understanding while upholding the values and guidance of your underwater heritage.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception
Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's Tools, Vehicles (water)
Equipment: A small knife, 50 feet of hempen rope, a piece of living coral, a vial of water from your home, and a set of traveler's clothes
Feature: Aquatic Couriers
You possess the ability to communicate with aquatic creatures and enlist their help in delivering messages to contacts within the city. This unique skill allows you to maintain communication with fellow tritons, share vital information, and coordinate actions from a distance. However, the effectiveness of this feature depends on the availability and cooperation of aquatic creatures in the surrounding area.
Suggested Characteristics
Being an underwater being has imbued you with an automatic connection to the sea, something that impacts pretty much every aspect of your life, from your personality to your ideals and bonds. Many flaws likely come from the divide of cultures on the surface, something every water-dweller is forced to navigate.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Citizen of Flotsodom - Background

Gnome's Trust
Investigation, Sleight of Hand

Your life has been devoted to the invention and creation of peculiar and wonderful contraptions. The citizens of Gnome's Landing display fervor for their Calling, dedicating their lives to the study of machines. Their inventions have shaped modern society, most heavily felt in the Tritos Dominion. You are one of a great collective, each spinning their own gears to help the others turn.   Gnomes living in Gnome's Landing, have distanced themselves from the influence of the goddess Dipthi and the game of Dukkerin, heeding instead the mechanical call of Dona. Liberated from the burdens of the Otherwyld, you and your fellow citizens enjoy complete autonomy from the goddess.
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: One type of Artisan's Tools and your choice of Air, Land, or Water Vehicles
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of artisan's tools of your choice, an ink pen, a small knife, and a book of research notes
Feature: Gnome's Trust
Being a citizen of Gnome's Landing grants you privileged access to a diverse of crafting materials within the city boundaries. You also have a benefactor who is ready to offer financial and material backing for your ventures, given that they serve the community's well-being.
Suggested Characteristics
As a citizen of Gnome's Landing you have been raised with ideals and bonds centered around invention and evolution. It is possible your flaws center around technology and its uses.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Citizen of Gnome's Landing - Background

Two of your choice

Tao, the largest city in the world, is a sprawling metropolis and a true melting pot of races and cultures. Here, everyone and everything visits or resides, serving as the major trade hub, attracting merchants and adventurers alike. The buildings are closely packed, creating a labyrinthine maze. Guides are always in high demand to assist visitors in navigating the city.   You have grown up in this cosmopolitan environment, exposed to diverse cultures and traditions. Your knowledge of the city's layout, the intricacies of its districts, and the bustling marketplace has allowed you to forge connections with its inhabitants. Tao embraces a diverse range of cultures, with visitors often remarking on the wild blends of traditions, languages, and customs they encounter. These cultural influences create an environment of acceptance and celebration of differences, making the city an extraordinary place to call home.
Skill Proficiencies: Two of your choice
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one Gaming Set
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: One gaming set, a set of common clothes, a backpack, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Cultured
Your exposure to diverse cultures has granted you keen insights into clothing, accents, and other subtle cues. You can discern a person's place of origin, leveraging this knowledge to your advantage. This ability opens doors, facilitates connections, and grants you an edge in navigating the complexities of foreign lands. Your capacity to seamlessly blend into urban environments is unparalleled, thanks to your understanding of clothing, dialects, and cultural nuances from various foreign places.
Suggested Characteristics
Being from such a massive city can define who a person is, from ideals and bonds, to their personality as a whole. Aspects of culture, understanding, or being overwhelmed likely impact your choices. Many flaws come from the same places, but amplified to extremes.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Citizen of Tao - Background

Service to the Crown
Animal Handling, Athletics

Your upbringing was immersed in the teachings of the Illumination faith, spreading the word of the gods Lothor, Asir, and Daruun. Raised in a military-minded culture, you have dedicated yourself to serving the crown of Ania and received training in combat and weaponry. Despite what has become normal use of magic in day-to-day life, there is an inherent mistrust of it within your society.   With a long history spanning over 2,500 years, you belong to a nation led by eleven esteemed houses. Under the strong-minded rule of King Ender Ramus, the Tritos Dominion's primary focus lies in reclaiming separated territories and fortifying the strength of your beloved nation. You have served your time in the Civil Legion and the freedom to do as you so choose.
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Athletics
Tool Proficiencies: One Weapon of your choice, Vehicles (land)
Equipment: One weapon of your choice, a pony, a pack saddle, a statement of citizenship, an iron pot, and a pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Service to the Crown
Upon reaching the age of sixteen in the Tritos Dominion, you serve the crown for a year, undergoing rigorous training in weapons, tactics, and civil service duties. Through this service, you earn the esteemed rank of citizen and enjoy the backing of the country. As a citizen, you have access to various benefits and resources. You may call upon the Dominion for loans, receive support from members of the Civil Legion for arms and assistance, and enjoy complimentary stays at military bases.   Suggested Characteristics
Being a citizen of the Tritos Dominion means you have been raised under the Illumination faiths, likely Lothoren or Summertide. Even if you do not believe in the core teachings, their influences will likely reflect in your ideals, bonds, and flaws.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Citizen of the Tritos Dominion - Background

Enchanted Education
Arcana, History

As a citizen of Thorn, you hail from a nation known for its relentless progress. New Blarek, the illustrious capital, embodies the pursuit of magical knowledge and the seamless integration of arcane power into everyday life. Thorn has faced formidable adversity with the recent demonic invasions, yet its resilient spirit endures.   The citizens recognize magic as the key to solving life's complexities, embracing the arcane arts from an early age. In recent times, the influence of the Lothoren religion has become intertwined with Thorn's customs and traditions, creating an intriguing blend of cultures.   The country's commitment to education, faith, and the application of arcane knowledge drives everything. Whether defending the nation against formidable foes or contributing to New Blarek's ascent as a global superpower, Thorn's pursuit of magical excellence continues.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History
Tool Proficiency: Calligrapher's Supplies or a Musical Instrument
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Calligrapher's supplies or a musical instrument of your choice, a book of research notes, and a belt pouch containing 20 gp
Feature: Enchanted Education
Your edcuation in Thorn and exposure to the magical wonders of New Blarek have honed your arcane abilities. You gain the Prestidigitation and Shared Knowledge cantrips and can choose one additional cantrip from the following options: Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Minor Illusion, or Thaumaturgy.   Furthermore, your familiarity with the arcane grants you advantage on ability checks made to identify or recognize magical items or decipher magical writings.
Suggested Characteristics
People from Thorn are educated from a young age to understand the arcane, but also the importance of the nation. It is likely your personality and ideals will form around how you were raised. Your flaws may come from seeking too much power or not understanding outside points of view.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Citizen of Thorn - Background

Born Leader
Insight, Intimidation

You are among a group of dragonborn individuals who are either born or raised on the continent of Erimata, revered as a blessing from the dragons. As a Covenant Born, you hold a special status within your communities and are seen as natural leaders due to the honor bestowed upon your dragon heritage. People look to you for guidance, and your commands carry significant weight. Additionally, dragons actively seek to offer you guidance and assistance, recognizing your connection to their kind.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A bottle of colored ink, an ink pen, a set of fine clothes, a pouch containing 30 gp
Feature: Born Leader
You harbor a natural talent for inspiring others to follow your lead. Whether through charisma, determination, or sheer force of will, you can rally people to work together toward a common goal. In situations where leadership is sought, people instinctively turn to you for guidance. Your commands carry significant weight and you can sway others to your point of view. Additionally, dragons, recognizing your connection to their kind, are inclined to offer you guidance or assistance when needed.
Suggested Characeristics
Covenant Born are influenced heavily by the dragons who surround them. Their life of politics, servitude, and faith affects how they act and their ideals. Their flaws often reflect their upbringing away from other societies.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Covenant Born - Background

Ingenious Improviser
Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Religion

You are driven by an unbridled passion to unravel the mysteries of the world and create technological marvels. Dona's teachings have ignited a spark within you, propelling you to harness the power of science and technology, even in the face of adversity. Devotees dedicate their life to the Calling, the belief that the universe's desires can be realized through your creation. By pushing the boundaries of what is possible, you stand for progress and the betterment of Dromaria.   Whether you hail from Ugarth, living among the orcs, or you call Gnome's Landing home, the worship of Dona is prevalent in many places. However, there is one location you do not belong, Erimata. As a worshipper of Dona, you do not benefit from the protections offered by the Covenant, and you are unwelcome on the continent. Displaying your holy symbol or openly using technological devices around dragons poses a grave risk to your life.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, and Religion
Tool Proficiencies: One type of Artisan's Tools and your choice of Air, Land, or Water Vehicles
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Choose a set of artisan's tools of your choice, an ink pen, a small knife, and a small device you have been working on
Feature: Ingenious Improviser
You have a knack in finding creative solutions, even with limited resources at hand. Using whatever mundane materials are available, you can craft non-magical items worth 5 gold pieces or less.   Your ingenuity and efficiency extend to the point where you can create a temporary bomb given the proper supplies, with no cost incurred. The lifespan of the bomb is limited, lasting only as long as it takes to create it before it explodes.   The duration of your improvisation and the specific items you can create are always subject to your GM's discretion.
Suggested Characteristics
People who follow Dona are prone to traits surrounding knowledge and information. Their bonds often come from what they have learned or what they are trying to achieve. Likely flaws surround obsession or desire.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Dona Devotee - Background

Draconic Instinct
Athletics, Survival

You exist separate from the dragonborn's traditional social structure, born to dragons living outside the Covenant. This divergence from tradition may attract scorn or admiration, branding your choices as unorthodox. Whether your dragon chose to voluntarily leave or was driven out due to unavoidable circumstances, you've embraced the existence of a wanderer upon leaving that life behind. Life outside The Covenant is laden with challenges and demands adaptability, with new cultures, laws, and customs presenting as a strange and confusing labyrinth.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit, one type of Musical Instrument
Equipment: A backpack, a musical instrument (one of your choice), traveler's clothes, and a keepsake from your dragon heritage
Feature: Driftscale Instinct
You have a heightened awareness of dragon activity in your surroundings. This uncanny ability enables you to anticipate and prepare for potential encounters. As a Driftscale, dragons, particularly those bound by The Covenant, recognize you and are likely to react with apprehension. Consequently, encounters with dragons in the wild are likely to commence cautiously, providing you with a unique advantage in both diplomatic and combat situations.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Driftscale - Background

Farmer's Prowess
Nature, Survival

As a dust farmer, you belong to the kinderdales of Malkari, a resilient race hailing from the arid expanse known as the Hush within the Esh Republic. Following the teachings of the Malkari gods, Bako and Daruun, you have learned to not only survive but thrive in the unforgiving environment. Bako's Calling strengthens dust farmers physically and spiritually, while Daruun's Calling grants you the knowledge to find and cultivate sustenance in seemingly impossible landscapes. Dust farmers take pride in their resilience and possess a strong warrior tradition shaped by the harsh lands they call home.
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival
Tool Proficiency: Cook's Utensils
Languages: Draconic
Equipment: Cook's Utensils, a packet of seeds, an Agronomus, a shovel, a blanket, and a letter from an elder posing a philosophical question
Feature: Farmer's Prowess
Your exceptional survival skills enable you to thrive in harsh terrains. You possess a remarkable ability to locate food and water even in the most barren environments, and you have the knowledge and expertise to plant and cultivate crops in any available ground. Your understanding of the land and its resources allows you to sustain life where others might struggle.
Suggested Characteristics
Dust farmers aren't accustomed to leaving their environments, so those who sometimes find themselves rooted in their old ways. Many focus on teaching their techiniques, while others find application works much better. Your flaws are likely related to misunderstanding or personal problems.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Dust Farmer - Background

Uncoventional Purpose
Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival
Neo-Natix, Volgul

Born of extraordinary, unconventional methods, your existence is a testament to the miracles of science, magic, or perhaps a blend of both. Whether forged as a Neo-Natix machine by the legendary One-Eyed King, or hatched as a winged volgul from an alchemical egg, your genesis strays far from the traditional. To people, you are a curiosity at best and a disconcerting mystery at worst. Your life has followed a challenging path toward acceptance and inclusion.   Your distinctive origins tell a compelling narrative that shapes your role within society. Often met with a blend of awe, suspicion, and sometimes fear, you must navigate your relationships with a careful blend of diplomacy and determination.   Every engineered is crafted with a purpose in mind. Whether you retain memory of this purpose or are yet to uncover it, is a question for you and your GM to explore.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival
Tool Proficiencies: One type Artisan's Tool
Equipment: One type of artisan's tool of your choice, a staff, a set of traveler's clothes, a trinket of special significance
Feature: Unconventional Purpose
Your very existence defies traditional norms, and the thoughts or intentions of your creator may manifest in your consciousness through dreams, visions, or other inexplicable experiences. These messages can provide insights akin to augury or divine intervention, guiding you on your path and urging you to fulfill your purpose. Collaborate with your GM to determine the specifics of these messages.
Suggested Characteristics
Engineered deal with non-traditional personality traits and ideals, often rooted in their creation. It is likely your flaws are also part of your strange perspective on how the world works.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Engineered - Background

Nature's Guidance
Nature, Stealth

As a forest soul of the elvenari, you were raised among the elven people residing in Leng's Great Forest. Your people possess a deep affinity for nature and the elements. While sharing many traits with high-elves, such as magical abilities and heightened senses, elvenari stand out with their taller stature, elongated ears, and distinct hair, skin, and eye colors. While some Great Forest elvenari coexist with other elves in a diverse community within Leng, historical complications have led to a divide between them and the Eshana elves, resulting in most elvenari choosing to live isolated lives amidst the untamed wilderness.   Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Stealth
Tool Proficiency: Your choice of Herbalism Kit or Poisoner's Kit
Languages: You possess the ability to understand the language of animals, although they may not understand you in return.
Equipment: An herbalism kit or poisoner's kit (based on your choice), a small knife, a pet bird companion, and a set of camouflaged traveler's clothes
Feature: Nature's Guidance
Your intimate connection with nature grants you an innate sense of direction and heightened awareness of your surroundings. These natural instincts make navigation and survival in the wilderness significantly easier for you. When within the woods, you possess an the knowledge of the cardinal directions, always knowing which way is north even in the most challenging terrain. Additionally, your attunement to the environment enables you to effortlessly locate nearby sources of water.
Suggested Characteristics
Elvenari from the forest often live in small communities or in isolation and the way they view life reflects that. An affinity to the natural world, along with a desire to live within it is key to their ideals. As with many who live outside of larger civilization, their flaws reflect their isolation.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Forest Soul - Background

Living My Best Existence
Sleight of Hand, Survival

As a free-ranged goblin, your existence extends beyond the boundaries of Tempus Nova and the influence of the goddess Dipthi. You might hail from a nomadic group or a small town embedded within the harsh landscapes of the badlands or deserts, where scrapping together a living is the only way to survive.   A tumultuous past and an unquenchable hunger have perpetually threatened your kind, but recent years have seen significant changes. Guided by the teachings of the goddess Thurknot, who epitomizes the essence of doing what must be done, your people have refrained from treating all things as food. They've made concerted efforts towards peaceful coexistence with neighboring towns and villages, subsisting solely on what they can grow or hunt themselves. Despite the residual societal prejudice, free-ranged goblins are steadfast in their endeavor to reshape the world's perceptions about them.
Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Disguise kit, a small knife, a pet iguana, a hunting trap, and a bedroll
Feature: Living My Best Existence
You have adapted to the harsh realities of the badlands and deserts, where resources are scarce and survival is an ongoing struggle. Consequently, you have developed an impressive endurance to withstand deprivation, enabling you to survive extended periods without sleep, food, or drink. You automatically succeed on your first exhaustion roll resulting from lack of sleep, and you can endure twice as long without food or drink before experiencing adverse effects.
Suggested Characteristics
Goblins who choose to live outside the rest of their kind have a strange view of the world, often focusing on survival and food more than friendship. Your flaws are likely to revolve around other people and social situations.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Free-Ranged Goblin - Background

Shelter of the Faithful
Variant: Artistic Savant
Performance, Religion

The Kamihikari Clan is one of the three prominent elven clans responsible for protecting the territories of the Leng Empire. Your people are known for providing spiritual guidance, maintaining law, and ensuring political strength. Additionally, you have access to a repository of knowledge on various religions from across Dromaria, including those unfamiliar to the general populace. The art and tradition of the Kamihikari are deeply rooted in the idea of honoring the sacrifices of the elven gods and embodying the values of the Covenant and the Calling.   Skill Proficiencies: Performance, Religion
Tool Proficiency: One type of Musical Instrument
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A musical instrument of your choice, a prayer book, a holy symbol, 3 candles, vestments, and a pouch containing 20 gp
Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
As an member of the Kamihikari Clan, you command the respect of those who share your faith, and you can perform the religious ceremonies of your deity. You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of your faith, though you must provide any material components needed for spells. Those who share your religion will support you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle.   You might also have ties to a specific temple dedicated to your chosen deity or pantheon, and you have a residence there. This could be the temple where you used to serve if you remain on good terms with it, or a temple where you have found a new home. While near your temple, you can call upon the priests for assistance, provided the assistance you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing with your temple.   While it is likely you follow in the traditions of Serithell or Sithir as the most common elven gods, you are also aware of and may feel drawn toward other members of the pantheon.

Variant Kamihikari Clan: Called

Some elves devote themselves so deeply to their Calling that it consumes them. If you take after this trait, it is likely you have dedicated much of your life to a specific talent. While art, song, and the blade are the most traditional, almost anything can speak through you.   Variant Proficiency: Replace your choice of language with your choice of Artisan's Tool
Variant Equipment: Add a set of the chosen tools in your starting equipment
Variant Feature: Artistic Savant
You have always had a natural gift for the arts, music, and other creative endeavors. Whenever you create something, whether it's a painting, sculpture, or musical composition, you have a knack for making it stand out and catching the attention of others. When you practice your talents in public, it draws a crowd, and you can use your artistic talents to earn a simple living, either through busking, commissions, or selling your work.   Additionally, you can use your artistic skills to charm and entertain others. When you perform for a crowd, you can make a Charisma (Performance) check. If you succeed, you can earn money equal to 1d6 times your character level in gold pieces, as people toss coins at your feet and clamor for more.
Suggested Characteristics
Elves from the Kamihikari Clan are raised with religion in mind and it often influences how they view life. Flaws tend to stem from zealotry or thinking that their way is the correct way, without willingness to seek other perspectives.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Kamihikari Clan - Background

Arcane Savvy
Arcana, Performance

You are a member of the Kotodama Clan, a group of scholars and magus in the Leng Empire, ruling over the Kuran Territory. The clan places great emphasis on the arcane arts and the pursuit of knowledge. Those who lack the aptitude for magic are trained in martial, craft, or service skills instead. The ruling members of the clan are all arcane spellcasters, and their mission is to wield magic within their limits. The Kotodama Clan is highly esteemed and respected due to their ancestral connection to the eldest living person, Seinaru Kotodama, and their history of producing renowned warriors and mages.   Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Performance
Tool Proficiency: One type of Musical Instrument
Equipment: A musical instrument of your choice, a fine set of clothes, a signet ring, a small magical bauble, and a purse containing 20 gp
Feature: Arcane Savvy
Your exposure to the arcane has granted you a keen insight into its workings, allowing you to better understand and analyze magical phenomena. Given sufficient time with an object or location that possesses arcane properties, you can determine the schools of magic involved and potentially identify any enchantments or spells cast upon it. Additionally, your familiarity with magical creatures enables you to communicate with them more effectively. You have advantage when interacting with magically summoned creatures due to your understanding of their motives and psychology.
Suggested Characteristics
Members of the Kotodama Clan find themselves raised with specific teachings about arcane magic that heavily influeces their views on themselves and others. Their flaws tend to stem from overuse of magic or believing they are the ones who should control it.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Kotodama Clan - Background

Blind Justice
Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion

As a Lothoren devotee, you are an integral part of a community dedicated to upholding the core tenets of Illumination, placing great importance on the power of unity and sacrifice for the greater good. You are taught to value resource conservation and the strength that comes from working alongside others, understanding that collective efforts can accomplish extraordinary feats.   Driven by a firm belief in the rebirth of Lothor, the promised savior, you strive for purity of soul and hold the holiness of the Church and community in the highest regard. Through disciplined body and spirit, which may include fasting and engaging in civil services, you pay homage to the revered prophet. Displaying the Zonne holy symbol, you proudly worship Lothor, drawing followers from all corners of Dromaria who are united by his heroic deeds.   Lothoren's involvement in politics is dedicated to promoting justice in governance. During times of crisis, whether on the battlefield or in the face of natural disasters, the Church of Lothor is prepared to provide aid and support. They play a crucial role in mediating disputes and advocating for inclusivity, ensuring that everyone has a voice and is represented at the decision-making table. Through their influence, they effectively engage with political leaders, actively participating in shaping policies that align with their mission of creating a society in line with the teachings of Lothoren.
Skill Proficiencies: Religion, plus choose one from among Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one from Carpenter's Tools, Cobbler's Tools, and Leatherworker's Tools
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Choose artisan's tools of your choice, a holy symbol featuring the Zonne, a copy of the Civil Gospels, vestments, and a pouch containing 5 gold pieces
Feature: Blind Justice
Your reputation for kindness and unwavering commitment precedes you. When you find yourself in trouble, those who are part of or familiar with the teachings of Lothoren are more inclined to overlook your transgressions or show you leniency, allowing you to avoid some consequences.
Suggested Characteristics
Fighting for Lothor means instilling in yourself traits of working with and fighting for others. How you view the world likely reflects faith and devotion. Your flaws are likely linked to that devotion, whether how you display it or the depths of your belief.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Lothoren Devotee - Background

Extrasensory Training
Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Stealth

As a member of the Masuta Clan, you serve as a part of the Leng Empire's militia, tasked with defending against external threats. Despite being viewed as traditionalists, the clan upholds the training of samurai and ninja in the Laon Territory, where strict codes of honor govern daily life. The Masuta Clan's primary objective is to safeguard the way of the blade and uphold the noble art of combat, prioritizing tradition and preserving the martial nobility of Leng.
Skill Proficiency: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, or Stealth
Tool Proficiency: One type of Gaming Set, Vehicles (land)
Equipment: A uniform representing your military unit, an insignia denoting your rank, a gaming set of your choice, and a pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Extrasensory Training
Your experience in the Masuta Clan has sharpened your instincts, particularly in perceiving danger. You possess a heightened sixth sense for detecting hostile intentions, sometimes enabling you to detect the presence of individuals with ill intent as they approach or when they are within your vicinity. This heightened awareness may grant you an edge in spotting ambushes, identifying traps, and navigating treacherous situations.
Suggested Characteristics
Members of the Masuta Clan are resilient and trained to fight. This impacts how they see themselves and others, always seeking an edge. Their flaws often come from being too focused or rigid.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Masuta Clan - Background

Court Functionary
Variant: Judge and Jury
Performance, Stealth

As an ombudsman, you serve as a steward of justice and uphold the ancient Upiryrial traditions established by the goddess of law, Sorona. Whether you are a member of a court, observing and preserving the old customs, or seeking to bring murderers to justice, you hold an oathbound and sacred position. Your primary objective is to maintain the safety and civility of societal laws, eradicating corruption to foster faith in the legal system. During times of chaos, civilians look to you as pillars of trust and truth, while those who seek to undermine society tremble in the face of your authority.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: Calligrapher's supplies, a writ from a judge expressing your status, ceremonial vestments, and a pouch containing 5 gp
Feature: Court Functionary
Your knowledge of how bureaucracies function lets you gain access to the records and inner workings of any noble court or government you encounter. You know who the movers and shakers are, whom to go to for the favors you seek, and what the current intrigues of interest in the group are.

Variant Ombudsman: Peacekeeper

As a peacekeeper you are an ombudsman who has rejected the old traditions and court functions. You have taken the law into your own hands, and walk the land seeking those who would do it harm. Folks may not know that you work alongside the law instead of with it, but you do and that is what matters.   Variant Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Investigation
Variant Tool Proficiencies: Forgery Kit
Variant Equipment: Forgery Kit, a crowbar, manacles, traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp
Variant Feature: Judge and Jury
Roaming from town to town as a peacekeeper, you uphold your personal interpretations of Sorona's law to the best of your abilities. Your experience in dealing with lawbreakers has given you an understanding of local laws and criminals. You can easily identify the local outpost of the watch or a similar organization, as well as discern the dens of criminal activity within a community. However, you are more likely to be welcomed in the former locations rather than the latter.
Suggested Characteristics
Whether you are an ombudsman or a peacekeeper your sense of justice has been ingrained in you as part of your personality. The methods to which you enact that justice likely defines your ideals, bonds, and flaws.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Ombudsman - Background

Otherwyld Memories
Performance, Stealth

As an Otherwylder, your origins hail from the mystical region of Tempus Nova, nestled in southwestern Pathriam. This bewildering land, filled with fey creatures and Otherwyld oddities, is as captivating as it is treacherous. While goblins and gnomes commonly carry the title, the term Otherwylder applies to anyone who participates in the divine game of Dukkerin, a ritual decreed by the goddess Dipthi. Many who bear this moniker dedicate their lives to playing the game and exploring the boundless intricacies of the Otherwyld. Otherwylders linked with Dipthi share a unique bond that transcends lifetimes, enabling them to recall past experiences from their ancestors and predecessors.
Skill Proficiencies: Performance, Stealth
Tool Proficiencies: One Musical Instrument
Languages: Sylvan
Equipment: A musical instrument of your choice, a costume, and a mysterious seed from the Otherwyld
Feature: Otherwyld Memories
As an Otherwylder bound to the goddess Dipthi, you share a unique bond with others who have participated in her divine game of Dukkerin. This extraordinary connection allows you to tap into the memories of past and present lives, harnessing knowledge and expertise from a chosen skill. Once during a short rest, you may gain proficiency in a skill by accessing these memories. You can only have one skill proficiency in this manner at any given time.
Suggested Characteristics
Otherwylders are slightly different than other people and this is reflected in the way they view the world. There is a bit of mystery and awe in their bonds and ideals. Many times their flaws reflect their lack of understanding, especially in social situations.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Otherwylder - Background

Elemental Insight
Elemental Intrigue
Insight, Nature

You are a primordian, a being born of the world itself, embodying the essence of the elements you grew up in. Whether you are a dragon, an ember, or something entirely unique, you possess the innate ability to manipulate the elements, seamlessly integrating them into your being.   Your role as a primordian imbues you with a deep sense of responsibility to maintain the balance of nature and the elements. Because you have a connection to the forces that shape the world, your actions reflect your dedication to ensuring the safety of both Dromaria and the god of balance, Groman.   Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Nature
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one from Glassblower's Tools, Painter's Supplies, or Weaver's Tools
Equipment: Select one set of tools or supplies, a container holding a sample of your associated element, a set of common clothes, and a trophy from a kill
Feature: Elemental Insight
As a primordian, your connection to the elements grants you an innate understanding of their presence and behavior. With your Elemental Insight, you possess the ability to tap into this understanding and offer assistance to others. Your insight encompasses recalling pertinent knowledge about element-related subjects, detecting the presence of nearby elemental phenomena or disturbances, and occasionally predicting natural disasters before they occur.   Feature: Elemental Intrigue
Your presence captures the attention of those around you, drawing curious glances wherever you go. Your distinct aura, infused with the essence of the elements, sets you apart as an intriguing figure. This attention can be both a nuisance and an opportunity, as it opens doors to unique encounters and advantageous connections.   People are naturally fascinated by your elemental connection, and they are eager to learn more about your origins and the powers you possess. Scholars, noble lords, and influential individuals, as well as everyday folk, are intrigued by your presence and eager to hear stories of your heritage.   You can leverage this interest to your advantage, gaining access to people and places that might otherwise be closed off. Your reputation as a primordian grants you a certain level of prestige and intrigue, allowing you and your traveling companions to forge connections with notable figures in society. Whether seeking advice, requesting assistance, or simply sharing tales of your affinity, you have the ability to captivate and engage those around you.
Suggested Characteristics
As a primordian you are born of the world and possess elemental connections that change your identity. Who you are and how you act is likely linked to the elements you are connected to. Many times flaws come from a bit too much of a good thing, and for those connected to raw power it is doubly so.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Primordian - Background

Neighborly Love
The Touch of Forn
History, Persuasion

As a Rakankrak dwarf, your heart brims with an exuberant and sociable spirit, echoed by your people's deep connection to the earth. The celebrated miners and crafters of your clan call the kingdom of Rakankrak's Den, nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Bohdan. Blessed with an innate knack for mining and crafting, you have mastered the art of extracting and molding the earth's bounty. This talent has earned your clan a reputation as some of Dromaria's finest artisans. Through showcasing and trading your extraordinary creations, you have forged alliances with neighboring communities.   Skill Proficiencies: History, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land)
Languages: Orcish
Equipment: A set of artisan's tools of your choice, a miner's pick, a pouch containing 20 gp, a set of traveler's clothes, and a keepsake from your homeland

Special Attribute: The Touch of Forn
The Touch of Forn is a divine boon bestowed upon you due to your clan's deep connection with Forn. This gift enables you to create items of extraordinary quality that resist the tests of time and usage, proving more durable than most. Anything you successfully craft is incredibly resilient, boasting double the hit points of its normal equivilent. Moreover, the exquisite craftsmanship and beauty of your creations make them highly sought-after treasures, valued 25% more than typical items.
Feature: Neighborly Love
Your commitment to your work extends beyond the task at hand. No matter the job, you always strive to give more than expected. Upon completing a job or receiving payment, you have the option to donate a small payment to a cause of your choice, paid on your behalf by the employer. This generous spirit has garnered the respect and admiration of your fellow Rakankrak dwarves, who appreciate and recognize your selfless contributions.
Suggested Characteristics
Dwarves from the Rakankrak Clan have long memories and an even longer history. Their desire to reclaim their land, along with wanting to maintain close ties to their neighbors leads to a strange sense of indentifaction. This sometimes means their flaws are rooted in misunderstandings.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Rakankrak Clan - Background

Ruin Tracker
Arcana, History, Investigation, Perception, Religion, Survival

As a relic hunter, you are among Malkari that search for ancestral ruins and relics from your people's history. It is likely you started your journey in the Stein, scouring the ancient desert. History has taught that many of the world's modern problems can be solved by looking into the past, and you have spent your life examining how these civilizations functioned. Being a relic hunter means becoming an unrelenting archeologist and fearless adventurer who isn't afraid to rediscover items and locations thought lost to time.
Skill Proficiences: Your choice of two among Arcana, History, Investigation, Perception, Religion, and Survival
Tool Proficiences: One of your choice
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A map to a ruin or dungeon, a lantern, a shovel, a miner's pick, a personal journal, an ink pen, and a trinket related to an ancient culture
Feature: Ruin Tracker
You are especially adept at investigating crypts, tombs, and other places of historical significance. Relic Hunters can sense the presence of past life near old civilization sites, and can identify specific signatures associated with those who once lived there. When entering such places you are easily able to remember the path you traveled, finding it impossible to get lost.
Suggested Characteristics
Relic hunters are dedicated to their discoveries, putting the find first. Tenacity and determination define many of their personality traits, ideals, and bonds. Those same traits can also turn into flaws, as they can easily be taken too far.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Relic Hunter - Background

Stonesport Celebrity
Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Performance

As a rockjock, your life revolves around the pursuit of physical prowess, fueled by the thrill of intense athletic challenges. Countless hours of dedication have sculpted your body and granted you mastery over various sports, making you a true embodiment of athleticism. In the world of stonesport, competitors from diverse backgrounds showcase their unique skills, and together, you embark on a thrilling spectacle of agility and elemental ability.   While thre are many games in stonesports, it is Rockfall that has taken the world by storm, establishing leagues in major countries. As a rockjock, you are intimately familiar with the sport and have most likely participated in matches.   Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics or Athletics (choose one), Intimidation or Performance (choose one)
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Disguise kit, a trophy of your greatest accomplishment, a costume or uniform representing your sport, an ink pen, and a pouch containing 20 gp
Feature: Stonesport Celebrity
Due to your skills and accomplishments in the arena, you are treated like royalty among the stonesport community. People from all walks of life recognize your name and achievements, and their adoration grants you certain privileges and benefits. As a stonesport celebrity, you may receive perks such as free meals, drinks, or stays at inns, tickets to elite events, or access to exclusive locations where others aren't allowed to go.
Suggested Characteristics
Stonesport originated with ember communities and has expanded far beyond. Where you come from will greatly impact who you are and how you view the world. Within the sports world, competition, personal glory, and skill often form ideals, bonds, and flaws.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Rockjock - Background

Faithful Haven
Animal Handling, Nature, Persuasion, Religion

The elvenari of Belwin who follow the Summertide faith hold deep reverence for the laws and teachings of Sorona, the goddess of wisdom, and her disciple Asir, goddess of life. As taught and prophesied, the creation Groman has been sent to save Dromaria.   As a Summertide devotee, you embrace a nature-focused religion that emphasizes respect for the land and all living beings. Your beliefs include recognizing the sacrifices made by the dragons in ending the Age of Horror, adhering to the Covenant to maintain balance, and remembering the malevolent acts of the evil forces of Ignatius, Ishkul, and the Shades of Soth.
Skill Proficiencies: Religion and one of your choice among Animal Handling, Nature, or Persuasion
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: A holy symbol, a bag of animal treats, a pen, a set of fine clothes, and a pouch containing 20 gp
Feature: Faithful Haven
Your unwavering dedication to the Summertide faith has earned you the respect and trust of its followers. When you seeking respite within a temple or a place of Summertide worship, you are welcomed and provided with everything you need for rest and recuperation. The followers of Summertide ask for nothing in return except a promise to uphold the teachings of Summertide and maintain the delicate balance of the natural world. If you take downtime during this time any costs incurred that are less than 25 gp are covered by the church, and you are spared from complications that might arise.   Suggested Characteristics
Those who have devoted their lives to the Summertide faith follow in the footsteps of gods such as Asir and Groman. Many of their ideals come from a belief in religion and its fundamental bearing on the world. Many of the flaws associated with Summertide reflect the same.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Summertide Devotee - Background

Tattooed Standing
The Touch of Forn
Nature, Religion

As a dwarf of the Undain Clan, you hail from the Crystalcap Mountains in Erindor. Your clan's long history is steeped in the intricate art of stone carving, a tradition that holds a place of reverence within your community. Undain society operates on a caste system where tattoos reflect your standing. At the ages of 25, 100, and 150 you receive tattoos based on your social standing and deeds. The more tattoos you bear, the higher your status.   The Stone Oaths of the Undain and the ancient Calling of Forn are taken earnestly, with many dedicating their lives to the mastery of the craft. Your clan values mentorship, guiding others to excel in this ancestral skill. Though you strive to welcome all and share the rich lineage of the dwarves, past conflicts have complicated this vision. The Undain maintain a strong alliance with the country of Thorn but remain wary of the Tritos Dominion.
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Religion
Tool Proficiencies: Jeweler's Tools, Mason's Tools
Equipment: Jeweler's tools, mason's tools, a set of fine clothes, and a purse containing 20 gold
Special Attribute: The Touch of Forn
The Touch of Forn is a divine boon bestowed upon you due to your clan's deep connection with Forn. This gift enables you to create items of extraordinary quality that resist the tests of time and usage, proving more durable than most. Anything you successfully craft is incredibly resilient, boasting double the hit points of its normal equivilent. Moreover, the exquisite craftsmanship and beauty of your creations make them highly sought-after treasures, valued 25% more than typical items.
Feature: Tattooed Standing
As an Undain dwarf, your social standing is symbolized by the tattoos you bear, and with each caste comes distinct privileges. You also benefit from the advantages of the tiers below you.  
    Thane. If you belong to the upper echelon, you are bestowed with an attendant from a lower caste to aid you in your daily routines. The honor also comes with the responsibility of fostering your attendant's spiritual growth.   Warbrand. As part of the middle caste, you enjoy a degree of diplomatic immunity that affords you some protection from potential repercussions from allied nations' authorities.   Irongguard. Those in the lower caste who venture out as representatives of the Undain clan are entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred during their adventures, provided they can substantiate their claims adequately.

Suggested Characteristics
Dwarves of the Undain Clan find themselves stuck between major world powers, leading them to feel strong bonds about their nation of Erindor. This also means their flaws are often associated with grudges and prickly personalities.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Undain Clan - Background

Not Ready to Go
Arcana, Investigation, Religion, Survival

Every soul blossoms anew in the garden of Polurn. For many, this growth is adorned with countless rebirths, each time a new beginning. However, you stand apart. As a child, you were confronted with a disquieting reality: this life is your last in the cycle of reincarnation. Growing up people treated you with a mix of melancholy and reserve, their interactions tinged with a touch of sadness, their gaze marked by a hesitant distance.   Whether marked by a tiefling's curse or shaped by some other power, you bear the weight of knowing your time on Dromaria is over. This awareness, though burdensome, can bestow upon you a sense of freedom, igniting a drive to savor every drop of life, whether bitter or sweet.   You forge connections with those who carry similar burdens or can peer into fragments of your past lives. Despite the self-doubt and existential dread that occasionally cast shadows on your thoughts, you have come to embrace your destiny. Driven by a determination to infuse each moment with purpose, you strive to make your mark on the annals of time, ensuring that you're remembered long after your story ends.
Skill Proficiencies: Your choice of two from Arcana, Investigation, Religion, or Survival
Languages: Your choice of two, one of which must be Abyssal, Celestial, or Sylvan
Equipment: A small knife, a steel mirror, a winter blanket, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Not Ready to Go
Your will to survive as a Winter Child can defy even the natural cycle of life and death. Once in your character's lifetime, when facing a death saving throw that could end your life, you can draw upon your inner resilience and automatically score a natural 20.
Suggested Characteristics
Learning of your fate at a young age likely shaped parts of your personality in ways that you didn't even realize. The way people have treated you and how you handled those situations could lead to many of your personality traits, ideals, and flaws.   For a full list of suggested characteristics go here: Winter Child

Backgrounds banner art by Kati Drinkwine.

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Rakankrak Clan - Background
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Relic Hunter - Background
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Summertide Devotee - Background
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Undain Clan - Background
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Winter Child
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