Rakankrak Clan - Background

As a Rakankrak dwarf, your heart brims with an exuberant and sociable spirit, echoed by your people's deep connection to the earth. The celebrated miners and crafters of your clan call the kingdom of Rakankrak's Den, nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Bohdan. Blessed with an innate knack for mining and crafting, you have mastered the art of extracting and molding the earth's bounty. This talent has earned your clan a reputation as some of Dromaria's finest artisans. Through showcasing and trading your extraordinary creations, you have forged alliances with neighboring communities.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose one from Glassblower's Tools, Painter's Supplies, or Weaver's Tools
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land)
Languages: Orcish
Equipment: A miner's pick, a set of traveler's clothes, a stone from your homeland, and a pouch containing 20 gp
Feature: Neighborly Love
Your commitment to your work extends beyond the task at hand. No matter the job, you always strive to give more than expected. Upon completing a job or receiving payment, you have the option to donate a small payment to a cause of your choice, paid on your behalf by the employer. This generous spirit has garnered the respect and admiration of your fellow Rakankrak dwarves, who appreciate and recognize your selfless contributions.
Suggested Characteristics
Dwarves from the Rakankrak Clan have long memories and an even longer history. Their desire to reclaim their land, along with wanting to maintain close ties to their neighbors leads to a strange sense of identification. This sometimes means their flaws are rooted in misunderstandings.  
Special Attribute: The Touch of Forn
  The Touch of Forn is a divine boon bestowed upon you because of the Clan's connection with Forn. This gift enables you to create items of extraordinary quality that resist the tests of time and usage, proving more durable than most.   Anything you successfully craft is incredibly resilient, boasting double the hit points of its normal equivilent.   Moreover, the exquisite craftsmanship and beauty of your creations make them highly sought-after treasures, valued 25% more than typical items.

Dwarven art by Nicholas Roerich.
All art on this page is acquired and altered through Public Domain.

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