
Bohdan, cradled by the formidable Orc's Teeth Mountains on Pathriam's far west edge, is a country where mechanical heartbeats echo amidst rugged terrains. The land thrives with the roar of engines intermingling ancient traditions, birthed from a union of orcish fortitude and dwarven artistry.   The Gearhead Expressway, an artery of infrastructure, winds through hills and dales, the foundation of Bohdan's relentless drive. Here, every Ashwagon and Burner is metal made art; they're moving chronicles of individuality amidst a collective resolve.   As rivers carve paths through lush meadows and giants stand vigil upon Jothun'mir, each fold of Bohdan’s terrain holds stories of ambition, a realm where the clang of picks on stone is the melody of progress, where the spirit of Bohdan burgeons amidst adversity, awaiting those with the grit to explore its mechanical heart.  


Bohdan, situated on Pathriam's far west edge, extends into the Sterling Ocean. Its western regions are arid, guarded by the formidable Orc's Teeth, where the highest peak, Jothun'mir, pierces the sky, a silent sentinel to the giants dwelling upon its slopes.   The capital cities, cradled within these rugged mountains, are strongholds of orcish and dwarven governance. Beyond the mountains, hills roll westward towards the dense Ettenwood, while serene rivers meander through green pastures. Northward, the terrain shifts to barren, dry expanses, contrasting the verdant south.   The eastern interior is a cradle of agriculture, with rivers winding through fields and hills. On the shared border with Venden lies the large Cobalt Lake, where a unique water forest grows, its foliage emerging directly from the water's surface, masking the lakebed beneath. This verdant expanse floats atop tranquil depths, marking a quiet frontier that echoes old disputes and shared histories.


The narrative of Bohdan began with the land's initial settlers, the Rakankrak Clan of dwarves. They thrived and established the city of Ugarth, laying the groundwork for civilization in an otherwise unclaimed area.   However, it wasn't long before the Age of Horror enveloped the world in ice, causing the dwarves' newfound land to lose significant territory. This calamity forced the citizens to flee the continent, seeking refuge in Undai, under the protection of the Dragon's Peace. Concurrently, the orcs of Dona's Calling charted a different course; defying the Covenant, they confronted Ishkul's forces head-on, and secured the land for themselves while horrors still thrived elsewhere.   A generation later, in 4,187 DA, the returning Rakankraks encountered a changed reality; the orcs had claimed Ugarth as their own. Though initially met with resistance, a pact was forged between the two groups. Leaders emerged to guide the destiny of Bohdan during this pivotal time. A king and queen were declared the rulers from the dwarven side, while Ooothra Snaggletooth was chosen as the leader from the orcish community. Their collaborative leadership marked a new era and the country was named Bohdan, steering it through a path of reconstruction and adaptation.   Together, amidst the ruins, they established a new home for the dwarves, named Rakankrak's Den. However, this alliance was not universally embraced. A faction of Rakankraks, feeling betrayed, denounced their kin, seeking a new destiny in the north. This internal rift mirrored Bohdan’s broader territorial losses, particularly to the aggressive annexations by the country of Thorn, which had begun to claim any land Bohdan did not currently control. As time passed and new powers rose, the Odelian Order of Thorn formed an alliance with the splinter faction, granting them control over much of the northern Thorn Territory. Since this arrangement with the usurpers of Bohdan's land, the group has been commonly referred to as The Bleeders for their deep entanglement within Thorn.   Around this time, giants from the distant lands of Mortéglace and Ebon found refuge in Bohdan, escaping the harsher climates and political turmoil in their native lands. The giants, although mainly keeping to themselves, became a notable presence in the country, further strengthening the military might and presence in the region.   Bohdan was founded on technological advancements, gaining global recognition with the construction of the Gearhead Expressway, the first significant joint project of the orcs and dwarves. Built between 4,498-4,514 DA, this monumental expressway, initially designed for troop deployment against aggressors, now winds through Bohdan's heart, linking its cities and serving as a lifeline for its denizens. It stands as the oldest road in the world, forever symbolizing a time of unity and collaborative ingenuity.   A protracted standoff with Thorn casts a perpetual shadow, with the silent tension at the borders being a relentless reminder of past disputes that shaped present geographic and political contours. Now, under the steady leadership of King Grammek Rakankrak and Queen Taslinn Rakankrak, alongside Champion Tommaso Chambers, Bohdan navigates its complex political landscape, continuing its unique blend of tradition and innovation as it carves its place on Pathriam.  


Bohdan’s culture is a spectacle of mechanical innovation, largely driven by the symbiotic relationship between its dwarven and orcish inhabitants. The society thrives on the rhythm of gears and the hum of engines, resonating through the vast expanses of rolling hills and mountains.   At the core of Bohdan's cultural identity are its vehicles: Ashwagons and Burners. More than mere modes of transport, they are often the methods to which individuals declare their identity. Crafted to run on the land's plentiful coal reserves, the vehicles roar through the black-stained roads, each bearing a distinct persona reflective of its owner. Their modular construction allows for a myriad of modifications, showcasing the owner’s uniqueness while celebrating the age-old craftsmanship passed down through generations of engineers.   Architectural marvels dot the land, each structure a blend of orcish robustness and dwarven intricacy. Buildings are constructed to accommodate the sizable stature of orcs, yet retain a dwarven touch in the form of meticulously crafted stairs, lifts, and other amenities. The architecture is a visual narrative of unity, a solidification of the pact forged centuries ago between the two dominant groups.   Clothing in Bohdan is practical, designed to endure the coal dust that blankets the land. Predominantly fashioned from durable fabrics like heavy cotton, leather, and denim, in darker shades of black, brown, and grey to mask coal residue. The attire is tailored for function and ease of movement, essential amidst the mechanical culture of Bohdan. Common staples include pants with reinforced knees and pockets, leather aprons with tool loops, and sturdy, steel-toed boots. Headgear such as wide-brimmed hats or caps with built-in eye shields are also prevalent. Despite the utilitarian nature, individuals often adorn their attire with embroidered clan symbols or mechanical motifs, unique buckles, and ornate tool sheaths, subtly imprinting their personality onto the pragmatic ensemble.   In Bohdan, the economy thrives on a career-centric ethos, where every individual plays a part in the nation's machinery. This principle is boldly advertised on billboards lining city streets and the Gearhead Expressway, a sight unique to this region of Dromaria. Alongside career pursuits, food is regarded as a right, not just sustenance. The nation’s dedication to nourishment is seen in the routine deliveries of substantial food quantities across regions. This blend of vocation and basic rights underlines a culture where the clang of hammers forging the future resonates through the land, and the roar of engines reverberate tales of unity, individuality, and an unyielding drive towards tomorrow.  


The union of citizens forms the cornerstone of Bohdan's social and political structure. Over centuries, they've melded traditions and efforts to carve out a resilient, yet bustling nation amidst a landscape of old feuds and new innovation. However, not all factions embraced this alliance; a splinter group of Rakankraks sought allegiance with Thorn, their bitterness evolving into a faction known as The Bleeders, deepening the schism between Bohdan and its ambitious neighbor.   Thorn's aggressive territorial claims and alliance with the Bleeders keeps the historical wounds fresh, making the border a constant theatre of silent but tense standoffs. The unyielding stance of Bohdan against the dominion of the Covenant further isolates it from potential allies, its defiance seen as both admirable and foolhardy in a world swayed by dragon influence.   Amidst these strained relations, Bohdan welcomed giants fleeing from the harsher climates of Mortéglace and Ebon. Though refugees, their presence in Bohdan is a silent emblem of the nation's willingness to offer refuge, albeit with an understanding of mutual respect and distance. They are thought of during food distributions from Devil's Kitchen, a nod to their place in the Bohdan community, albeit a distant one.   The delicate balance of diplomacy continues as Bohdan seeks trade relations with Mortéglace and the Ander Clan who rules the continent, a venture of hope in expanding its economic footprint. Yet, the geopolitical quagmire and the country's unyielding stance against the Covenant's overtures cast doubts over these aspirations, embodying the nation's struggle between its cherished self-reliance and the allure of broader alliances.  


Bohdan's economy hinges on its industrious population. The orcs, with their Dona focused technological prowess, market mechanical equipment, and offer their strength for hire, to keep the country's financial engines humming. Meanwhile, the Rakankraks delve into the ground beneath the mountains, mining precious resources and access to raw materials.   Trade, however, teeters on shaky grounds due to Bohdan's controversial stances and territorial desires, making traditional financial alliances elusive. Often, the nation finds itself engaging with the pirates of Dendenwine to offload its wares. Ambitions to forge a trade alliance with the Ander Clan of dwarves linger, yet recent tumultuous times have stymied such ventures. Bohdan's resistance to the Covenant adds hesitation among potential partners, yet within its borders, the relentless pursuit of self-sufficiency keeps its economic heart beating with a rhythm of gold and gears.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

King Grammek Rakankrak. Known for his diplomatic finesse, King Grammek has been a linchpin in strengthening the alliance with the orcs of Ugarth. His vision of reunification with the Rakankraks in the Thorn Territory drives his diplomatic endeavors, though the memories of ancestral lands often clash with the practical needs of present-day Bohdan. Grammek values the raw intensity and power of the regions vehicles, often seen appreciating the races along the Gearhead Expressway.   Queen Taslinn Rakankrak. Queen Taslinn embodies the spiritual heart of Forn's Calling, her faith is a soothing balm to the old wounds of her people. Unlike her husband, she leans towards tradition, often finding solace in the ancient dwarven customs. Her aspiration goes beyond the terrestrial; she dreams of a spiritual reunification, one where the ancient dwarven spirits bless the lands of Bohdan once more. Taslinn's focus on spiritual and cultural preservation is an ever growing complement to her husband's outward-looking diplomacy.   Champion Tommaso Chambers. Tommaso Chambers stands as an orcish Champion of Forn among the followers of Dona's Calling. He carries the legacy of a sacred relic, recovered during the ancient reclamation of Ugarth. His emergence in the current era as a leader has been marked by societal schisms and external pressures. While he prescribes to pragmatic governance and a shared vision with the dwarven monarchs, his battle knowledge and tactical skill has been instrumental in keeping the country safe through the recent worldwide conflicts.   Giants of Jothun'mir. Fleeing draconic threats, the giants sought sanctuary in Bohdan, aligning with its anti-dragon stance. They've carved a niche within the cold mountainous region of Jothun'mir, where the altitude suits their nature. Their presence, although not central, has added a layer to Bohdan's complex military framework.   The giants have established a tacit agreement with the ruling bodies, receiving sustenance from Devil's Kitchen's food deliveries, and in rare instances, lending their formidable might for the country's security. They've introduced a tradition of competitive athletic events for the neighboring "little people," a challenging yet celebratory event held at high altitudes, which provides an arena for physical prowess and friendly competition between the giants and the communities of Bohdan. Through these interactions, they've slowly become a part of the country's society.   Soraya the Summit Seer. Revered matriarch Soraya holds the distinguished title of Seer, her wisdom drawn from visions amidst the mountain's embrace guiding the giants of Jothun'mir. At her side, a grootslyn named Vunder moves with grace through snow and stone, a loyal companion from the Otherwyld. Their bond nurtures a burgeoning relationship with Bohdan's other denizens, bridging generations of distance and separation. Through Soraya's foresight, the giants honor their pact with Bohdan's rulers, ensuring their community's safety and sustenance amid the rugged peaks.   Vunder. More than a mere companion, Vunder is a proficient hunter, ensuring the giants' larders remain stocked even amidst Jothun’mir's harsh climate. The grootslyn's deep blue fur weaves a shimmer akin to the night sky through the snow. When danger casts a shadow near, the symbiotic unity between Soraya and Vunder emerges in defense of their people. Their legend grew as they ventured beyond traditional giant territories to aid the orcs in the area of Ugarth.   Oris the Golden Counsel. Once revered among dragonkind, Oris now bears the scornful title of Clutch Killer. Manipulated into granting the Prophet Stroud access to Emperor's Peak, the fallout forced Oris to flee with his two whelps, seeking refuge in the unlikely haven of Bohdan, among the citizens of Ugarth. Known for his desire for influence and recognition, Oris diligently works to earn Champion Chambers' trust, aspiring to become an advisor or consultant, and through this new allegiance, he seeks to rebuild a semblance of his lost status.   Throttle Junkies. This motley crew of vagrants, bandits, and thrill-seekers has carved a notorious reputation along the stretch of the Gearhead Expressway near Jothun'mir. Their knowledge of the mountains and a recent alliance with the local giants have made them a formidable and elusive force. The government's attempts to oust them have proven costly and futile, leaving them to rule their stretch of highway, extracting tolls from travelers and maintaining a tight grip on the region with guerrilla tactics and the towering presence of Brother Bones.   Brother Bones. A prince among the giants of Jothun'mir and second-in-command of the Throttle Junkies, Brother Bones is a rebel among his people. His formidable prowess in battle and unparalleled skills on wheels make him a legend on the road. The alliance with the Throttle Junkies not only satisfies his need for speed but also ensures the safety and autonomy of his giant brethren. His presence within the group has created a new relationship, elevating both the giants and the Throttle Junkies in their shared domain.   Boss "Spinning" Wheeler. Once a Rakankrak Clan dwarf, Wheeler's journey to the top ranks of the Throttle Junkies was paved with cunning strategies and ruthless ambition. His knack for mechanics initially earned him a place among the Junkies, but it was his cold, calculating demeanor that propelled him to leadership. With Brother Bones by his side, his position seems unassailable, yet the constant threat from ambitious underlings keeps Wheeler ever-vigilant. His faction of loyalists and his relentless pursuit to stay a step ahead of threats reflect a life amidst the chaos and camaraderie of the open road.  

Current Events

Rakankrak Moot. The dwarven community is buzzing with the news of the upcoming Rakankrak Moot. This gathering aims to mend the rift between feuding factions and is viewed by many as a hopeful step toward reunification. However, skepticism pervades as some fear this could be a scheme to further usurp Bohdan's lands.   Battle for Cobalt Lake. A territorial dispute has arisen with Venden over the resource-rich Cobalt Lake. As negotiations stall, tensions escalate, hinting at a looming confrontation that could alter the region's delicate stability.   Dragon Refugees. In a surprising move, Ugarth has granted asylum to a dragon and its brood fleeing the Emperor's Peak disaster. While accusations of enslavement and mockery echo across the lands, the unusual alliance between dragons and orcs appears to flourish, showcasing an unexpected cohesion amid a world of traditional adversaries.   Throttle Junkies' Dominion. The Gearhead Expressway, a vital conduit between Tumwar and Pike, falls under the lawless reign of the Throttle Junkies. Their control challenges Bohdan's authority, making travels perilous and commerce precarious, as their demands for hefty tolls choke the lifeline of trade and communication.


  • Bohdan
    Bohdan, cradled by the formidable Orc's Teeth Mountains on Pathriam's far west edge, is a country where mechanical heartbeats echo amidst rugged terrains. The land thrives with the roar of engines intermingling ancient traditions, birthed from a union of orcish fortitude and dwarven artistry.   The Gearhead Expressway, an artery of infastructure, winds through hills and dales, the foundation of Bohdan's relentless drive. Here, every Ashwagon and Burner is more than mere metal; they're moving chronicles of individuality amidst a collective resolve.   As rivers carve paths through lush meadows and giants stand vigil upon Jothun'mir, each fold of Bohdan’s terrain holds stories of ambition, a realm where the clang of picks on stone is the melody of progress, where the spirit of Bohdan burgeons amidst adversity, awaiting those with the grit to explore its mechanical heart.  


    Bohdan, situated on Pathriam's far west edge, extends into the Sterling Ocean. Its western regions are arid, guarded by the formidable Orc's Teeth, where the highest peak, Jothun'mir, pierces the sky, a silent sentinel to the giants dwelling upon its slopes.   The capital cities, cradled within these rugged mountains, are strongholds of orcish and dwarven governance. Beyond the mountains, hills roll westward towards the dense Ettenwood, while serene rivers meander through green pastures. Northward, the terrain shifts to barren, dry expanses, contrasting the verdant south.   The eastern interior is a cradle of agriculture, with rivers winding through fields and hills. On the shared border with Venden lies the large Cobalt Lake, where a unique water forest grows, its foliage emerging directly from the water's surface, masking the lakebed beneath. This verdant expanse floats atop tranquil depths, marking a quiet frontier that echoes old disputes and shared histories.
Country of Bohdan

Bohdan Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages   Capitals: Rakankrak's Den, Ugarth   Ohr, Old Mill Town, Oliet, Pike, Tradewinds, Tumwar, Vilberg
Natural Landmarks   Bohdan River, Chamber Bay, Cobalt Lake, Cobalt River, Devil's Kitchen, Ettenwood, Jothun'mir, Nethul's Touch, The Orc's Teeth, Salmon River, The Sorrow Hills, The String, The Tass, Trickle Creek
Points of Interest   Gearhead Expressway

Bohdan Mission Statement
"A land belonging to its proud people, willing to fight and die defending the territory they hold dear."
Bohdan Goals
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Staunchly defend current territories, ensuring no further land is lost to neighboring regions.
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Nurture a collective resilience that bolsters the nation against adversities.
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Reclaim lost territories.

General Governance
  Bohdan operates under a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral legislature. The governing body is a blend of traditional dwarven monarchy and orcish councils, offering a balanced representation from both communities in decision-making processes. The reigning monarchs, King and Queen Rakankrak symbolize the dwarven cultural and spiritual heritage and hold executive power, making key decisions in consultation with the council. Champion Tommaso Chambers leads the Champion's Council representing the interests of the Ugarth community and serving as an advisory body to the monarchy. The legislature comprises two houses – the Upper House or Senate with elders and notable individuals, and the Lower House or Assembly with elected representatives from various regions. The judiciary operates independently, adjudicating based on a blend of traditional dwarven laws and orcish laws. The military is a unified force defending Bohdan's territories and maintaining internal security.
Specific Laws
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Land Ownership.
Land ownership in Bohdan is primarily a hereditary right, but can also be acquired through meritorious service to the nation.
Unlawful land acquisition is punishable by restitution and possible imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.  
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Trade Regulation.
Trade within and outside Bohdan is regulated to ensure fair practices, competitive pricing, and to foster economic growth.
Violators face fines, revocation of trade licenses, and in severe cases, imprisonment.  
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Entry into Bohdan and attainment of citizenship are regulated, with provisions for individuals contributing significantly to the community.
Illegal immigration is punishable by deportation or imprisonment.  
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The coexistence of dragons and Bohdan citizens is allowed, provided the dragon follows Bohdan's governance structure and laws.
Dragons found in violation face lethal force.  
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Taking another's life without justified cause.
Execution or life imprisonment.  
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Stealing property, goods, or services.
Fines, restitution, community service, or imprisonment.

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