Oris the Golden Counsel

Once revered among dragonkind, Oris now bears the scornful title of Clutch Killer. Manipulated into granting the Prophet Stroud access to Emperor's Peak, the fallout forced Oris to flee with his two whelps, seeking refuge in the unlikely haven of Bohdan, among the citizens of Ugarth. Known for his desire for influence and recognition, Oris diligently works to earn Champion Chambers' trust, aspiring to become an advisor or consultant, and through this new allegiance, he seeks to rebuild a semblance of his lost status.

Roleplaying Oris the Golden Counsel

Personality Trait. "I will say whatever I need to in order to protect my interest."
Ideal. "Adaptability. One must be prepared to make hard choices."
Bond. "I am grateful for the trust of Bohdan, but I am only loyal to myself and my offspring."
Flaw. "Due to my involvement in a terrible act, I have developed an intense fear of being relentlessly hunted."

Scale Color
Speckeld amber
Three long spines, evenly spaced down back

Emperor's Peak
Current Residence

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