Rakankrak Clan

Masters of earth and iron, the Rakankrak dwarves carved out their existence with unyielding hands and indomitable spirits. Originating as Bohdan's initial settlers, they founded Ugarth and laid the foundations of their thriving civilization in Rakankrak's Den. Famed for their skills as miners and artisans, they honed their Calling amidst the broken remains of the Orc's Teeth Mountains.   Surviving the Age of Horror, a time when ice gripped the world and forced their flight across the sea to Undai, the Rakankraks' eventual return to Bohdan marked a pivotal turn. They reclaimed their ancestral lands, only to find them transformed by the orcs who had settled in their absence. From this an alliance was forged, blending orcish fortitude with dwarven craftsmanship. As the years progressed the bond was epitomized in the creation of the Gearhead Expressway. Bohdan’s lifeblood, the Expressway, is a creation born from combined ingenuity. To the people of Bohdan it is more than a road; it’s a symbol of time-honored techniques blended with the evolving desire of modern craftsmanship.   The Rakankraks' commitment to their craft and their land is the cornerstone of their identity. Governed by a monarchy that values both tradition and progression, the clan continues to forge a path that seeks to respect the past while embracing the future.


The Rakankrak Clan’s ethos is built on unity. In co-leading the country of Bohdan, they demonstrate the power of collective governance, setting a model for all clan members. Being a Rakankrak transcends blood ties; it's an embrace of shared values and a commitment to familial bonds that extend throughout the community.   Beyond preserving their own heritage, the Clan is dedicated to reuniting all dwarven nations under the teachings of Forn. This mission stems from their concern about the gradual fading of Forn's wisdom, not just among other clans but within certain elements of their own. Driven by this apprehension, they actively work to nurture solidarity among dwarves everywhere, hoping to reignite a collective adherence to ancient traditions.   In the political arena, Cadmus and Venden, long ago parts of the Rakankrak domain, now function autonomously, yet under Thorn's overshadowing influence. This situation, enforced by Thorn's military and the Odelian Order, presents a complex challenge. Despite the visible troop buildup along their borders, the Rakankraks remain committed to diplomatic engagement. Their approach seeks to resolve tensions peacefully, standing in contrast to the fortified postures of their neighbors.

Allies & Enemies

The Rakankrak Clan, integral to Bohdan’s identity, navigates a complicated web of alliances and rivalries shaped by history and current geopolitical realities. The other Clans of Forn are vital allies to the Rakankraks. While interactions may be rare with the distant Anders, the matron clans will forever be allies.   Bohdan, distinct on Pathriam for its independence from the Covenant, attracts fewer dragons, marking it as an outlier and, to some, a potential threat. While the Rakankraks do not hold any particular animosity toward dragonkind, the Clan's desire for independence and the dragon's disdain of mechanical innovation has led to a lasting contempt between the groups.   Champion Tommaso Chambers, leader of Ugarth, Bohdan's co-capital, works as a staunch ally of the Rakankrak Clan. The intertwined lives of the orcs and dwarves within Bohdan have fostered cooperation, with the Rakankraks providing essential resources that fuel the orcs' inventive spirit and mechanical prowess.   Recently, a notable pact with the giants of Jothun'mir, known for their independence, has been signed. This agreement, centered around food provisions, ensures the giants' support in bolstering Bohdan's border defenses when necessary.   Externally, the Rakankrak Clan views the neighboring territories of Venden, Cadmus, and the Thorn Territory as lands unjustly taken from them. Though there’s been no recent open hostility, the sense of loss and desire for reclaiming these areas persist within the clan.   The Thorn Territory houses the Bleeders, a splinter group originating from the Rakankrak Clan. This faction, having rejected the orc-dwarf alliance after the Age of Horror, now acts as Thorn's primary military force in the region. Initially a derogatory term, "Bleeders" has been adopted by this group as a badge of honor, symbolizing their commitment to their cause and their relentless pursuit to restore their lost stature. While the Rakankrak Clan as a whole harbors resentment towards the territories governed by Thorn, the general populace of Bohdan doesn’t share this animosity to the same extent.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Rakankrak Clan, you may find more information here:  
Rakankrak Moot
  The Rakankrak Moot, taking place at the border between Bohdan and the Thorn Territory, is an unprecedented event organized by the both sides of the divided Rakankrak Clan. Amidst a backdrop of long standing division, this gathering aims to provide a sense of reconciliation, and a chance for many Bleeders to see their homeland for the first time.   Both factions approach the moot with a mix of caution and optimism. The primary aim is to facilitate a reunion of families and kin, separated by years of discord. This gathering is not about political negotiations but about connecting through shared stories and experiences, bridging generational gaps.   The moot will allow dwarves from both sides to exchange stories of their heritage, deepening their understanding of each other's journeys. It's an opportunity to look beyond the rifts and envision a future where these once-divided groups can coexist harmoniously.   Ideally the leaders from both factions will use this time to engage in dialogue, exploring the potential for a more unified relationship. While the road to reconciliation is difficult, the moot symbolizes a hopeful step towards healing, driven by the shared history and culture that binds all dwarves of Forn.

Gearhead Expressway Near Rakankrak's Den Temp Image

Final turn before Rakankrak's Den.

Dwarven Ashwagons
  Ashwagon are embodiments of personal identity, designed with practicality in mind and the dwarves have long embraced the coal spewing vehicles.   Dwarven variations typically feature smaller reinforced frames, meant to withstand the rigors of rugged terrain, with additional storage for equipment and resources. Their modular nature allows for rapid customization, a particularly valued feature among dwarves who travel from site to site. Most are equipped with Skimmer Plates for navigating the more difficult areas off road. On the Gearhead Expressway a dwarves' ashwagon is a rolling representations of the Rakankrak Clan's unification with their homeland.

Major Players

King Grammek Rakankrak

Chaotic Good, Male Dwarf
  Known for his diplomatic finesse, King Grammek has been a linchpin in strengthening the alliance with the orcs of Ugarth. His vision of reunification with the Rakankraks in the Thorn Territory drives his diplomatic endeavors, though the memories of ancestral lands often clash with the practical needs of present-day Bohdan. Grammek values the raw intensity and power of the regions vehicles, often seen appreciating the races along the Gearhead Expressway.

Queen Taslinn Rakankrak

Lawful Neutral, Female Dwarf
  Queen Taslinn embodies the spiritual heart of Forn's Calling, her faith is a soothing balm to the old wounds of her people. Unlike her husband, she leans towards tradition, often finding solace in the ancient dwarven customs. Her aspiration goes beyond the terrestrial; she dreams of a spiritual reunification, one where the ancient dwarven spirits bless the lands of Bohdan once more. Taslinn's focus on spiritual and cultural preservation is an ever growing complement to her husband's outward-looking diplomacy.

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