Ander Clan

In the icy reaches of Mortéglace, the Ander dwarves are known for their martial prowess and fierce independence. Preferring isolation, they live apart from others, under the protective leadership of King Ander of Ander Hall. The current King Ander is a man of kindness and with a steel courage, renowned for his integrity.   The Anders strive to create a world where freedom and safety are everything, following the teachings of Forn. Their goal is to build a secure home that will inspire other dwarves to join them, uniting under shared values. Despite their approachable nature, their isolated and hazardous environment makes connection challenging.   As the first to settle in Mortéglace and establish their distinct way of life, the Ander Clan broke away from the Covenant with the dragons. Their decision marked a significant shift, influencing subsequent clans, especially the Rakankrak.


The core of the clan centers on establishing a haven in Mortéglace where the Stone Oaths may remain intact. Their dedication and interpretation of Forn's principles drives them to create an environment where freedom is a lived reality.   The Anders envision their homeland as a beacon, attracting other dwarves who seek a life unbound by external rule. Their efforts focus on maintaining a robust community, resilient against the harshness of their surroundings and external threats. The clan's commitment to these goals shapes their strategies, governance, and interactions with others.

Allies & Enemies

The other Clans of Forn are vital allies to the Ander Clan. Due to distance interactions may be rare, but the matron clans will forever be allies.   Citizens of Mortéglace. The scattered towns and villages across Mortéglace, particularly along the coasts, have come under the informal protection of the Ander Clan. Over time, these communities have established trade agreements and mutual defense pacts with the dwarves. Traders, who facilitate the exchange of goods to and from Ander Hall, are especially regarded as a protected class, vital for the sustenance and prosperity of the region.   The Astrologer and The Professor. These twin dragons serve as protected informants for the Ander Clan and are pivotal in the intelligence network of Mortéglace. Given aliases by the crown, their ability to subtly change their scales, shifting from hues of bronze to brass and copper, allows them to maintain disguise, a necessary precaution given their status as enemies of many lawless dragons and their position outside the Covenant. Their work involves gathering and sharing critical information, alerting locals and the Ander Clan to potential dangers. Regularly reporting to Ander Hall, they are integral to the realm's security and are generously compensated in return.   Their role as informants has not come without risks. Recently, they have drawn the ire of Kaida, the Flaunting Fang, a blue dragon who rules a domain in the northeast near Ceristas. Kaida has placed a substantial bounty on them, and in response, they have not been seen in recent months.   Warped Mammoth Crush. This gathering of fire giants, distorted by monstrous mutations, poses a significant threat to the Ander Clan. They worship the nightmarish Maegoloth the Apex, a creature of immense power and malice, and their devotion has only intensified with its recent release from the Ley Prison beneath Ander Hall.   Maegoloth the Apex. Known to the dwarves as Guth-Nas Bloodbane, Maegoloth is what remains of the giant commander Aegoloth. Granted power by the god Ishkul, Maegoloth is a terrifying blend of wurm, giant, and owl. His mission to claim Mortéglace for the giants and Ishkul poses a direct risk to the Ander Clan's sovereignty and safety.   Dragons of the Covenant. While the Ander Clan has a tenuous relationship with these dragons, the presence of so many lawless dragons in Mortéglace adds to the region's unpredictability and danger, making the role of information and defense even more vital. Most dragons avoid the area unless actively seeking to avoid the eyes of Emperor's Peak.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Ander Clan, you may find more information here:  
Exiles of Ander Hall
  Embracing the Ander Clan's creed of unity, Ander Hall offers sanctuary to all dwarves. It has become a refuge for those exiled or displaced from their homes, where they are welcomed as family. Newcomers often adopt new surnames, with 'Ander' and 'Penny' being popular choices, symbolizing their commitment to rejoining the whole of Forn. This open-door policy has led to a mixed reputation outside Mortéglace. Some view the city as a haven for those evading justice, whether their reasons are justified or not.

Temp Image of an Ander Hall

Inner Chamber of Ander Hall

Famous Ander Architecture
  Ander Hall is the pinnacle of dwarven architecture, unparalleled in scope and scale on Dromaria. Built within the Ander Mountains, its vast inner structures are a marvel of engineering. The precision and magnitude of the excavation defy belief, enhanced by the clan's prowess.   The dwarves' architectural influence extends across Mortéglace. Their style is marked by robustness and functionality, combined with an aesthetic that blends with the icy environment. As a result, most structures on the continent mirror Ander Hall's majestic yet practical design, often built from durable materials like granite and frost-resistant basalt. This architectural approach has not only given stability to settlements but also created a distinctive visual identity that harmonizes with the unforgiving frozen landscape.

Major Players

The cold northern regions do not have as many politicians or celebrities as other places on Dromaria, but they do create formidable warriors and stalwart kings.

King Ander

Lawful Good, Male Dwarf
  The current ruler of Ander Hall continues the Ander Clan's longstanding tradition where each king adopts the name 'King Ander' upon ascending the throne. This practice is intended to symbolize the unified identity of the clan, transcending individual personalities to embody the collective legacy of leadership. The current King is known for his remarkable contributions both in and out of combat, and is renowned as the kindest and most generous leader in the clan's history. His presence shines as a beacon of light and hope in the cold, dark lands of Mortéglace.   Encounters with King Ander are memorable, leaving lasting impressions on those fortunate enough to meet him. His reputation for fairness and strength extends beyond the borders of his kingdom, making him both a beloved leader and a formidable opponent to any threats against his people.   In his role, King Ander upholds the history and teachings of the Ander Clan and Forn. His approach to leadership is that of a champion and protector, rather than an authoritarian figure. He is dedicated to maintaining a stable and secure homeland, aspiring to create a haven that will encourage other dwarves to return and reunite under the banner of Forn.

Daisy Pennyday

Chaotic Neutral, Female Dwarf
  Daisy Pennyday, inheritor of Rosali Pennydale's legacy—the Chosen of Bako and originator of Fornada martial art—carries forward her ancestor's traditions. Embracing the combination of the Stone Oaths and Bakodo, Daisy has mastered Fornada, a martial art that adapts to the number of allies in combat, promoting unity and strength in numbers.   Her journey of discovery led her to the Esh Republic, where she unearthed ancient scrolls detailing Fornada and Rosali's heroic exploits during the Age of Horror. Traveling across clan territories, Daisy sought like-minded warriors to share in the restoration of the lost Calling. Her path eventually brought her to Ander Hall, where she found her home.   For the past 300 years, Daisy has revived and expanded Fornada, making it more prominent than ever. Known as one of the fiercest champions of the northern lands, she frequently ventures into the wilds with her students, honing their skills in practical, real-world scenarios. Daisy Pennyday is not just a teacher or warrior; she's a living embodiment of her lineage's courage and prowess.

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