The Esh Republic

The Esh Republic is a vast expanse where arid deserts transition into extensive coastlines, reflecting an environment as difficult as its system of governance. Unlike a hereditary monarchy, the Republic is steered by an elected Emperor, combining democratic ideals with the overarching authority of a draconic presence. While the formidable brass dragon, Sandlord Ryodo, holds overarching dominion, the elected Emperor is responsible for day-to-day administration.   Home to the enduring Malkari, the Esh Republic stands as a model of self-sufficiency and resilience. These four-armed residents have built thriving communities and are frequently sought as mercenaries or guides for their knowledge of the desert and combat prowess.  


In terms of sheer landmass, the Esh Republic ranks as one of the most expansive nations on Dromaria, albeit with one of the leanest populations. Dominating its geography is the vast desert known as the Hush, a land teeming with sand-dwelling creatures that pose a constant threat to its inhabitants. Yet, despite its arid core, the Republic is not isolated; it shares its southern boundary with the Drakefire Ocean and its northern edge with the Sterling Ocean.   The Republic is also not without waterways. A handful of rivers punctuate its western fringes, serving as lifeblood for the scattered communities that have settled there. Its coastline hosts a few bustling port cities, crucial for trade and diplomatic relationships. These geographical features contribute to the Republic's complex ecology, providing a home for its mainly Malkari population, who have adapted over generations to this rugged and unforgiving landscape.


The land that is now the Esh Republic has a history steeped in both adversity and independence. Initially an uninhabited stretch of desert, the region came to prominence following the Age of Horror, which devastated the continent of Pathriam. Seeking refuge and a new home, the Malkari took up the Dragon's Peace and migrated to the continent of Erimata. Over the ensuing centuries, a system of governance emerged, culminating in the founding of the city of Corsenth, which became the capital.   The governance system was democratic in nature, leading to the election of an Emperor, initially Emperor Tath. For many years, the dragons, who also called this land home, remained largely indifferent to mortal rule. This changed in 5,088 DA when a brass dragon named Ryodo claimed the territory. Now known as Sandlord Ryodo, the dragon imposed a new layer of rule, but one that aligned closely with the Republic's existing focus on territorial integrity.   The Republic was not spared the devastation of the Demon War, which saw the infiltration of its capital, Corsenth, and the near loss of the city of Kairn. Since then, Emperor Kilrun Hubris has worked diligently to restore stability and reassert control.  


In the Esh Republic, the culture revolves around the teachings of Bako, Bakodo, and the eight disciplines. A substantial part of the population dedicates themselves to achieving martial and spiritual excellence, upholding values like discipline, survival, and community. The brutal desert landscape has shaped the Malkari into formidable warriors, with martial arts deeply ingrained in their daily lives. Ceremonial practices often focus on the Callings of the Malkari gods of Bako and Daruun, and the sea goddess Narwel receives special reverence in rituals designed to call forth rain and respite from the intense heat.   Community is a cornerstone of Malkari life, and they often live in tight-knit groups known as Kinderdales. These communities prioritize mutual aid and collective well-being. In governance, the Emperor serves as a reflection of this collective ethos, acting as a liaison between Sandlord Ryodo's draconic authority and the needs of the Republic's people. This balance has been key in preserving the identity of the Esh Republic, even as it navigates its relationship with draconic rule.  


While often dismissed by distant nations as a barren wasteland, those who understand its true value actively seek trade and diplomatic ties. Neighboring countries, especially those with port cities, find themselves deeply involved in trade relations, capitalizing on the Republic's specific resources and skilled mercenaries.   However, the Republic's internal challenges, chiefly the need to appease and manage Sandlord Ryodo, add an additional layer of complexity to these interactions. The Emperor's focus on keeping the dragon at bay often limits broader diplomatic outreach, leaving communities to largely fend for themselves. Despite these internal preoccupations, the Esh Republic continues to be a significant player in regional politics, its potential as an ally or adversary recognized by those who venture beyond surface impressions.  


In the Esh Republic, the economy functions differently than in many other regions due to its unique geography and the looming presence of Sandlord Ryodo. While the nation operates on a Sithir gold-based currency, most of its citizens prefer bartering and mutual aid, particularly in smaller, close-knit communities that are adept at subsisting off the land.   Coastal cities along the adjacent oceans break from this inward-focused economy by attracting maritime trade, offering a modest yet important influx of foreign goods and currency. These coastal hubs act as the economic backbone of the Esh Republic, broadening resource availability and serving as key conduits for international trade. Meanwhile, overland trade routes to the capital city of Corsenth and the town of Annesville bring goods from neighboring Yen Su Ma and Undai, diversifying the market and bolstering economic stability. These connections help maintain economic equilibrium and openness, even amidst the Republic's general self-sufficiency and the scrutinizing gaze of the Sandlord.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

Sandlord Ryodo. An ancient brass dragon and sovereign of the sands, the Sandlord exerts an ironclad grip over the Esh Republic. He claims the land, viewing it as an extension of his very being, a living part of his hoard. To the Sandlord, the residents of the Esh Republic are not mere subjects but envoys, caretakers of his expansive collection. He demands their fealty and service in maintaining the integrity of his nation. Ryodo's philosophy revolves around dragon supremacy, and he insists that any dragon entering his territory swear allegiance to him. This draconic influence makes territorial integrity and border security non-negotiable aspects of governance, forcing the Emperor of the Republic into a perpetual dance of diplomacy.   Emperor Kilrun Hubris. Kilrun Hubris, the youngest Emperor in modern Esh history, brings both charisma and an earnest sense of responsibility to his role. Trained in the martial arts of the Calling, specifically the art of nunchaku, at the famed Den Monastery, Kilrun was elected Emperor by an overwhelming majority. His primary mandate is to act as a buffer between the draconic will of Sandlord Ryodo and the needs of his people, a task that often requires significant sacrifices, both financial and personal. Kilrun has invested heavily in mercenary forces to fortify the borders and has made extensive diplomatic overtures to keep Ryodo appeased. His upbringing in a religious and martial setting equips him with a skill set designed to navigate the sociopolitical landscape of the Esh Republic.   Krassius Pathagon. Krassius embodies the martial and spiritual aspirations of many Malkari. Trained in various martial disciplines and devoted to the god Bako from a young age, Krassius quickly ascended the ranks after her teacher left to serve the Eight. Her prowess caught the attention of Emperor Hubris, leading to her current role as his bodyguard and closest advisor. Krassius wields significant influence; she is authorized to speak on the Emperor's behalf, making her one of the most powerful individuals in the region. Though rumors swirl about the nature of her relationship with Kilrun, her dedication to her duties is unquestionable. She may not seek the spotlight, but her deeds have made her a symbol of pride and respect among the Malkari.  

Current Events

Piracy Crisis. Piracy has surged along the east coast of Erimata, affecting trade and maritime safety. In response, the Esh Republic has joined forces with Yen Su Ma and Liyish to create an armada. The urgency of the piracy threat has compelled the nations to collaborate, even as skirmishes approach dangerously close to Erimata's shores.   The Sandlord's Vigilance. Following the attack on Don Shou by the Prophet Stroud, Sandlord Ryodo has intensified patrols along the Republic's borders. This increased draconic presence has led to inadvertent destruction and has rendered the Esh Republic's borders nearly impassable. The situation is causing considerable strain on the Emperor, who is seeking solutions.   Search for Stability. Emperor Kilrun Hubris is in a state of high alert, seeking ways to calm the Sandlord so that trade can resume and aid can be dispatched to Don Shou. With his closest advisor, @Krass, absent, the Emperor is consulting experts across Dromaria to find a solution.   Annesville's Underbelly. The city of Annesville is prospering financially, but not without a cost. Crime syndicates have taken root, turning the area into a hotbed of vice and lawlessness. While business thrives, the city's moral fabric is deteriorating at an alarming rate.   Generational Divide. A new generation of Bako worshipers at the Den Monastery are challenging ancient traditions. Advocating for a more individualistic approach to the Calling through Bakodo, they have caused tension with the more conservative Malkari elders. This ideological clash is leading to stricter regulations and heightened disciplinary actions within the monastery.   The Scorpion Surge. A notable increase in both the size and number of scorpions emanating from the Hush has alarmed local communities. The phenomenon appears to be escalating with time, raising questions and concerns about what might be driving the unusual activity.   Rebuilding of Kairn. The coastal city of Kairn suffered extensive damage in the Demon War, particularly in its dock district and adjacent areas. A concerted effort has been made to rebuild, drawing on resources from within the Esh Republic and aid from foreign nations. Although most of the construction is now complete, the city is only beginning to re-establish its trade routes and fully regain its economic footing.


  • The Esh Republic
    The Esh Republic is a vast expanse where arid deserts transition into extensive coastlines, reflecting an environment as multifaceted as its system of governance. Unlike a hereditary monarchy, the Republic is steered by an elected Emperor, combining democratic ideals with the overarching authority of a draconic presence. While the formidable brass dragon, Sandlord Ryodo, holds overarching dominion, the elected Emperor is responsible for day-to-day administration.   Home to the enduring Malkari, the Esh Republic stands as a model of self-sufficiency and resilience. These four-armed residents have built thriving communities and are frequently sought as mercenaries or guides for their knowledge of the desert and combat prowess.  


    In terms of sheer landmass, the Esh Republic ranks as one of the most expansive nations on Dromaria, albeit with one of the leanest populations. Dominating its geography is the vast desert known as the Hush, a land teeming with sand-dwelling creatures that pose a constant threat to its inhabitants. Yet, despite its arid core, the Republic is not isolated; it shares its southern boundary with the Drakefire Ocean and its northern edge with the Sterling Ocean.   The Republic is also not without waterways. A handful of rivers punctuate its western fringes, serving as lifeblood for the scattered communities that have settled there. Its coastline hosts a few bustling port cities, crucial for trade and diplomatic relationships. These geographical features contribute to the Republic's complex ecology, providing a home for its mainly Malkari population, who have adapted over generations to this rugged and unforgiving landscape.
Esh Republic

The Esh Republic Base Map Image

Location   Continent of Erimata
Cities, Towns, & Villages   Capital: Corsenth   Annesville, Barraray, Kairn, Quay, Rune, Taris
Natural Landmarks   The Drift, The Fin, The Hush, Jadeen's River, The Ysonith River
Points of Interest   Den Monastery, The Eight
Mission Statement   "Guard the frontiers with unwavering resolve while pleasing Sandlord Ryodo."   Goals
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Appease Sandlord Ryodo to ensure the territorial integrity of the Esh Republic.  
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Uphold complete jurisdiction over the Esh Republic, maintaining its independence and cultural identity.

General Governance
  Laws in the Esh Republic are largely governed by two core principles: adherence to the The Covenant and the upholding of the Dragon's Peace, to which all citizens swear allegiance. The cities, particularly the capital Corsenth, maintain a set of laws primarily focused on these doctrines. While Sandlord Ryodo is largely indifferent to the everyday misdemeanors of mortals, his draconic justice is swift and merciless when he personally encounters offenses, especially those that breach territorial integrity.   In the Republic's legal system, exile is the most common punishment for crimes, as it aligns with the draconic philosophy of maintaining peace and order through territorial control. The one exception to this rule is crimes against dragons, which are met with the penalty of death.

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