Yen Su Ma

In the heart of Erimata lies Yen Su Ma, a land where the boundaries between dragons and mortals blur. Rolling green plains and fertile farmlands stretch as far as the eye can see, nourished by rivers that flow from distant mountain ranges. Here, dragonborn and various nomadic tribes live under the watchful eyes of ancient wyrms, forming a society unlike any other on the continent.   Yet beneath its pastoral beauty, Yen Su Ma is a realm of intricate political and social dynamics. It's a place where the Monarchy's influence is keenly felt in the lives of its citizens, and where the Thundering Flight holds a veiled but pervasive authority. Whether drawn by the allure of draconic tribunals or the winding road of Snake Way, adventurers will find Yen Su Ma to be both a sanctuary and a crucible, challenging and shaping those who venture into its prairies.  


Yen Su Ma is a geographical keystone of Erimata, situated at the continent's heart where rivers converge from three distinct mountain ranges. The Duso Mountains to the south, Emperor's Peak in the north, and the Embercaps on the eastern frontier channel their waters through the land, nurturing expanses of verdant plains and fertile farmlands. Amid these rolling fields, pockets of forests stand in contrast, their canopies a haven for diverse wildlife. The pines of the mountainous regions give way to deciduous groves in the flatter lands.   Snake Way is a major road that traverses the country, acting as the main channel for the distribution of food and other essentials. This winding route, named for its snakelike meandering through the landscape, has become more than just a road. It symbolizes the unity and interconnectedness of Yen Su Ma's place in the whole of Erimata.   With the Gyre Ocean kissing its western boundaries and the Sterling Ocean to the east, Yen Su Ma serves as a natural conduit between waters and lands. Scattered across the landscape are occasional lakes and plateaus, the latter often serving as the elevated courts where dragons hold their tribunals. Its borders are shared with Don Shou and Liyish to the north, and the Esh Republic and Undai to the south, placing Yen Su Ma in a central role both geographically and geopolitically.   Yen Su Ma enjoys a climate remarkably free from extreme weather conditions, a phenomenon attributed to its geographical layout and the influence of its dragon inhabitants. The eastern mountain ranges act as a natural barrier against harsh winds, while the dragons, deeply attuned to the land, actively maintain an environment conducive to farming. While weather changes do occur, they tend to be mild, resulting in a climate that remains comfortably cool and ideal for agriculture year-round.


Long before the age of the Covenant, Yen Su Ma served as exclusive farmland for the dragons themselves. The land was filled with formidable creatures, some of which are believed to still lurk in hidden depths or nearby waters. When the Dragon's Peace allowed mortals to enter, the initial wave was confined to Undai. Over time, these settlers began aiding in farming operations, and the influence of dragonborn in political matters took root as mortals spread throughout Yen Su Ma.   When dragons were first tasked with governing Yen Su Ma, they were openly resistant to the notion. To address this, dragonborn were appointed to manage daily administrative tasks, forming a governing body now known as the Monarchy. While ultimate authority still lay with a specific group of dragons known as the Thundering Flight, the Monarchy's roles were initially named in mockery of the royal titles in Innex. Although these titles may seem frivolous to dragons, they have evolved into a unique ranking system among the dragonborn.   The prevailing social ethos leans towards self-reliance and individual responsibility, rather than reliance on centralized aid. Dragons are present mainly to collect tributes and enforce rule, while the Monarchy supervises these draconian activities.   The political landscape has been unstable since the attack on Emperor's Peak, particularly affecting Undai where the population is most concentrated. The ruling parties of Yen Su Ma are intensely focused on these issues, with discussions ongoing to potentially place the Sovereign Sage in charge of Undai to restore stability.  


In Yen Su Ma, a sense of communal identity thrives within insular pockets scattered across the rolling plains and fertile farmlands. While the people might appear aloof to outsiders, their close-knit communities are built on mutual respect and a shared reverence for the dragons that rule the land. Permanent settlements, often the backbone of the region's agricultural output, are rare but cherished. These farming communities become hubs of artisanal crafts and the preservation of local folklore, contributing significantly to the nation's food supply.   Nomadic tribes, such as orc and kobold clans, traverse the expansive terrains, their movements dictated by seasonal shifts and the guidance of ancient traditions. Among these wanderers, the halfling caravan known as The Pride holds a special place, celebrated for their storytelling and tinkering skills.   The culture here is steeped in a complicated relationship with freedom. With dragonborn acting as intermediaries between the draconic rulers and the populace, the people have a unique blend of autonomy and scrutiny. This duality is reflected in local arts, myths, and even day-to-day interactions, creating a culture that is at once wary and fiercely independent.  


Within Erimata, Yen Su Ma serves as a critical hub for both sustenance and governance. The country is often regarded as the breadbasket of the continent, supplying an abundance of agricultural produce to neighboring regions. Its strategic location makes it the central ground where much of the rule and governance occur, particularly under the watchful eyes of the Thundering Flight. This has fostered a sense of communal responsibility and pride among the people of Yen Su Ma, knowing that their land is instrumental in upholding the Covenant.   For those living within the dragonlands, Yen Su Ma is seen as an essential part of the continent's stability and governance. While other regions may house the spiritual or administrative centers of dragonkind, Yen Su Ma is where the heart of daily governance beats, making it indispensable in the eyes of its citizens and its draconic overseers.  


While the heart of Yen Su Ma's economy revolves around the exchange of food and resources in adherence to the Covenant, the country still maintains a Sithir-based economy for dealings beyond its borders and for internal transactions not covered by the mutual support system. Travelers and merchants traversing Yen Su Ma usually deal in gold, especially when trading in goods that are not locally produced.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

The Thundering Flight. Tasked with upholding the Covenant across the lands of Erimata, this trio of dragons is revered wherever they go. The Thundering Flight aims to ensure that all dragons are willing to comply with the treaty, thereby fostering freedom and peace. Despite their esteemed status, they are frequently targeted by rogue dragons resistant to the Covenant, necessitating their continual presence in the protected territories of Don Shou and Yen Su Ma.   Xi'. An ancient silver dragon, Xi brings a balanced and patient approach to governance. Known for her even-tempered nature and unending patience, she gained a depth of wisdom through adversity, having been captured and tortured by agents of Senex Malus, resulting in the loss of her sight. Xi' radiates power, a presence that demands respect without needing to ask. Her longstanding reign within the Flight is unprecedented.   Tox'lutori. A 298-year-old green dragon, Tox'lutori is known for their bookish nature and neutrality, Tox is deeply versed in every nuance of the Covenant and works tirelessly to maintain its purity. In their mortal guise, she often becomes a mysterious human figure seen on Snake Way. Tox has become a local legend, appearing to offer aid to travelers when most needed.   Yakui. A blue dragon aged 131 years, Yakui is the contrarian of the Thundering Flight. Often pushing the boundaries of the Covenant to favor dragons, Yakui hails from off-continent regions where dragons live in a more lawless manner. This unique background fuels Yakui's perspective on the Covenant and the governance of Erimata.   The Monarchy. Originally formed as a mockery of mortal governance, the Monarchy has evolved into a council of significant import, overseeing mortal affairs in Yen Su Ma and Don Shou and governing the well-being of Erimata as a whole. Although the titles were initially meaningless to the dragons, they have since taken on real hierarchical significance among the dragonborn. The titles, in ascending order, are: Dapifer, Groom of the Stool, Cup-bearer, Herald, Doorward, Earl, Secretary, Retainer, Gentlemen Usher, Steward, Page, Knave, and Jester. The Jester has the final say in all matters that the dragons don't overrule. When a member can no longer serve, a new one is inducted at the lowest rank, and everyone else moves up. The Jester holds the final say in all matters not overruled by the dragons.   Kava Zafera. Holding the Knave title, Kava has been an influential part of the Monarchy for three decades. Highly intelligent and ambitious, they advocate for a more assertive dragonborn presence, although their plans are often tempered by the Jester's more cautious approach. Kava has recently been pushing for a military campaign against Undai, aiming to prove the dragonborn's strength at a time when the dragons are perceived to be vulnerable.   Vuzzunu. The Cup-bearer in the hierarchy, Vuzzunu is a green dragonborn and a surreptitious follower of the Rodgort cult. They covertly support Kava's endeavors, relishing the potential chaos that could result from their ambitious schemes. Vuzzunu is a master manipulator, skillfully pulling strings behind the scenes to further Kava's aims while maintaining a facade of loyalty to the Monarchy.   The Pride. This large group of nomadic halflings follows the teachings of Temilian. Initially united by the goal of finding the god to walk beside him forever, the Pride has over time forgotten the specifics of their quest. However, the essence of their journey has become the true objective: to live freely, cherish the road, and value the bonds of community. The Pride's presence is always welcome in Yen Su Ma's towns, although hosting them can strain local resources due to their large numbers.   Gampy Roan. As the elder of The Pride, Gampy Roan serves as the group's de facto political figure. Always striving for the Pride's acceptance and inclusion wherever they go, Gampy is the go-to person for any important questions or dilemmas. He has a not-so-secret love for dragon races and often guides The Pride in the direction of these events. Unknown to most of the group, Gampy has occasionally gambled away some of The Pride's resources on these races, keeping this financial misstep under wraps.  

Current Events

Vanishing Pride. Since the onset of the new age marked by the eclipse, the nomadic group of halflings known as The Pride, has vanished without a trace. Communities across Yen Su Ma are growing increasingly concerned, hiring adventurers and launching search parties to uncover their whereabouts.   Political Maneuvering in Undai. Amid escalating political tensions, the Thundering Flight maintains vigilant oversight of the nation of Undai. Concurrently, two influential members of the Monarchy, Kava and Vuzzunu, are discreetly amassing a military force within Undai's borders. Their aim is to regain control of the region, thereby reestablishing the dominance of both dragons and dragonborn during these unstable times.   Mysterious Activity at Dromadaes' Temple. Interest in the Temple of Power has skyrocketed, attracting spellcasters from all corners of Dromaria. This surge of attention is sparked by a secretive, world-altering discovery that has mages keeping their lips sealed. As a temple to Dromadaes many assume it is related to breakthroughs in his arcane research.   Reopening of Sorona's Crest. After years of painstaking restoration, the courts of Sorona's Crest and its precious relics are now open to the public once more. The building has resumed its function as a court, symbolizing a return to judicial normalcy in the region.   Rising Piracy. Piracy has become a significant concern off the eastern coast of Erimata, prompting Liyish, Yen Su Ma, and the Esh Republic to collaborate on an armada to secure trade routes. However, conflicts at sea around Dendenwine have escalated, bringing the threat ever closer to Yen Su Ma's shores.


  • Yen Su Ma
    In the heart of Erimata lies Yen Su Ma, a land where the boundaries between dragons and mortals blur. Rolling green plains and fertile farmlands stretch as far as the eye can see, nourished by rivers that flow from distant mountain ranges. Here, dragonborn and various nomadic tribes live under the watchful eyes of ancient wyrms, forming a society unlike any other on the continent.   Yet beneath its pastoral beauty, Yen Su Ma is a realm of intricate political and social dynamics. It's a place where the Monarchy's influence is keenly felt in the lives of its citizens, and where the Thundering Flight holds a veiled but pervasive authority. Whether drawn by the allure of draconic tribunals or the winding road of Snake Way, adventurers will find Yen Su Ma to be both a sanctuary and a crucible, challenging and shaping those who venture into its prairies.  


    Yen Su Ma is a geographical keystone of Erimata, situated at the continent's heart where rivers converge from three distinct mountain ranges. The Duso Mountains to the south, Emperor's Peak in the north, and the Embercaps on the eastern frontier channel their waters through the land, nurturing expanses of verdant plains and fertile farmlands. Amid these rolling fields, pockets of forests stand in contrast, their canopies a haven for diverse wildlife. The pines of the mountainous regions give way to deciduous groves in the flatter lands.   Snake Way is a major road that traverses the country, acting as the main channel for the distribution of food and other essentials. This winding route, named for its snakelike meandering through the landscape, has become more than just a road. It symbolizes the unity and interconnectedness of Yen Su Ma's place in the whole of Erimata.   With the Gyre Ocean kissing its western boundaries and the Sterling Ocean to the east, Yen Su Ma serves as a natural conduit between waters and lands. Scattered across the landscape are occasional lakes and plateaus, the latter often serving as the elevated courts where dragons hold their tribunals. Its borders are shared with Don Shou and Liyish to the north, and the Esh Republic and Undai to the south, placing Yen Su Ma in a central role both geographically and geopolitically.   Yen Su Ma enjoys a climate remarkably free from extreme weather conditions, a phenomenon attributed to its geographical layout and the influence of its dragon inhabitants. The eastern mountain ranges act as a natural barrier against harsh winds, while the dragons, deeply attuned to the land, actively maintain an environment conducive to farming. While weather changes do occur, they tend to be mild, resulting in a climate that remains comfortably cool and ideal for agriculture year-round.
Nation of Yen Su Ma

Yen Su Ma Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages
Harmon, Jynx, Kran, Lumai, Olise, Omen, Purut, Tavia, Ukia

Natural Landmarks
The Caresh, Dagger's Tabernacle, Duso Mountains, The Embercaps, The Glass, Greyroost, Lake Ukia, Mercy Bay, Mount Kriu, Sunwise Woods, The Ysonith River

Points of Interest
Sorona's Crest, Temple of Power

Yen Su Ma Mission Statement  
"The passageway to the dragons runs through Yen Su Ma."
  Yen Su Ma Goals
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Maintain the safety and security of the dragons and their nation.  
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Act as the intermediary between dragons and mortals, facilitating mutual respect and understanding.  
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Consolidate the Monarchy's authority, ensuring the Council's effective governance over mortal affairs.

General Governance
  In Yen Su Ma, the concept of governance is inseparably tied to the Covenant, the treaty that outlines the rules of coexistence between dragons and mortals. While dragons are focused on grander affairs the Monarchy manages more mundane matters like trade, agriculture, and local law enforcement. Despite this centralized oversight, cities and towns are largely autonomous, each operating under its own set of local laws. In some regions, the most influential or powerful dragon may interject their own laws or rules over the local populace.
  The most severe consequence for violating the Covenant in Yen Su Ma is exile, which extends beyond the nation's borders to encompass all of Erimata. This penalty is irrevocable and effectively removes the individual from the fabric of both mortal and dragon societies across the continent. Typically, those who are exiled are sent to an area on the ancient continent of Zan'deil. Originally known as Kalatearman, this region is now more commonly referred to as Asylum. While some may find a way to negotiate or purchase a different destination for their exile, Asylum remains the default and most frequent place of banishment.
Specific Laws
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Currency Regulations.
All trade and transactions involving currency must adhere to strict guidelines to ensure a stable economy and to satisfy the dragons' affinity for gold.
Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in fines or, in extreme cases, confiscation of goods.  
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Taxation on Outsiders.
Non-citizens entering the country to conduct trade or business are subject to specific taxes.
Tax evasion is considered a serious offense and can lead to hefty fines or expulsion from the country.  
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Farming Regulations.
Farming is strictly regulated to ensure sustainable practices.
Illegal farming practices can result in land seizure or, in some cases, revocation of citizenship.  
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Waterway Control.
Unauthorized damming or diversion of rivers flowing through Yen Su Ma is prohibited by dragons of any kind.
Violating this law can result in severe penalties, up to a century of banishment.  
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Travel on Snake Way.
Snake Way, the vital road connecting the regions, must be kept safe and well-maintained.
Acts of banditry or sabotage are severely punished, usually with exile or hefty fines.

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