
"The light was so intense it pierced the suffocating smoke, as if the sun itself charged at us, spilling its molten surface upon the world. The ceaseless tumult of shrieks, cut down by roars of satiation will leave a stain forever on my heart.   Never before or since have I felt terror take me as it did before Rodgort. Seeing Penny, bones crushed as her ax remained lodged in its eye, should have made me move.   In moments of great importance, faltering is not an option. Yet as her body turned to ashes, I found myself frozen in a sea of fire, held captive by a tyrannical truth that we were at the precipice of doom."  
~ Temilian Sunrun
"Her Dying Words"
3,099 DA


In the world, there exist agents of chaos who recoil from the hollow structures of control and governance. These forces yearn for the downfall of society, envisioning a return to the primal era where only the strongest survive, or they simply find delight in the spectacle of a world engulfed in flames. The name of Rodgort, the god of destruction, fear, and fire, is invoked by these disruptors.   The symbol of Rodgort is left as a chilling reminder in the wake of acts of defiance, from torching courthouses to orchestrating assassinations. This Anom serves as a dangerous echo of the time before the Dragon's Peace and an argument against the fragility of the Covenant.   The legend of Rodgort, once a primal dragon of unparalleled destruction and mayhem, has morphed into a tale of a trapped god, sowing chaos through spontaneous firestorms and volcanic activity. This trapped dragon soul, seething and waiting for a chance to return, serves as a constant threat. Rodgort embodies the oblivion that is forever lurking at the fringes of mortal life, offering a potent reminder of chaos and flames.  

Modern Depiction

Rodgort, the primal dragon of flame, was a formidable creature resembling a wingless beast formed entirely of molten magma, with a crown of enormous horns adorning his head. His visage has been largely expunged from records and history. However, each act of terrible destruction often leaves behind the crossed-out 'C' symbol, known as the Anom, as a token of Rodgort's legacy.  

Tenets of Rodgort

Rodgort worship does not subscribe to true tenets, instead promoting the cleansing of fire. Let the lord of chaos rule.  
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Society is the meathook the invaders have sunk into the flesh of the world. Destroy the lot.
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Fire is clean and pure.
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Purge new blood, only the strong remain behind, as it should be.
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The soul of Dromaria is draconic and this world belongs to the primals. Trespassers should fear dragons, not given land and treatise.
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Intruders will never know peace or rest; burn and break them.

Rodgort Worshiping Adventurers

Open worship of Rodgort is rare, devotees preferring to wreak havoc covertly. In the past, cults dedicated to setting Dromaria's forests ablaze and freeing the spirit of the primal dragon have sought to herald a fiery apocalypse. The churches of Matunas and Dromadaes have long since committed to extinguishing these gatherings.   Dragons who despise the Covenant sometimes view Rodgort as a martyr, embodying the primal dragon's ferocity, sowing chaos, and attempting to reclaim their lands. Dragonborn born within their clutches may find light in Rodgort's inferno.
God of Destruction, Fear, & Fire

Why would you choose this faith?
  Choosing the path of Rodgort isn't a decision; it's a declaration. It beckons those drawn to the heart of the flame, those who yearn to witness the world crumble and its inhabitants quake in fear. It's not a path for those who wish to remain whole, it's meant for those who wish to ignite the world and revel in its end. Barbarians, warlocks, and sorcerers are among those drawn to Rodgort's desires.
Holy Symbol
  The Anom, a crossed-out 'C', is the most recognized symbol of Rodgort, signifying chaos and destruction. It is generally detested, representing a direct affront to the values held by most of society. Followers of the Covenant are taught to seek out bearers of this symbol and bring them to swift justice.
Associated Religions
  Rodgort is an evil that is considered vile in all religions. While every faith has its own reason to work against the god, the Covenant considers Rodgort a greater enemy than most.

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