
"I will speak in a language you understand bard.   We dragons bear so few offspring in our long lives that every hatchling holds infinite promise. To witness such precious eggs among our clutch is a rare blessing.   The echoing crack of their hatching is potential unfurling; it is the opening notes of a new arrangement. When they take their first breath, emerging into the world as a fully realized being, their composition is heralded. In their existence, they carry within them the legacy of draconic lineage, our song transformed.   Young one, my dragonborn is the chorus to our clutch's choir. They fill the silence between the stars."  
~ Varsus, the Trembling Leaf
Excerpt from "Interview with the Dragon"
Conducted by Angus Noel


Dragonborn are magically exceptional. Like the dragons and most formidable wielders of arcane arts, they possess an intimate connection to Dromaria. This link allows them to perceive and interact with the world in ways that surpass other races. From the heights of Emperor's Peak, the largest gathering of dragonborn, to the world's farthest corners, their stories are filled with ambition, kinship, and a touch of magic. They inherit distinct physical attributes from their draconic bloodlines, including vibrant scales, powerful tails, and formidable fangs. Each dragonborn has a breath weapon linked to their parentage. It is common for dragonborn to take on roles as diplomats and mediators of the Covenant. Dragonborn are varying sizes, with adults averaging around 6 feet in height. They possess a robust build, reflecting their draconic lineage. Dragonborn mature quickly, typically reaching adulthood by the age of 15, and they usually live around 80 years.  


Dragonborn hatch from dragons' eggs, a phenomenon evident when the egg does not reach full size, revealing the emergence from the clutch. Devoid of traditional gender distinctions, dragonborn are asexual mortals without bloodlines of their own. There are feelings of kinship with others of their kind, considering each other as siblings and family.   The continent of Erimata boasts the highest concentration of dragonborn, influenced by the strong presence of dragons. In dragon societies, there are two prominent categories: those within the Covenant and those outside it.  

The Rules of the Covenant

In 3,113 DA the Ancestors Matunas and Dromadaes, guided by Sorona's expertise, drafted rules that would secure safety for dragons and mortals alike. The Covenant has been amended a single time, with the Dragon's Peace. Sorona's Crest, in the country of Yen Su Ma, holds the original stone tablets that read the following:  
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No dragon may be denied entry to any location on Dromaria, except Kalatearman.
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Dragon bodies are possessions of the dragons and must be returned if discovered.
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Mortals cannot reside on Erimata without obtaining permission.
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The God Golem must serve the dragons before it serves mortals.
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Dragons are prohibited from feeding on mortals.
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Mortals are prohibited from harming dragons.
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The Sovereign Sage is responsible for upholding the balance of The Covenant.
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  Dragonborn within the Covenant frequently play vital roles as diplomats and intermediaries, leveraging their connection to the pulse of draconic society. Their involvement is critical to ensuring the delicate balance between mortals and dragons.   The nations of Yen Su Ma and Don Shou are governed by a dragonborn council known as the Monarchy. While the dragonborn's titles hold no significance to dragons, they serve as a unique ranking system within the council. The Monarchy oversees most affairs across Erimata when not overruled by the Thundering Flight, the ruling caste of dragons.   Dragonborn born outside the Covenant, known as driftscales, frequently serve as frontline soldiers and squad leaders. They defend their dragon's domain during raids and battles. These warriors exhibit remarkable strength and tactical prowess as formidable protectors of their draconic allies. Primitive dragons in the deep reaches of the wastes of Ebon view the hatching of a dragonborn as a curse, a stark reminder of the mortal’s past misdeeds.   Occasionally, driftscales venture beyond their dragon's lair, seeking camaraderie with other dragonborn. These brave individuals explore the world, yearning to encounter other dragonborn and establish new ties.  

A dragonborn stands vigil at Yen Ma Square in Emperor's Peak.


In the ancient days, dragons reigned supreme as undisputed rulers of a world devoid of mortals. However, everything changed with the Ancestor's arrival, heralding a transformative era that reshaped the world according to their desires. This drastic shift greatly angered the dragons, leading to numerous battles over the presence and whims of the new settlers.   At the heart of this war, the goddess Polurn intervened in the natural cycle of life and death, favoring the mortals by granting them the gift of rebirth. Consequently, the dragons themselves underwent an unforgiving change. The primal dragons, composed of the world's elemental Essence, ceased to be born. This realization took generations to discover. By then, most dragons had signed the Covenant, binding them to a truce with the mortals.   As a result of Polurn's meddling, dragonborn began to emerge from dragon eggs. Initially viewed as feeble reminders of the invaders, the dragons' perception swiftly shifted as they witnessed their children's exceptional strength and unwavering spirit mirroring their own. Dragonborn immediately tried to integrate into societies, seeking their place in the world.   Within the Covenant, the Thundering Flight holds ultimate authority over the continent of Erimata. These dragons are tasked with abiding by guiding principles, under the threat of facing the collective might of Emperor's Peak, who are eager to quell any dissent.   To avoid the responsibilities required by having an integrated dragon society, a ruling class of dragonborn dubbed "The Monarchy" emerged in Yen Su Ma in 4,129 DA, a mere seven years after the creation of the Thundering Flight. With a solid understanding of dragonkind, they govern the daily affairs of Don Shou, Yen Su Ma, and most of Erimata. Acting as intermediaries between dragons and other races, The Monarchy safeguards the prosperity and well-being of dragonborn while fostering civility within their domain.   Dragonborn hatched outside Covenant-controlled lands have historically been outcasts, separated from their kin. Many driftscale still choose to align with dragons who oppose rules or restrictions.
Dragonborn Backgrounds
  Here are a few Dromaria specific backgrounds associated with dragonborn:     While these represent the largest dragonborn societies, people from anywhere may have similar backgrounds.
  During the Age of Horror, mortal lives were claimed in staggering numbers. In a valiant effort to safeguard his people, Ulric Lothor entered negotiations with the dragons of Erimata, seeking their protection for those in desperate need. As a result, an amendment was added to the Covenant called the Dragon's Peace.   It was declared the responsibility of Dromadaes Kala Tumwood and Matunas Tormontear to maintain order among their respective people. Upon their deaths, large followings gathered to retain their duties, forming the foundational churches of the Covenant.  

Dragonborn Traits
  The dragonborn of Dromaria have the same in-game statistics as found in the 5ed Player's Handbook.
Emperor's Peak
  Emperor's Peak, the capital of Don Shou and the largest dragonborn city, holds cultural and spiritual significance for Covenant-following dragons of Dromaria.   Perched atop a solitary mountain, the city rests within a serene valley. It serves as a thriving hub where dragonborn of different generations coexist, honoring their heritage and upholding the teachings of the Covenant.   Emperor's Peak represents the intrinsic connection between dragonborn and dragons, as both share a provincial bond within the city. The city is a testament to the commitment of the dragonborn, who find solace and purpose within the protective walls of the mountain.
Cultural Tidbits
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Many believe that dragonborn are the reincarnation of mortal souls attempting to inhabit a dragon's body.
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Dragonborn siblings from the same clutch are exceptionally rare and seldom occur within each other's lifetime.
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It is common for dragonborn to call each other kin, short for kindred, as a way of accepting each other as family.

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