The Dragon's Peace

The Dragon's Peace is a solemn vow, an amendment to the Covenant, that binds the inhabitants of Erimata and those who seek sanctuary within its borders. Those who swear the Dragon's Peace commit themselves to the following:  
The Oath of the Dragon's Peace
  "Under the watchful eyes of Emperor's Peak, I solemnly pledge to uphold the sacred tenets of the Covenant. With honor, I shall traverse the lands of Erimata, respecting the solemn accord between dragon and mortal. By my voice and deed, I promise to abstain from harm to this land and its denizens. In the presence of my peers and the eternal dragons, I commit to this bond. Should I falter or fail, may I be cast forth from this sanctuary, to wander the lands beyond, severed from the peace I once claimed."
  By taking this oath, individuals agree to honor the core principles of the Covenant, observe the laws of Erimata, and conduct themselves with respect towards all of its creatures. Violation of this sacred promise leads to irrevocable exile, a fate that befalls those who betray the trust of dragonkind.   Those who breach the Dragon's Peace are most commonly sent to Asylum, a frightening region on the continent of Zan'deil, historically known as Kalatearman. Although it is possible for some to negotiate or arrange for a different place of exile, the vast majority find their journey ends in Asylum, cut off from the protection and fellowship of Erimata.  


The Dragon's Peace emerged from the most desperate moments of the Age of Horror, a time when the twin scourges of Ignatius the Cold and Ishkul, the Chimera ravaged Dromaria. In an audacious move, Ulric Lothor brokered a deal with the dragons, opening Erimata's borders to the desperate mortals. This agreement was commemorated by the Dragon's Breath Memorials, crafted by the deft hands of the Undain dwarves of Erindor.  

Rituals & Holidays

The annual ceremony known as The Crowning is a yearly tradition where youths newly of age collectively swear the Dragon's Peace. It's a day marked by grand festivities, celebrating the unity of dragons and mortals, reinforcing community bonds, and recognizing the shared responsibility of maintaining the delicate balance of peace. Including local dragons and giving them gifts is considered just as important as the oath itself.
Adventuring & the Dragon's Peace
Entering Erimata.
Adventurers arriving in Erimata must first swear the Dragon's Peace. This solemn vow is often taken at border outposts, where the uninitiated declare their adherence to the Covenant before witnesses, with many choosing to bear physical marks like tattoos or sigils as a testament to their oath.  
The Consequences of Exile.
Those who breach the terms of the Dragon's Peace and are exiled face a life where they cannot return. This can lead to a shadowy underworld of contacts, smugglers, and hidden paths to continue the very deeds that caused the banishment to begin with.  
Roleplay Opportunities.
The tension between the tenets of the Dragon's Peace and the actions of adventurers are always present. Whether it's navigating the politics of the Scaled Assembly, aiding in the repair of the Memorials, or dealing with the fallout of the Prophet Stroud's attack, players will find their actions can have significant consequences when dealing with dragons.

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