
"Lo, Seveth, whose blood is celestial, whilst mine pulses with the beat of mortality, you are my brother. No other has fought with me, shoulder to shoulder, with such unwavering resolve. We stand as the bulwark, the bastion against the encroaching shadows that threaten our world.   Hear my words: I shall remain steadfast at your side, undeterred by the turmoil you bear within. The pain is my own now, thy struggles too. United, we shall persist in our sworn duty to safeguard this land.   Let us bow our heads.   'As my brother navigates his shadows, I will lend him my unbending strength. May his heart find the tranquility within mine. Should his trials ever bring him low, let the justice and purity of his soul guide his rebirth. As we stand against the horrors of this age, may we bring closer the dawn of promised prosperity. So let it be.'"  
~ Ulric Lothor
Civil Gospels


Lothor, originally Ulric of Zan'deil, is celebrated as a god of forgiveness, justice, and service. Revered by diverse followers, his teachings form the backbone of Lothoren, a dominant faith in Dromaria.   Orphaned and raised amidst conflict, Ulric's heroic deeds caught the attention of the Ancestors, Sorona and Seveth Van Dem. Mentored by them, he emerged as a champion of justice and honor. His life changed when he met the goddess Narwel and recognized his prophetic role.   Alongside his wife, Ygrette Melion, he sired seven children and led his people to establish Hearthhome Castle in the settlement of Ania. Ygrette penned the foundational Tome of Valediction, and Lothor's Crusaders of Illumination championed righteousness in Pathriam, cementing Senex (modern day Tritos Dominion) as a formidable kingdom.   In the Age of Horror, Lothor ensured his people's survival through the Dragon's Peace pact. He led a final costly assault against the terrors of Ishkul and Ignatius the Cold, an act believed to fulfill Narwel's prophecy.   Lothor's heroic life and tragic end greatly impacted his faith. His eldest daughter, Gwynn, spread his teachings in the Civil Gospels, solidifying Lothor's legacy as a savior of the world.  

Modern Depiction

Artistic portrayals commonly depict Lothor as a human warrior of sun-kissed complexion, outfitted with a sword and shield, a dignified stance, blonde hair cascading past his shoulders, and a gauntleted hand firmly gripping a resplendent sun embossed on his shield and breastplate.   More recent interpretations render Lothor as a celestial being, his massive white wings sheltering those under his aegis. He is invariably portrayed as an isolated beacon of hope in a realm of darkness and fear.  

Tenets of Lothor

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Advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves.
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Forgiveness is the first step toward redemption.
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Personal interest should never override the needs of the many.
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Use your strengths and skills to better the world around you.
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Show reverence and respect for those who have come before us.
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Serve one's community selflessly, prioritizing charity over personal desires and needs.

Lothor Worshiping Adventurers

Those who believe that personal sacrifices contribute to the collective welfare will find their home in Lothor. The focus of the faith lies in fostering community spirit and managing resources to brace for challenging times.   The teaching emphasizes that individuals, through soul purification and deep reverence for the church and community, can earn a place beside him in their next life. It underscores the importance of self-discipline, achieved via fasting and participating in community services. Those dedicated to Lothor, including clerics, paladins, priests, and devout followers, are always seen wearing the Zonne insignia. Though humans are the primary worshipers, Lothor's heroic deeds have attracted followers throughout Dromaria.
God of Forgiveness, Justice, & Service

Why would you choose this faith?
  Lothor's teachings appeal to those who yearn for light in a world marred by darkness and who wish to stand as beacons of hope and prosperity themselves.   Adherents of Lothor not only earn the respect of their fellow Dromarians but also find themselves surrounded by a close-knit community that prioritizes collective welfare over individual desire. Choosing the path of Lothor signifies a dedication to noble ideals, a readiness to sacrifice for the greater good, and an aspiration to guide others toward a brighter future.   Most common among Lothor worshiping adventurers are clerics, fighters, and paladins, but anyone who aspires to embody righteousness and defend the innocent can find a home within the faith.
    Characters from many backgrounds may find themselves following the path of Lothor, but those who follow Lothoren are the most likely.
Holy Symbol
  Known as the Zonne (pronounced "zahn"), a gauntleted hand gripping a blazing sun has long been Lothor's emblem. Once displayed boldly on the banners of the Crusaders of Illumination and on Lothor's personal armor, the Zonne symbolized righteousness, protection, and adherence to the noble Codes of the Vayla. Over time, it evolved into a representation of the divine entity Lothor was destined to become.
Associated Religions
  Lothor is followed in some form in almost every religion. His presence is most felt in the Illumination based faiths, specifically Lothoren which is centered around him.

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