
"Trust in those from Upir, as I do, for they are our celestial guardians, our emissaries of fairness. Through their service, we can ensure the safety and order of all. Their presence in our world is a testament to the power of justice and the faith you place in them.   I advocate for impartiality in law and punishment, without regard to rank or custom. If you perceive this as a contradiction, then you have yet to grasp the depth of my faith in the Upiryrials. Allow them to administer justice, and in turn, scrutinize their actions. When they falter, they will accept their faults with humility, for this is our way."  
~ Sorona Van Dem
Etching found in the village of Seppi
Path of the Ancestors


Widely revered as the Upiryrial goddess of law, judgement, and wisdom, Sorona is known for her fundamental contributions to Dromaria's legal and societal structures. While she inherited many of these principles from the First Upiryrial, Tus'Alim, her stringent maintenance and further development of them have earned her such titles as "The Judge" and "The Ceremonious Overseer". Her husband, Seveth Van Dem, once acted as a divine executioner, operating solely under her authority.   Sorona played a pivotal role in establishing the initial peace treaty with dragons and supporting the lasting truce of the Covenant. Those who adhere to her tenets usually embody the principles of truth, justice, and lawful conduct. As a symbol of judicial authority, her emblem adorns every court in the land, earning universal recognition.   Her teachings state it is the Upiryrial's sacred responsibility to uphold just principles. She also champions the necessity of punishment, asserting that without consequence, law loses its deterring power. However, she insists that such retribution must always be administered fairly and without bias.  

Modern Depiction

Sorona's most famous form is that of an elderly angelic figure with long, grey hair and large brown wings, draped in ceremonial robes. Seveth Van Dem, her husband, is always by her side, portrayed in two contrasting forms: as a handsome, wingless Upiryrial, or as a monstrous figure, teeth stained with blood. He is normally shown armed with his executioner's blade, signifying his readiness for duty. Through every artistic representation, the inseparable bond between Sorona and Seveth is unmistakable.  

Tenets of Sorona

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Uphold the rules and laws established by Tus'Alim as guiding lights amidst darkness.
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Ethical codes pave the way to a working society.
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Enforce fairness in law and punishment, irrespective of social standing or tradition.
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Upiryrials must maintain impartiality to serve as unbiased arbiters.
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Accountability is crucial; acknowledge fault and submit to the rule of law.

Sorona Worshiping Adventurers

Sorona's worshipers extend beyond those who merely follow her teachings. Essentially, anyone participating in Dromaria's legal system pays homage to the goddess. Judges, enforcers, and most Upiryrials are among her devotees. She also holds a significant position in the Path of the Ancestors and the Illumination religions, with many of their tenets based on her legal principles. In Lothoren, Sorona is perceived as a mother figure to Lothor and she is a cornerstone of the Covenant.
Goddess of Judgement, Law, & Wisdom

Why would you choose this faith?
  Those seeking to uphold the principles of justice, law, and wisdom may be drawn to Sorona's faith. Her teachings offer a path to those who believe in shaping a cohesive society.   Embracing Sorona's faith is a commitment to live by these principles and become a beacon of truth. It is a pledge to honor and uphold the law, to be fair in judgment, and to protect the innocent while ensuring the guilty face rightful consequences.   Adventurers who follow Sorona often carry a sense of responsibility and integrity, their actions guided by her teachings. They are respected in most places, their presence often bringing a sense of order and justice.   Clerics, fighters, and paladins are predominantly found among Sorona's worshiping adventurers, although any who believe in the power of law and justice may find a place within her ranks.
    Characters from many backgrounds may find themselves dedicating their lives to Sorona, but Upiryrials are the most common.
Holy Symbol
  The emblem of Sorona depicts an Upiryrial figure, often interpreted as her, speaking people into existence. Though many courtrooms also display the Tus'Alim eye in her honor, the ancient deities' teachings have merged with Sorona's over time. Both symbols are universally recognized in Dromaria as emblems of authority, often seen on guard and prison uniforms, and always in courtrooms.
Associated Religions
  Sorona is a fundamental figure in the faiths of the Covenant, Illumination, and the Path of the Ancestors. She has strong connections to Lothoren and Summertide as well.

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