
~ Larachel Lucis Aevum
Anointed of Vale
3 UE
Anointed of Vale
3 UE
The celestial-blooded mortals are descendants of the first god, Tus'Alim, ruled by a strict creed known as the Codes of the Vayla. Upiryrials are traditionally revered as blessed pillars of truth and justice. However, in the modern-day, those marked by celestial blood are beholden to no oaths or vows, choosing to forge personal paths. Upiryrials are slender, winged, medium-sized humanoids who bear the distinct mark of Tus'Alim. Parental lineage holds no sway over the manifestation, which can take various forms such as horns or vitiligo. Most commonly, it bestows upon the bearer’s skin a soft radiant glow. To bear such a mark is regarded across society as a trait of beauty. Regardless of the mark’s form, Upiryrials can always be identified by their luminous eyes, allowing them to see in darkness. Upiryrials typically reach maturity around the same time as humans and are considered quite old at 200 years.
Throughout the ages, Upiryrials have suffered tragic losses, resulting in a significant decline in their population. Those who remain find solace in coexisting with other beings, contributing to society in any way they can. While a few Upiryrial-centric societies may still exist, devout believers dream of thriving cities once again inhabited by their people. Due to their bloodline connection with the Upir Ancestors, such as the goddess of law and wisdom Sorona, Upiryrials are regularly held to a high standard in most societies, whether they wish it or not. The original Codes of the Vayla that the blood of Tus'Alim were once ruled by, now serve as the basis for judicial law across most of Dromaria. Sorona and Tus’Alim’s Edicts still dictate the behavior of courtrooms to this day.
Upiryrial Traits
Ability Score Increase

Upiryrial warrior of New Blarek.
Your Charisma score increases by 2. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Creature Type
You are a Humanoid. You are also considered a Celestial for any prerequisite or effect that requires you to be a Celestial. Size
Upiryrials are Medium sized and often slender. Speed
Your base walking speed is 30 feet. The Mark of Tus'Alim
Your radiant complexion causes you to emit a constant dim light. Blessed Sight
With the blessing of Tus’Alim your eyes glow, providing you with vision far greater than most. You can see normally in non-magical darkness to a distance of 60 feet. Upiryrial Resistance
You have resistance to necrotic and radiant damage. Flight
Because of your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can’t use this flying speed if you’re wearing medium or heavy armor. Discern Truth
You have proficiency in the Insight skill. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the Zone of Truth spell with this trait. Once you cast that spell with this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a short rest. Languages
You can speak, read, and write Common, Celestial, and one language of your choice.
Unknown Upiryrials guarding the border of Kalatearman.
In the first moments of recorded history the god Tus'Alim created beings of its blood: the Upiryrials, beings tasked with bringing illumination to Upir. Doomed to sit in the shadow of a distant planet, the world of Upir was engulfed in darkness, forever devoid of sunlight. Those of Tus’Alim’s lineage were entrusted with the survival strategies required in such a harsh environment and were bound by a strict creed, the Codes of the Vayla. For thousands of years, life persisted on Upir, where the only presence of light indicated an encounter with another Upiryrial. Though the rigid Codes ensured survival, they did not foster affection towards Tus’Alim. In the year 2,830 DA, the Ancestors arrived on the world, offering escape. Led by Seveth and Sorona Van Dem, the Upiryrials departed their doomed world in search of a new and improved life.
Sorona established the rules and laws that formed the foundation of today's society, with Upiryrials being champions of her decrees. Throughout history, Van Dems remain a core part of the Upiryrial legacy. Sorona gave birth to both Peruvus, god of love, and Vale, goddess of beauty, and Seveth became the twisted guardian of Zan'deil.
While the Upiryrial Ancestors had numerous offspring, they suffered significant losses during the Tragedy of Soth and the subsequent Age of Horror. As a result, the remaining Upiryrials became scattered, facing challenges and striving to contribute to societies across Dromaria. The devout followers of Sorona's teachings regard the Upiryrials as tangible embodiments of their goddess, diligently working to uplift them in the hopes of earning her blessing.

The fall of Seveth Van Dem.
Upiryrial Backgrounds
Here is a Dromaria specific background associated with Upiryrials:
While this represents some Upiryrials, people from anywhere could find themselves with a similar backstory.The goddess Sorona designed a path in the homeland of Zan'deil intended for future generations to follow and understand the trials of the original settlers. In modern times the path has become a twisted thing. Despite that, Upiryrials find themselves seeking the ancient knowledge to better understand their heritage.
An ancient version of The three eyes of Tus'Alim, as seen in courts around the world.
Alternative Mark
Most commonly Upiryrial's marks take the form of a dim light emanating from the skin. Sometimes however the mark manifests in strange and beautiful ways. The Mark of Tus'Alim table has some additional options for you to choose from.
The glowing Mark of Tus-Alim.
Cultural Tidbits

Upiryrial feathers are most commonly white, although they sometimes change color when exposed to sunlight for long periods.

Folklore is filled with tales of Upiryrials restoring life and warding off darkness through their mere presence.

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