Path of the Ancestors

The Path of the Ancestors, a creation of the goddess Sorona, began as an actual pilgrimage from the city of Yu'Yrel to the Arcane Sacrarium, a mysterious building that harbored the Ancestors' wisdom. The Path sought to honor Tus'Alim, the first-god, acknowledged by all Ancestors, and remind Dromaria of its past, guided by teachings through the Godswept Peaks.   But time wore on, the original villages that were once spiritual guides became cursed, and the Path's physical form was forgotten. It transformed into a religion, its teachings often corrupted, and its guardian, Seveth Van Dem, husband of Sorona, became a monstrous tale of danger. The purpose of the Path has been eclipsed by other faiths like Illumination, and its original intentions lost to history.  
"My existence I consecrate to the Path; my very soul, an offering to Sorona. With solemn vow, I bind myself to the guardianship and preservation of the Path of the Ancestors. Each droplet of my lifeblood shall sanctify its sacred ground, ensuring its eternal endurance. My indomitable will shall intertwine with the footsteps of those who venture its corridors. All who tread this venerable trail shall glimpse the truths of their forebears, unveiled through the lens of their own heritage. By the immutable authority vested within me, this I etch into time."

~ Seveth Van Dem
The Forefather
Inscribed on the inner doors of the Arcane Sacrarium
Today, the Path is perceived as a collection of heroics and parables akin to popular stories. Though some take it seriously, acknowledging the tangible evidence of the gods' deeds, most see it as a fabled guide to the past. Followers include historians, people dedicated to Sorona or Tus'Alim such as the Upiryrials, seekers of ancient wisdom, and the people of Zan'deil. It is believed that the true relationship between the Path and the Ancestors awaits discovery within the Sacrarium, accessible only to those possessing the necessary blessings.   Organization
The Path has been decentralized and distorted over the millennia. The original journey has been replaced by fragmented texts and teachings, and the Arcane Sacrarium is a lost wonder. Only scholars, the highly religious, and the champions of gods continue to pursue the knowledge locked within the Sacrarium.   Other Perspectives
Many view the Path as outdated, unreliable, and even perilous. Some label it with disdain, comparing it to discredited practices from a bygone era. Zan'deil is perceived as a land of barbarians and mad dragons, where the Path's true teachings are misconstrued. The Sacrarium itself is seen as a mere legend, hunted only by those obsessed with ancient places.
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