Ombudsman - Background

As an ombudsman, you serve as a steward of justice and uphold the ancient Upiryrial traditions established by the goddess of law, Sorona. Whether you are a member of a court, observing and preserving the old customs, or seeking to bring murderers to justice, you hold an oathbound and sacred position. Your primary objective is to maintain the safety and civility of societal laws, eradicating corruption to foster faith in the legal system. During times of chaos, civilians look to you as pillars of trust and truth, while those who seek to undermine society tremble in the face of your authority.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: Calligrapher's supplies, a writ from a judge expressing your status, ceremonial vestments, and a pouch containing 5 gp
Feature: Court Functionary
Your knowledge of how bureaucracies function lets you gain access to the records and inner workings of any noble court or government you encounter. You know who the movers and shakers are, whom to go to for the favors you seek, and what the current intrigues of interest in the group are.

Variant Ombudsman: Peacekeeper

As a peacekeeper you are an ombudsman who has rejected the old traditions and court functions. You have taken the law into your own hands, and walk the land seeking those who would do it harm. Folks may not know that you work alongside the law instead of with it, but you do and that is what matters.   Variant Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Investigation
Variant Tool Proficiencies: Forgery Kit
Variant Equipment: Forgery Kit, a crowbar, manacles, traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp
Variant Feature: Judge and Jury
Roaming from town to town as a peacekeeper, you uphold your personal interpretations of Sorona's law to the best of your abilities. Your experience in dealing with lawbreakers has given you an understanding of local laws and criminals. You can easily identify the local outpost of the watch or a similar organization, as well as discern the dens of criminal activity within a community. However, you are more likely to be welcomed in the former locations rather than the latter.
Suggested Characteristics
Whether you are an ombudsman or a peacekeeper your sense of justice has been ingrained in you as part of your personality. The methods to which you enact that justice likely defines your ideals, bonds, and flaws.  
Local Laws
  As you embark on your adventures, it's worth considering the impact of regional laws on your character's journey. While familiarizing yourself with the Covenant, a set of laws that apply globally, and understanding the teachings of Sorona's courts can be valuable, it may be helpful to discuss with your GM any specifics of the area that may pertain to your background.   By doing so, you can better navigate your personal landscape and ensure your character's actions align with the expectations and regulations of the particular region.

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