Citizen of Thorn - Background

As a citizen of Thorn, you hail from a nation known for its relentless progress. New Blarek, the illustrious capital, embodies the pursuit of magical knowledge and the seamless integration of arcane power into everyday life. Thorn has faced formidable adversity with the recent demonic invasions, yet its resilient spirit endures.   The citizens recognize magic as the key to solving life's complexities, embracing the arcane arts from an early age. In recent times, the influence of the Lothoren religion has become intertwined with Thorn's customs and traditions, creating an intriguing blend of cultures.   The country's commitment to education, faith, and the application of arcane knowledge drives everything. Whether defending the nation against formidable foes or contributing to New Blarek's ascent as a global superpower, Thorn's pursuit of magical excellence continues.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History
Tool Proficiency: Calligrapher's Supplies or a Musical Instrument
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Calligrapher's supplies or a musical instrument of your choice, a book of research notes, and a belt pouch containing 20 gp
Feature: Enchanted Education
Your edcuation in Thorn and exposure to the magical wonders of New Blarek have honed your arcane abilities. You gain the Prestidigitation and Shared Knowledge cantrips and can choose one additional cantrip from the following options: Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Minor Illusion, or Thaumaturgy.   Furthermore, your familiarity with the arcane grants you advantage on ability checks made to identify or recognize magical items or decipher magical writings.
Suggested Characteristics
People from Thorn are educated from a young age to understand the arcane, but also the importance of the nation. It is likely your personality and ideals will form around how you were raised. Your flaws may come from seeking too much power or not understanding outside points of view.  
The "New" in New Blarek
  Approximately ten years ago, in 6,064 DA, the city of Blarek fell under the invasion of the demon lord Lucca. Following its reclamation, the ruling party of Thorn, known as the Odelian Order, initiated immediate reconstruction efforts. The nation commanded the arcane, and its citizens fully realized this power when they came together to rebuild.   Every corner of the city has been restored using magical means, resulting in significant improvements. Housing has been provided for all, buildings have been fortified with arcane reinforcements, and portals for trade have been established and secured. The grand Citadel Arcane, a tower of immense proportions, now stands as a symbol of what was lost, housing some of the world's most formidable practitioners of magic.

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