Odelian Order

The Odelian Order holds two distinct positions: the governance and education of the nation of Thorn. Consisting primarily of wizards and other spellcasters, their goal is to promote the use and preservation of magic, furthering exploration into the subject. Thorn prioritizes schooling, instilling a base level of arcane instruction into every citizen.   The Order’s primary job is to ensure this education fits the needs of the country, promoting equal access to all. Those who lead the institution are called Educators, and are given titles that reflect their personality and status. While the most well known members of the Order are politicians, its members are varied, consisting of everything from school administrators and corporate figureheads, to ensuring proper crop yield and patrolling the border.   To outsiders, the Odelian Order is the Upper Shelf, a selected group of individuals that run the majority of the country, working from the capital city of New Blarek. Charged with the health of the nation, most of its members are new following the Demon War, with only “The Masquerade” Dolle-Brassi Creed remaining from the old guard. As the nation recovers, it remains to be seen how effectively the new generation of Educators will guide their people.


The Odelian Order bears many burdens and encompasses a wide range of responsibilities. Defined by their creed to “Preserve and nurture magic in Thorn’s citizens,” the Order has done so by linking the use of the arcane to daily life.   Through a comprehensive education system consisting of schools across the whole of Thorn, the Educators have ensured that everyone has access. The overall purpose is to improve the well being of future generations by preventing famine, poverty, and other instability.   Those in the Upper Shelf, the highest level of Educator, rule the country. As part of this the Order oversees and runs the entirety of Thorn’s military. Consisting of a combination of wizards and martial troops, they work mostly as Tetrads, traveling across the country and maintaining the borders. Because of their diplomatic relations, the Order protects and aids most of its neighboring countries as well. In addition, to promote safety and reduce mortal casualties, the Order operates a group of enforcers known as the Nostros Arcanum, commonly called “Law Bots.”   Currently the Order is heavily focused on reestablishing proper governance over the capital. Reconstruction is nearly complete, and it is time to look forward to the future.

Allies & Enemies

The Odelian Order’s ties are intrinsically linked to the whole of Thorn. While the Order does have its own alliances, specifically with the Arcane Collective and the Sovereign Sage, the majority of their relationships remain the same as the nation.   Each neighboring country, with the exception of Bohdan, has a long standing alliance with Thorn. Belwin, Cadmus, Erindor, Graetis, and Venden, are under the military protection of the Odelian Order, and operate within their purview. Alternatively Bohdan remains entirely independent, hoping to one day reclaim the land that Thorn now controls. While there is no open hostility, both nations patrol the borders and maintain military presence.   Within the capital of New Blarek the Order has established a strong relationship with the Lothoren Church during the rebuilding of the city. The church has provided essential supplies and aid, and in turn the Order has allowed them a privileged position near the newly constructed Citadel Arcane.   In Belwin to the south, the Otherwyld has been increasingly active, seeing fey spread across the Westlands. The Odelian Order has been working overtime to maintain safeguards against the incoming waves of chaos.

Characters in the Odelian Order
  For those interested in playing a citizen of Thorn, you may find more information here:     For those interested in playing a wizard of the Odelian Order, you may find the subclass here:  
Ranks of the Odelian Order
  The Odelian Order consists of three primary divisions, those on the Upper Shelf, those serving in the military, and everyone else. Individuals serving in the Upper Shelf hold no additional ranks, but are recognized as the defacto leaders of both the Order and Thorn. For full details on each rank, including their roles and responsibilities, refer to: Ranks of the Odelian Order.  

Military Ranks
  Thorn’s ranking troops function as Tetrads, battalions consisting of four soldiers with different specialties who can be called upon to react at a moment’s notice. They are deployed outside of their stationed locales only in dire threats and emergencies. Tetrads are often called the “M4,” consisting of the ranks Mage, Mancer, Marauder, and Medic. All four titles hold the same rank, answering to Educators and Seekers.
"How much of our struggle could have been avoided had we only embraced the potential that magic provides sooner? It is the responsibility of every living person to equip themselves with these gifts, so that those that come after us may thrive where we have suffered."  
~ Educator Penelope Fischer
"The Saint of Exorcism"

Major Players


Asher Clag, "Oracle of Dust"

Neutral Good, Male Ember   Embers in the town of Soot have been born beneath the ash of the Firepeaks for generations. Molded from the cinders of the volcano, Asher felt an immediate connection to the mountains in their youth. As a child Asher would often run away from home, determined to make the long trek to the highest peak. When they were finally able to express their desire, Asher wanted only one thing: to speak to the primal dragon Drosstemprus.   Asher’s parents took the journey, accompanied by the bravest citizens of Soot. When the embers arrived at the peak of Eminence, where the heat of the volcano was greatest, the dragon embraced Asher as a lifelong friend. Little is known about the connection between Asher and the dragon but it has defined both of their lives ever since.   In the wake of the Demon War the Odelian Order had need of Drosstemprus but found the primal unwilling to talk to them. Once they discovered Asher, the Order recruited them into their ranks, granting them the title “Oracle of Dust.” While responsibilities commonly call Asher to New Blarek, they spend much of their time in Soot with family, dealing with official business from home.   As a lava ember Asher is well versed in fire manipulation and has spent most of their life training with Drosstemprus to enhance their skills. While capable in a scrap, Asher prefers to use their skills in divination, perceiving the future in the flames. Asher works heavily with the farming Educators, aiding in predicting weather patterns and other normally unforeseen events.

Axiom, "The Tempered Apostle"

Lawful Good, Neo-Natix   Known as “The Tempered Apostle,” Axiom is a Neo-Natix member of the Odelian Order with a past shrouded in mystery. Axiom was discovered buried in the catacombs beneath New Blarek during the reconstruction of the city. They were found by the current regional leader of the Lothoren Church, Hierophant Marcel Fischer, and quickly rose within the ranks of the faith. Axiom is still coming to terms with reality and what it means to be part of something. As they have adjusted they have never lost the sense of wonder they first felt upon being awakened.   Marcel trained the Neo-Natix in belief and battle, while his wife Penelope inducted Axiom into the Odelian Order. They studied enhancement magic extensively, focusing on protection in battle. Axiom has had a prolific hand in clearing up the city in the aftermath of the Demon War, and it has become their official role as an Educator. Because of their relationship to Marcel, Axiom acts as a liaison between the Lothoren faith and the Odelian Order.   When confronted, Axiom is a fearsome opponent who combines radiant magic with physical prowess. Axiom earned their title through a potent mixture of martial arts and extreme dedication. When they set their mind to a task, it will come to fruition.

Dolle-Brassi Creed, "The Masquerade"

Neutral, Male Dwarf   Dolle-Brassi was raised in the hills of the Brokforge in the Thorn Territory. In his youth, “The Phantom Menace,” an Educator of the Odelian Order was stationed in Stryrakr and had a huge impact on Dol. The new magical education was instrumental in the region, transforming the nearby land and resources into far more plentiful supplies.   Seeing the impact a single Educator had on his community, Dolle-Brassi traveled to Blarek where he embraced a life of education and leadership. In the early years of his foray into politics, he became an ambassador between the Rakankrak’s of the Thorn Territory and the capital. Years of animosity began to fade and Dolle-Brassi’s influence grew.   When the Demon War struck, Dolle-Brassi was the sole surviving member of the Odelian Order to operate publicly. While the others were killed, captured, or fled, Dolle-Brassi stood his ground, commanding the nation’s meager forces from the Brokforge. As a master of illusion, Dolle-Brassi was never seen, sending copies of himself to skirmishes across Thorn.   In the events after the war Dolle-Brassi was the only returning member of the Upper Shelf. Most of his efforts since have been dedicated toward the capital city’s reconstruction and recreating a functioning government. With new members of the Odelian Order surrounding him, Dol has doubled down on his own plans to be the leader the city needs.

Morana Amna, "The Unholy Punisher"

Lawful Evil, Female Halfling   In 6,048 DA the town of Esca was attacked by a vigilante group of hedge mages called “The Pathway Punks.” At the time Morana was only five, becoming an orphan to be raised by the surviving townsfolk. She spent the remainder of her childhood learning whatever dangerous magic she could, with only one goal: revenge.   When she was old enough to leave, Morana began to seek her vengeance. One by one she hunted each surviving member down until she was eventually caught by the Odelian Order. For her crimes, Morana was given a choice, a life of dedicated servitude and repentance in the Order or face lengthy imprisonment. She chose the Order, was given the Anethema Thornbite as punishment, and began official study under “The Tamed Oblivion,” Educator Mortis Wrynfield.   Morana was a good student, having a strong foundation in the arcane. Due to her early personal efforts using violent and murderous spells, she focused on how to defend against them. While many in the Order feared Morana was walking down an even more dangerous path, Educator Wrynfield cultivated her talents, showing her how to adapt them and better understand why the spells existed in the first place.   With a strong base in necromancy, Mortis pushed Morana to extremes, helping her walk the razor’s edge between light and dark. Twice she faced expulsion and imprisonment for her acts, and both times was able to prove her defense, tasking the others in the Order to better understand their more dangerous subjects. Morana learned every necromantic spell contained within the archives, seeking a path where they could be used for betterment instead of villainy.   Her lessons abruptly ended when Mortis was killed during the start of the Demon War. Morana was imprisoned for three years and faced horrific torture from her captors. Liberated by the Demon Lord Lucca’s defeat, Morana faced almost two years of recovery before coming back to New Blarek. Upon her return, Morana was promoted to Educator and raised to the Upper Shelf. Given the title “The Unholy Punisher,” Morana has taken the position her former teacher once held, overseeing illegal and restricted magic. Those who knew Morana before the war speak of how she has changed, now a quiet woman who stays in her offices within the Citadel Arcane.

Penelope Fischer, "Saint of Exorcism"

Chaotic Good, Female Elf   The Naïlo family has run the remote elven city of Lainathia for three generations. When their youngest Penelope was born, her parents quickly recognized that she was an arcane prodigy. Brimming with power, Penelope underwent testing from the Intemporal Flock, a group dedicated to understanding people’s past lives. It was soon discovered that the youth was an Anointed, born with the blood of the goddess Vale flowing through her.   Raised in a life of privilege, Penelope began to understand the outside world when she was sent to the nation of Undai to unlock her potential. She trained under the dragons outside Tao and learned to embrace evocation and the elements. From there she traveled to the nation of Thorn, where she joined the Odelian Order and rose to the rank of Archivist.   As her education progressed Penelope continued her travels, sent by the Order to the Tritos Dominion on a mission for the Arcane Collective. While her reputation was growing, so too were the seeds of the Demon War. In the village of Shelter Lake, Penelope encountered a woman who would later be revealed as the demonic empress Lilith the Cruel. Lilith and Penelope would become friends until the succubus’ inevitable betrayal sparked the start of the conflict.   Throughout the war, Penelope’s life became embroiled in heroics, moving about Dromaria fighting demons at every turn. During this time she would meet her future husband, Marcel Fischer, a paladin of Lothor. Together, along with many other heroes, the two would go on to defeat the Demon Lord Lucca and liberate the nation of Thorn. In the aftermath, Penelope became a legend to the people and was raised to the position of Educator.   Currently, Penelope works as a liaison between the Arcane Collective and the rest of the Odelian Order. She regularly runs recruitment campaigns, traveling and speaking to potential candidates. Because of her relationship with Marcel, now Hierophant of the Lothoren Church in New Blarek, Penelope has been able to leverage the church’s aid in the recovery of the city.

Soulpyre Fizzlesticks, "The Feybreaker"

Chaotic Good, Male Gnome   Soulpyre Fizzlesticks is a gnomish Educator of the Odelian Order bearing the title: “The Feybreaker.'' Growing up in the Otherwyld, Soul found himself surrounded by strange and unreliable magic. As he began to study the phenomenon, he found that his power was amplified, allowing him to push himself far beyond his limits. The older he got the more he understood the danger of his homeland, especially within the mortal mind.   Traveling became his new passion, seeing the full breadth of Pathriam and meeting folk from across the world. Soulpyre began to study with the wisest people from each place he visited, expanding his power and growing into a deep appreciation for the arts. Somewhere around his 50th year, Soul began to play piano, which grew into his mastery of numerous instruments.   As the old calendar changed into a new era, Soulpyre found himself in the Tritos Dominion. It was at this time that an ancient horror named Mother Malign emerged from the Otherwyld. Soulpyre and his companions were successful in defeating the horror, and in doing so drew the attention of powerful people. Thanks to his arcane intellect and heroism in helping to bring down Mother Malign, Soulpyre became recognized by the Odelian Order and was recruited.   During the conflict, Soulpyre encountered a halfling witch named Kismet, fell in love, and started a family. The two currently have two children. In the aftermath of those trying times, Soulpyre was awarded his title and position among the Odelian Order and has been tasked with ensuring the Otherwyld remains confined to the territory of Belwin. While a resident of Thorn, Soulpyre is regularly seen making visits to Heslish and Pouricuve to check in on current events.

Watson Krokoan, "The Platinum Palm"

Neutral Good, Male Malkari   Watson hails from a small family in the Tritos Dominion. Raised in the Stein, the young Malkari was embroiled in a life of relic hunters and artificers. He had little desire for the life his parents led, and sought any way out. As fate would have it, they would return from a journey with a spellbook that would change his life. The old tome was from a wizard dating back to the Age of Horror, and Watson took to it like a mudrake to meat.   The longer he worked at the spells the harder it became, and Watson set off to Blarek to uncover the remaining secrets. Shortly after joining the Odelian Order, the Demon War began and Watson was forced into hiding. Only an academic at the time, he spent three years in the caves beneath the fallen capital leading a group of refugees. While they struggled to survive, thanks to Watson’s efforts they were not discovered. By the time the war was over he had mastered the tome and had begun to teach some of the more advanced students in their small community.   When it was time to reclaim Blarek, Watson waited until the counter offensive was well underway, the young academic’s assistance coming at a pivotal point in the conflict. In the aftermath, Watson was recognized for his heroics, and was credited by the students for their survival. The ambitious Malkari has since become an Educator of the Odelian Order, given the title “The Platinum Palm.” Watson has been charged as master of coin and is responsible for much of the Odelian Order’s funds, securing them, and controlling distribution.

Tyson Hendriks, "The Burning Battalion"

Lawful Neutral, Male Human   Tyson was raised in a mining town within the Tritos Dominion. While there he received training among the Civil Servants, leading him to join the larger Arcane Collective. By the age of 25 he had spent time with every major sect of the Collective, and had garnered a reputation as a brilliant military mind.   During the Demon War, Tyson was called around the world, traveling to each nation and bolstering their defenses. Among the most dire was the country of Thorn and the Odelian Order. Upon seeing the devastation in the capital of Blarek, Tyson made the decision to commit to the Order, and stopped dividing his focus. After the war, Tyson was declared an ‘Educator’ and was selected as the first new member of the Order's Upper Shelf. Since his withdrawal from the greater Arcane Collective there has been friction among the varying groups, feeling neglected in their time of need.   Tactically, Tyson is well known for summoning troops in battle, specifically fey and elementals with a penchant for fire. As a soldier, Tyson is capable of turning the tide in any battle, while as a leader he works to protect and enforce Thorn’s interests. His primary role among the Order is to take action after military operations have begun, and he is most commonly found among the forts on Bohdan's borders.

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