Intemporal Flock

The Intemporel Flock is a collective with no designated leaders, united by their pursuit of understanding and connecting with past lives. Originally formed during the aftermath of Elsinleyown Yam’hikir's death, their quest to locate her reborn soul led them to develop innovative techniques for exploring past lives. Though their initial search was unsuccessful, they discovered the effectiveness of their methods and made a pact to find and aid each other across successive lifetimes, transcending the boundaries of race and form. This group, initially comprising mostly elvenari, now includes members reborn across all races. Early in their formation, the Flock devised Transactive Memory, a spell enabling communication with past lives, enabling their understanding of the soul's journey beyond physical existence. While they often assist those seeking lost loved ones or exploring their own past lives, the most daunting encounters involve members afflicted with the tiefling curse, lost to the cycle forever.
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