
~ Elsinleyown Yam'hikir
Chapter One, "The Muindor Disputes"
Chapter One, "The Muindor Disputes"
In Dromaria's earliest days, "elvenari" emerged more as a societal label than a distinct racial identifier. Originally used to encompass all elves apart from the high elves, it brought together diverse groups who learned to coexist. While the elvenari exhibit variations in appearance, their unity transcends physical traits. The elvenari formed a collective identity, embracing their differences as strengths rather than divisions. They embody a rich array of elven cultures, each contributing unique viewpoints to their vibrant societies. Among the elvenari, one can find a remarkable range of appearances, reflecting the diversity of their origins. Some possess distinct features that set them apart from the Eshanan elves, including variations in height, build, and facial characteristics. Due to the wide diversity of elvenari heritage, it is possible to find hair and skin variations of any color. Their most defining characteristic, distinguishing them from others, are their elongated ears. Their unity extends beyond mere physical attributes; it is founded on a rooted connection with nature. In contrast to high elves, who often bend nature to their will, most elvenari embrace a harmonious existence, utilizing their inherent magical abilities to live in symbiosis with the world. Drawing inspiration and strength from nature, the elvenari employ their innate magical talents to nurture and safeguard their surroundings. They are commonly found in the lands of Leng and the country of Belwin on Pathriam but freely roam across all regions of Dromaria. While they are not immortal, many elvenari can live for centuries, with some known to reach ages of 800 years or more.
The largest elvenari communities reside within the expansive reaches of the Great Forest, distancing themselves from their more urbanized high elf cousins. Elvenari have formed societies that exist in harmony with the forest and its many native inhabitants. Known as Luminaeri, the Great Forest engulfs almost the entire continent of Leng, serving as both sanctuary and bastion.

Asir Summertide courting Vale Van Dem.
Elvenari of Belwin celebrate the Pyrelight Festival.
The origins of the elvenari lie in the world of Nalorea, where they were encountered by the Ancestors during their celestial travels. The native inhabitants of Nalorea devoted their worship to two deities of nature, Benikio and Damyomhikir. Initially, the locals and the Ancestors grappled with language barriers, which threatened their peaceful coexistence. However, a leader among them named Asir, with power bestowed by Damyomhikir, facilitated understanding between the communities. This breakthrough led to a unification of elven societies. Blessed by their deities, the elvenari decided to leave their doomed world and join the Ancestors on their journey. Upon their arrival on Dromaria, the elvenari suffered a devastating blow when Rodgort, a primal molten dragon, obliterated their deities, Benikio and Damyomhikir. This disaster left Serithell, leader of the Eshanan elves, feeling responsible for those who had lost their gods. For many years the elvenari lived with the other settlers, including the Eshanan . Despite the mostly peaceful existence, difficulties arose thanks to the intrusion of the high elves, who repeatedly tried to shape the elvenari in their own image. Serithell became a staunch advocate of this reformative approach, exacerbating the challenges. Stubborn in her mission, the elves intensified their efforts to uplift the elvenari, often neglecting the people's happiness and traditions. Asir alongside Serithell's daughter Elsinleyown, drew attention to the growing divide caused by the elves’ efforts. When Serithell disregarded their pleas, Asir and Elsinleyown mobilized the elvenari, encouraging them to break away from the Eshanan and establish their own societies. The elvenari were the first people to leave the safety of Kalatearman and spread across the region of Zan'deil, establishing the cities of Yu'Yrel and Darumvurn, among many other locations lost to time. Finally the majority of their people settled on the continent of Leng, where they braved the terror-ridden Age of Horror. Years of peaceful isolation followed until the Eshanan were forced to abandon their devastated new homeland of Dendenwine. In an attempt to find safety they traveled to Leng, triggering a violent conflict over territory known as the Muindor Disputes. This war claimed the lives of Elsinleyown and Serithell, resulting in the dispersion of many elvenari, either off the continent or deeper into the woods of Leng. Over time, the elvenari established their communities within the Great Forest, free from the rule of Leng's Emperor. To this day, the elvenari primarily reside in these woods, a testament to their resilience and determination to maintain their unique culture and traditions.
Elvenari Backgrounds
Here are a few Dromaria specific backgrounds associated with elvenari:While these represent a few of the larger groups of elvenari, elves from anywhere could easily find themselves with a similar backstory.
The Great Forest
The Great Forest is a sprawling expanse of dense trees and undergrowth that covers most of Leng. Such is its enormity that one could easily venture into its depths and never return. Home to a plethora of woodland creatures beyond measure, it's a living, breathing world in itself.
While the elves and elvenari have knowledge of certain portions, the forest's sheer size makes complete familiarity an impossible task.
The Great Forest
Elvenari Traits
The elvenari of Dromaria have the same in-game statistics as the elven sub-races found in the 5ed Player's Handbook.
If you want to play a half-elf while adventuring on Dromaria, they are considered elvenari, following the statistics from the source material.
These are of course merely guidelines. Elves of different natures can be found all across Dromaria.
Otherwyld Curiosity
Entities from the Otherwyld sometimes find themselves attracted to the natural ways of the elvenari. In Belwin, where the fey exist in large numbers, it is common to find fairies, pixies, and other wee-folk lingering around anyone who radiates magical strength.Otherwyld fairies spying on a newborn.
Cultural Tidbits

Rumors surrounding the Quáce speak of them as secretly being Greenmen or becoming animals in moonlight.

The most common elvenari skin colors are shades of purple, blue, and green.

A common sign of a large elvenari community is an abundance of birds year round.

Only the most devoted followers of Path of the Ancestors still hold reverence for Damyomhikir, her presence having faded with time. It is said Benikio lives on through awakened animals, speaking to the elvenari and continuing to guide them. Worship of Asir became common after her sacrifice to end the Age of Horror, blossoming the Summertide faith and the base understanding of Groman.Modern Gods