
Kalatearman, colloquially known as Asylum, is a place unlike any other, governed by a blend of arcane mechanisms and godly influence. At its heart lies the One-Eyed King, a mechanical being of divine origins, who seeks to preserve the land as a sanctuary from the dangers that lurk beyond its fortified boundaries. However, this haven is far from idyllic. Food is scarce, and the inhabitants have developed rather unsettling traditions to adapt to their harsh environment.   The ever-watchful presence of the One-Eyed King is constant, his influence felt in every corner of this peculiar land. His primary focus is to maintain Kalatearman as a bastion of safety, even if that means imposing his own brand of protection. In doing so, he has created a realm that is both a refuge and a conundrum, a place that offers sanctuary from external threats but demands adherence to its own perilous customs.  


Geographically Kalatearman is a realm of stark contrasts and hidden purpose. Surrounded by a massive, nearly barren tree wall of unimaginable height, the area within offers little in terms of natural vegetation. Only fields meticulously tended by specialized farmers break the monotony, providing essential sustenance. Rolling hills divide the circular land, crowned by a petrified forest frozen in time and stone. Rivers and lakes dot the landscape, their origins and depths as guarded as the land itself.   In the northeast, the stony tendrils of the Godswept Peaks infiltrate the region, reaching towards a dark expanse known as the Blackwood, a forest so cursed it swallows both light and souls. The climate features extreme bitter winters, while the rest of the year remains unpredictably arid.


When the Ancestors first set foot on Zan'deil, they found a wild, untamed land. Their ship, the Kalatearman, was dismantled to create the foundations of their new home. This nascent settlement was soon under threat from dragons, leading to the construction of the King's Bulwark, a colossal wall erected to fend off these attacks. After years of conflict, a truce was reached, formalized in a pact known as the Covenant. This agreement forbade dragons from entering Kalatearman, a condition that remains in effect to this day.   As years turned to centuries, the Ancestors dispersed to colonize other lands. Kalatearman was left in the care of Galvani Aldini, who fortified it into a sanctuary. As it became known more commonly as "Asylum," its walls served as a refuge for those in need. Then came the Age of Horror, a tumultuous period that saw many return to Kalatearman's protective barriers. It was during this time that Seveth Van Dem, one of Zan'deil's other guardians, fell from grace and was imprisoned.   In the time since, Kalatearman has evolved into a place shrouded in mystery. Twice have the Protocols, a warning system controlled solely by the One-Eyed King, resonated across Zan'deil, their purpose and origin concealed. Known entities like the Neo-Natix offer but a glimpse into this strange land, the rest remaining a closely guarded secret.  


Kalatearman is composed of various isolated towns, each with its own peculiar set of customs and traditions. While the One-Eyed King holds ultimate authority, individual communities have developed their own ways of life, often steeped in practices meant to honor the Ancestors or align with the King's specific form of governance. Due to the minimal communication between these distant settlements, each town has evolved into a unique microcosm, replete with rituals that likely appear bewildering to any outside Asylum. Once individuals set foot in Kalatearman, they become permanent residents, bound by the rules and the watchful eye of the One-Eyed King.  


In a world teeming with arcane wonders and draconic might, Asylum is a paradox, a sanctuary and a riddle all in one. For outsiders, it's a fortress surrounded by tales of tribal warfare and dragon feuds. The word "Asylum" brings to mind a well-fortified place ruled by a mysterious figure, offering refuge to those who dare to defy dragons, albeit not without its own set of dangers.   For those in the know, such as people in positions of power or the brave few who have ventured within its towering walls, Kalatearman is understood for what it truly is. Governed by a mechanical being of divine lineage, the One-Eyed King enforces a rule that is both absolute and protective. The land is a shield against some of the darker magical forces in the world, from intrusive scrying to demonic possession. However, this sanctuary comes with its own form of justice and societal norms, which can be just as hazardous as any threat found outside its walls.  


Galvani prioritizes Kalatearman's defense above all, directing resources solely toward this end. The citizens lead unusual lives, focused more on roles within their own communities than on any economic pursuits. Independent Neo-Natix, although exceptionally rare, do occasionally emerge. When they settle in other nations, the One-Eyed-King leverages their presence to exact tribute, restricting access to advanced technology and the sanctuary itself as a form of negotiation leverage. Adding to the curiosity, gold coins minted in Kalatearman occasionally find their way beyond its walls. Each coin bears the image of a one-eyed orc wearing a crown, fueling further speculation about the land.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

Galvani Aldini, The One-Eyed King. Initially known as Galvani, this once brilliant orc worked alongside his father, Dona Aldini, to build the Kalatearman, the vessel that transported the first settlers to Dromaria. After a fatal run-in with Rodgort, Galvani's soul became attached to pieces of the Kalatearman. Recognizing this, his father assembled these fragments into a new form for his son, a being of metal, wires, and magic.   Charged with the vital duty of guarding the land now named after their ship, Galvani has fortified Asylum over two millennia to serve as a final haven for all mortals. His Protocols function as both advanced warning systems and layers of defense. The creation of Neo-Natix, mechanical entities with souls anchored to them, galvanizes his unyielding commitment to the security of his people. The King has also established a range of strict customs and fearsome creatures to ensure the region's impenetrable defenses. Though rage is now his primary emotion, his focus remains the same: to ensure the lasting protection of Kalatearman and its inhabitants.   Seveth Van Dem, The Forefather. Originally an Upiryrial and part of Dromaria's first settlers, Seveth earned his reputation as a trusted executioner serving alongside his wife, Sorona Van Dem. Bound by the divine Codes of the Vayla, he rose to prominence during the Age of Horror. Tasked with overseeing Zan'deil, he took drastic measures to secure his immortality, resulting in his transformation into the world's first vampire. Although he continues to "protect" Zan'deil, he is notably absent from Asylum. Recently freed from the Ley Prisons, Seveth has been making appearances around the continent again, particularly in the Godswept Peaks where many still honor him and his family.   The Valtgard. This elusive group consists of divine champions tasked with guarding undisclosed locations and artifacts. Comprising two distinct sects, the Illuminated focus on the upkeep of cryptic grounds and structures, while the Castellan are responsible for the retrieval of lost relics and defense of a sanctuary spoken of only in whispers. Primarily hailing from the nation of Undai, most members follow the goddess Vale and consider their roles to be of great honor. Their primary purpose remains a whispered secret, leaving more questions than answers.   Templar Osveta Kaznovati. A formidable Chosen of Matunas, Osveta is a hero, inquisitor, and the current commander of the Valtgard. Known for her martial prowess and spiritual leadership, she played a crucial role in defeating the Prophet Stroud. With the Kaznovati name rising in prominence, Osveta has been focusing on recovering lost relics tied to Kalatearman. She is one of the few figures of note who has publicly ventured into Asylum, raising eyebrows across Erimata. Her presence within the guarded region hints at her commitment to reclaiming that which has been lost, effectively stepping into roles left vacant by Seveth's absence.

Zan'deil Base Map Image

Location   Continent of Zan'deil
Cities, Towns, & Villages   Capital: GaWani   Carune, Crane, Farquhar, Gilman, Jessel, Le Melion, Lenore, Maiden, Old Soth, Pioneer, Stone's Throw, Usher, Willow
Natural Landmarks   The Blackwood, Godswept Peaks, The Lotus Fields, Ransom Woods, The River Wye, The Rose Fields, Sawney Hills, Summit Lake
Points of Interest   Gustav Manor, Church of the Solstice, The Waystation
Mission Statement   "A sanctuary shielded in steel and secrets, secured by the Covenant and ruled by the One-Eyed King."   Goals
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Follow the Protocols: Safeguard the intricacies of Kalatearman.  
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Adaptive Vigilance: Constantly refine defense mechanisms against the ever-changing threats beyond the King's Bulwark.

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