
Undai is a realm where rugged mountains, teeming with ancient dragons, transition seamlessly into the labyrinthine avenues of Tao, the most populous city on the planet. The landscape varies dramatically, from alpine forests clinging to craggy slopes to fertile farmlands that produce a bounty of resources. These natural riches are framed by the nation's coastline, a gateway to the Brethren Strait that separates Erimata from the distant lands of Leng. Vessels fill the waterway, bustling with activity, serving as a hub for both trade and cultural encounters.   Despite its natural affluence and strategic location, Undai finds itself on the precipice of uncertainty. The devastating events in Don Shou and Emperor's Peak have left a palpable tension in the air, eroding public trust in the Scaled Assembly. As internal conflicts plague this ruling body, the once cohesive nation shows signs of fragmentation. Smaller communities, often overshadowed by the sprawling scope of Tao, increasingly voice their sense of abandonment, deepening the fissures in Undai's political landscape.  


Undai's geography is defined by the imposing Duso Mountains, a vast mountain range dotted with active volcanoes that serve as the source for numerous rivers. These waterways flow eastward, nourishing the fertile lands of the adjacent nation of Yen Su Ma. In the southwestern corner, the Ghostwood offers a curious counterpoint to the perilous Razorcoast, where jagged rocks jut from the sea like gnarled teeth.   Bordering the nation are the Drakefire Ocean to the south and the Gyre Ocean to the north and west. The capital metropolis of Tao rests near the eastern slopes of the mountain range. Undai shares its eastern borders with two distinct neighbors: the Esh Republic in the south and Yen Su Ma in the north. The western coastline looks out onto the Brethren Straight, a significant waterway that separates Erimata from the neighboring continent of Leng.


Undai's inception can be traced back to the Age of Horror, a dark period that led dragons to open their borders to the Ancestors under the Dragon's Peace. Originally a region of mountains and rivers, the area began to flourish when people from around the world, particularly from Pathriam, arrived. Among these settlers were the Undain dwarves, who laid the foundation for what would become the capital of Tao. This city offered a valuable blend of natural resources, including protection from the surrounding mountains.   When the Age of Horror ended, some returned to their homelands, but many chose to stay, having built new lives in this guarded sanctuary. Over the centuries, Undai evolved into a melting pot of diverse cultures, all coexisting under the watchful eyes of dragons. It became the primary destination for those seeking to live in peace.   In recent times, Undai has been challenged by the aftermath of the Demon War. Coastal cities were regularly raided, with Esper enduring a devastating loss of life during a major assault. Emergency aid from Tao helped, but the scars remain. Following the assault on Emperor's Peak in Don Shou by the Prophet Stroud, panic has swept across the continent. Dragons have been arriving in larger numbers, particularly in the Duso Mountains, altering the country's dynamics and adding to the complexities of governance and coexistence.  


In Undai, culture is a vivid collage shaped by its diverse citizenry and their abiding veneration for dragons. The cities are mosaic hubs of distinct customs, each infused with the traditions of their multi-ethnic inhabitants. In Tao, the city's teeming populace creates a melting pot of unparalleled plentitude, where churches, temples, and shrines to an array of gods and philosophies stand side by side. Festivals in this bustling capital are elaborate spectacles that capture the essence of both humanity and dragonkind.   Dragons are integral to the national fabric of Undai. Their impressive resplendence graces the mountainous landscapes, their roars echo through valleys, and their likeness adorns everything from public art to governmental seals. Offerings of sustenance and precious gems are frequently left as a tangible expression of respect and a plea for the dragons' continued guardianship. Their significance permeates every aspect of Undai culture and has since the creation of the Dragon's Peace.   Though the fusion of mortal cultures and dragon reverence is largely balanced, it is not without challenges. Governed by the Scaled Assembly, the nation grapples with maintaining a unified identity amid varied beliefs and regional concerns. The Assembly has gained considerable respect for its governance, yet whispers of local discontent are increasingly audible, particularly in smaller towns that feel overshadowed by larger concerns. However, the collective sense of community and respect, strengthened by the constant, awe-inspiring presence of dragons, ensures that Undai remains a blend of tradition and plurality.  


The relationships within Undai are largely influenced by the governance of the Scaled Assembly, but there are notable regional tensions. Smaller towns often feel overlooked in favor of the concerns of Tao and the dragons that grace the nation's mountains. This internal dynamic is largely stable, but increasingly audible whispers of discontent suggest a need for more equitable attention.   Externally, Undai's location between the Esh Republic and Yen Su Ma makes it a vital trade nexus. Its relationship with the empire of Leng and the Kerithal Territory is primarily commercial, focused on the exchange of regional goods. Airships, often seen as a sign of technological advancement, are strictly regulated and only allowed at the port of Serpent's Ridge due to the dragons' general disdain for advanced technology. Meanwhile, Tao serves as a crucial trade link to New Blarek in the far off nation of Thorn through newly made portals. While exchanging goods with other nations is common, much of the Undai's food supply is imported from Yen Su Ma.  


Undai's economy thrives on the export of precious metals mined from its volcanic mountain ranges, along with specialized goods like Ghost Timber and razor pearls. Herbalists and alchemists across Dromaria seek out the region's rare mountain herbs and desert cacti, prized for their potent properties. Trade partnerships with Yen Su Ma ensure a steady inflow of grains and vegetables, vital for sustaining the nation's populous cities.   Tao, the heartbeat of Undai's trade, teems with bustling markets that offer a kaleidoscope of goods. From Yen Su Ma's sun-kissed fruits to sculptures carved from native gemstones, the city is a crossroads of cultural and material exchange. Although modern technology like airships is scarce due to draconic sensibilities, a network of ships, wagons, and the occasional portal keeps goods and people flowing smoothly, preserving a balance between tradition and the ever-evolving demands of a diverse public.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

Scaled Assembly. The Scaled Assembly serves as the governing backbone of Undai, composed of thirteen elected Governors and Governesses who oversee Tao's six districts and the five other major cities in the nation. Elected by their peers for five-year terms, these officials are tasked with upholding the law, the Covenant, and contributing to the collective unity and strength of Undai. Internally, the Assembly faces challenges stemming from conflicting agendas among its members, causing political strife that remains largely unnoticed by the populace. Despite these tensions, the Assembly's unyielding commitment to the Dragon's Peace and their garnered respect from the dragon population offer a stabilizing force to the region.   Governor Ranson Broadbrush. Known for his exuberant and sleek demeanor, Ranson Broadbrush is a dwarven Governor of Tao. A passionate devotee of Vale and her Calling, he spends his leisure time crafting provocative works of art that often stir public conversation. His popularity among the people amplifies his charitable initiatives, making him a beloved and impactful figure in the community.   Governess Laurel Treesong. Governing the city of Orvair with a stern, businesslike approach, Laurel Treesong, an elvenari with a long history in Undai, has been struggling with rising crime rates. As her term nears its end, her legacy is tinged by these challenges, despite her unrelenting efforts to maintain order. Intent on driving out crime before her time is up, she has increased security measures within the city.   Governor Demir. Demir, an old blue dragon, governs the city he founded with a claws-off approach. Recently re-elected by the Scaled Assembly, he has little appetite for direct governance, preferring a hermit-like existence. He offers his city unparalleled protection but rarely interferes in its daily affairs, stepping in only when absolutely necessary.   Governor Gin Selar III. A middle-aged human man, Gin Selar III rules Tao's Old District with a polished charm that masks deeper, more dubious activities. Always impeccably dressed, he gives off an air of control, even when faced with setbacks. Currently, he is heavily involved in organized crime, using his charisma to attract unlikely allies to his causes.  

Current Events

Amarantha Cull Sighted. Reports indicate that the Upiryrial Ley Prisoner, Amarantha Cull, has been seen in Tao and surrounding areas, leaving destruction in her wake. Concurrently, whispers of a masked vigilante on her trail are circulating.   Dragon Influx. A sudden influx of dragons in the Duso Mountains is causing territorial disputes among established residents. Dragons remaining in Emperor's Peak are urging the dragons to return and assist in safeguarding their traditional ceremonial home.   Spectral Activity in Esper. Esper is grappling with a mysterious issue: spirits unable to return to their resting places are now haunting nearby villages. It is unclear what is causing this to occur, with many of the residents scared for their own souls and that of their deceased loved ones.   Piracy in the Brethren Strait. Rising piracy in the waters between Undai and Leng has prompted a naval response. Undai is collaborating with Liyish and Yen Su Ma to form an armada aimed at securing safer trade routes.


  • Undai
    Undai is a realm where rugged mountains, teeming with ancient dragons, transition seamlessly into the labyrinthine avenues of Tao, the most populous city on the planet. The landscape varies dramatically, from alpine forests clinging to craggy slopes to fertile farmlands that produce a bounty of resources. These natural riches are framed by the nation's coastline, a gateway to the Brethren Strait that separates Erimata from the distant lands of Leng. Vessels fill the waterway, bustling with activity, serving as a hub for both trade and cultural encounters.   Despite its natural affluence and strategic location, Undai finds itself on the precipice of uncertainty. The devastating events in Don Shou and Emperor's Peak have left a palpable tension in the air, eroding public trust in the Scaled Assembly. As internal conflicts plague this ruling body, the once cohesive nation shows signs of fragmentation. Smaller communities, often overshadowed by the sprawling scope of Tao, increasingly voice their sense of abandonment, deepening the fissures in Undai's political landscape.  


    Undai's geography is defined by the imposing Duso Mountains, a vast mountain range dotted with active volcanoes that serve as the source for numerous rivers. These waterways flow eastward, nourishing the fertile lands of the adjacent nation of Yen Su Ma. In the southwestern corner, the Ghostwood offers a curious counterpoint to the perilous Razorcoast, where jagged rocks jut from the sea like gnarled teeth.   Bordering the nation are the Drakefire Ocean to the south and the Gyre Ocean to the north and west. The capital metropolis of Tao rests near the eastern slopes of the mountain range. Undai shares its eastern borders with two distinct neighbors: the Esh Republic in the south and Yen Su Ma in the north. The western coastline looks out onto the Brethren Straight, a significant waterway that separates Erimata from the neighboring continent of Leng.
Nation of Undai

Undai Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages
Capital: Tao
Demir, Esper, Orvair, Raith'ion, Serpent's Ridge, Unus

Natural Landmarks
Brethren Straight, Duso Mountains, The Ghostwood, Jadeen's River, Mount Rayo, The Razorcoast, The Twai

Points of Interest
The Glasscrow, The Wraithyards

Undai Mission Statement  
"To sustain a peaceful society under the vigilant presence of dragons."
  Undai Goals
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Uphold and enforce the principles of the Dragon's Peace across all territories.  
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Foster stronger relationships between the dragon and mortal communities.  
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Safeguard and responsibly manage the natural resources crucial to both human and dragon inhabitants of Undai.

General Governance
  In Undai, the overarching legal framework is dictated by the Covenant and the Dragon's Peace. These laws are considered sacred and inviolable, with exile being the primary form of punishment for violators. This system works well in most of the country but faces challenges in Tao.   With such a high concentration of people, crimes become more prevalent. To address this, the city employs a special force of guards known as Sentinels, tasked with maintaining order and peace. While the Sentinels are empowered to enforce the principles of Undai, they also handle crimes that fall outside of the spiritual laws.   For non-dragon related offenses, the legal process shifts to traditional courts, heavily influenced by Sorona customs. These courts focus on crimes that harm individuals or jeopardize the well-being of the nation. Unlike the draconic law where exile is the main punishment, these courts have a range of penalties including fines, imprisonment, and community service.
Specific Laws
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Covenant Violation.
Any act that directly violates the Covenant or Dragon's Peace.
Immediate exile or, in extreme cases, death.  
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Theft and Robbery. Stealing from another citizen or public properties.
Fines starting at 250 gold, increasing with the value of the stolen goods. Repeat offenses may result in imprisonment.  
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Physical harm inflicted upon another person or animal.
Fines starting at 500 gold, with the possibility of imprisonment depending on the severity of the assault.  
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Taking the life of another person or sentient animal.
Exile or death.  
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Fraud and Deception.
Fraudulent activities, especially those that endanger the community or involve large sums of money.
Fines ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 gold, depending on the scale of the fraud. Imprisonment possible for severe cases.  
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Public Disorder.
Acts of public disorder, such as riots or mass gatherings without permission.
Fines starting at 100 gold or short-term imprisonment.  
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Illegal Trade.
Trading in banned substances or illegal artifacts, particularly those against the principles of the Covenant.
Immediate confiscation of goods, fines starting at 1,000 gold, and possible exile.  
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Magical Misuse.
Utilizing magic to harm others, manipulate or deceive.
Revocation of magical licenses and fines starting at 3,000 gold. Severe cases may result in imprisonment.  
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Environmental Harm.
Actions that significantly damage the environment, including pollution and illegal activity in sacred groves.
Heavy fines starting at 4,000 gold and community service requirements.  
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Disobeying Sentinels.
Interfering with the Sentinels in the execution of their duties.
Fines starting at 500 gold. Repeat or severe offenses may lead to imprisonment.

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