Kerithal Territory

Kerithal Territory serves as the spiritual nexus of the Leng Empire, embodying the ancestral reverence and diverse faiths of the elven people. Overseen by the Kamihikari Clan and the Emperor, the territory is a sanctuary of divine teachings and the center of the Calling, attracting pilgrims and scholars from across Dromaria. While the territory has yet to fully recover from the scars of the Demon War, its spiritual resilience has guided its restoration efforts. With its abundant natural beauty and sacred significance, the territory continues to grapple with its role in a changing empire, even as it remains a symbol of enduring elven tradition.  


Kerithal Territory, the largest domain in the Leng Empire, is a diverse and complex region. Bounded to the east by the Brethren Straight, it stands apart from the dragon-occupied Erimata. The immense Great Forest serves as the heartland, teeming with ancient trees, varied wildlife, and significant elvenari settlements. A small but distinctive mountain range in the northeast offers a break in the otherwise lush landscape.   Tempri Bay to the north is a bustling center for maritime activities, while the series of lakes known as the Sisters to the west acts as communal anchors, each surrounded by a thriving town. Off the northern coast, a smattering of islands adds further ecological variety.   Kerithal shares its southeastern border with the Laon Territory and its southern boundary with the Kuran Territory. The Kerithal Territory excels in sustainable agriculture, focusing on the cultivation of unique herbs and plants. These specialized flora play a significant role in both religious rituals and medicinal practices.


After the collapse of the old Leng Empire, the Kamihikari Clan assumed a critical role in shaping the spiritual and ethical values of the new empire. Kerithal became a central hub for religious activities, honoring a wide array of gods, with a leadership predominantly composed of high inquisitors, paladins, and clerics. The influence of deities like Serithell and Sithir is not just ceremonial; it permeates daily aspects of life in the territory.   The period known as the Muindor Disputes, characterized by internal conflict between Emperor Aenaryuu and his sister Elsinleyown Yam'hikir, had significant repercussions in Kerithal. The territory became an ideological battleground between the arcane and the divine. Aenaryuu's victory and the subsequent departure of Serithell from Dromaria, reinforced Kerithal's standing as the empire's spiritual core.   Located in the same territory as Tensen, the empire's capital, Kerithal holds considerable influence. Its vast landscapes and abundant resources contribute to its status as the wealthiest of the three main territories. This proximity to power comes with its own challenges, particularly during transitional periods in the empire's history.   Kerithal's effective defense during the Demon War further elevated its standing. Guided by the Kamihikari Clan, the territory successfully repelled demonic invasions, most heavily in the city of Kerithal.   The loss of Emperor Aenaryuu, who ruled for nearly two millennia, has been amplified by the shocking circumstances of his death at the hands of Seveth Van Dem, a primordial entity recently unleashed from the Ley Prisons . The seismic shift this event has triggered extends beyond the throne room into the very soul of Kerithal. With the ascension of Emperor Elroth, the territory stands at a pivotal juncture. The decisions made here, now, will not only shape the immediate response to a god-like leader's tragic end but also set the course for the Leng Empire in a future suddenly devoid of its longstanding guide.  


Kerithal Territory is a crucible of spiritual devotion, deeply influenced by the teachings of the goddess Serithell and the philosophy of the Calling. The influence of spirituality is not confined to temples or holy grounds; it is woven into the very fabric of daily life, manifesting in arts, festivals, and communal practices.   The territory stands as a spiritual hub for the entire Leng Empire, drawing pilgrims and seekers from across the globe. It is more than just a religious center; it serves as a living archive of Serithell's wisdom, where her teachings are put into practice and celebrated.   Yet, Kerithal is not entirely culturally monolithic. It is home to a mosaic of clans, each holding their unique beliefs and interpretations of spirituality. Though united in their veneration of Serithell, these groups lend a rich diversity to the overall cultural atmosphere.   Within the region is a significant population of elvenari, who find sanctuary within the Great Forest. Many of the elvenari who find themselves within the Kerithal Territory have integrated their lives within the neighboring cities, seeking trade, socialization, and entertainment.  


Kerithal Territory maintains a nuanced and sometimes strained relationship with its neighboring territories, Laon and Kuran. The citizens are often wary of Kuran's arcane focus, seeing it as a departure from the spiritual core of elven culture. Laon's martial traditions, while respected, are considered secondary to the spiritual practices that Kerithal cherishes.   Internally, the various clans of Kerithal are bound by a mutual reverence for Serithell but can be divided in their approaches to spirituality and governance. This has led to a patchwork of alliances and rivalries that are as ancient as they are intricate.   The Kamihakari Clan, as the spiritual guides of the territory, hold an elevated position and are generally respected. However, whispers of zealotry have led some to question their methods and aims, casting subtle shadows over their leadership.   The Kerithal Territory also holds a long-standing relationship with the elvenari, who inhabit the Great Forest. While they are not always fully integrated into the social fabric of the area, their presence is accepted and sometimes valued for the alternative perspectives they bring.   Externally, Kerithal is viewed as a land of knowledge and faith by other nations. However, this reputation is tinged by the territory's recent struggles to recover from the devastation of the Demon War.  


In Kerithal, the concept of economy is intertwined with the community-centric lifestyle promoted by the teachings of Serithell and Sithir. While currency exists and is used for trade, especially with foreign nations, its significance within the territory is not as pronounced as in other regions. The focus here is less on individual accumulation of wealth and more on communal prosperity.   The territory excels in sustainable agriculture, producing a variety of plants native to the continent. These are not just crucial for religious rituals and medicinal practices within Kerithal, but also serve as valuable trade commodities. Kerithal's proximity to key water bodies like Tempri Bay and the Gyre Ocean makes it a significant player in the global economy. Goods from the territory often find their way across the seas, either through formal trade agreements or the Clan of the Fang's more discreet channels.   Though not a focus, the extraction of precious materials is overseen by the Clan of the Cave, who manage the balance of harvesting without disturbing the natural equilibrium. Their methods ensure that the territory's mineral wealth is tapped in an environmentally friendly manner, making it a model for sustainable resource management.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

Emperor Ledelúthien de’Prodegius Elrotharotitil. Commonly known as Sorceror Elroth, he marks a significant turning point for the Leng Empire, especially for its spiritual heartland. As only the second Emperor to rule from the capital of Tensen, his ascendancy follows the long and stable reign of Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless. A prodigious wizard hailing from the Kuran Territory, Elroth's reign introduces questions about shifts in the empire's political orientations. With governance yet untested, eyes from every corner of the world watch attentively, contemplating how his rule will shape the future.   Kamihikari Clan. Entrusted with the spiritual well-being of Emperor of Leng, the Kamihikari Clan serves as both guardian and guide. Deeply committed to the teachings of Serithell and the Calling, they frequently dispatch missionaries to the elvenari forests, perpetuating ancient adversity. While they enjoy a position of reverence among the elves, murmurs of their zealotry have started to circulate among other clans and nations.   Ver'yamaethon Yahm'hikar. The venerable Archon of the Inner Chambers and a leader of the Kamihikari Clan, Ver'yamaethon was a loyal servant to Emperor Aenaryuu. His clan has the pivotal role of guiding the religious health of Leng, a task they execute with gravity. In a land grappling with recent political instability, Ver'yamaethon serves as a spiritual compass of the empire. He seeks to fulfill Serithell's Calling and bring the elvenari into the greater whole of the empire. His daughter, Ardonathwen serves as a Chosen of Serithell and arbiter of the clan.   Ryuu Clan. Originating from the lineage of Emperor Aenaryuu, the Ryuu Clan is often seen as the epitome of elven nobility. The recent death of Aenaryuuu has thrown the clan into a state of internal turmoil. They are determined to maintain their traditional roles and are resistant to the idea of ceding their privileged position. Olethuri Reshun’elenthya, a diviner from the Suoress Enclave, has been pivotal in this time of transition, struggling to reconcile her grief with the demands of the new regime.   Olethuri Reshun’elenthya. As a Diviner of the Suoress Enclave, Olethuri is intrinsically intertwined with the affairs of the Emperor. Her connection to the late Aenaryuu has left her emotionally unmoored, but duty compels her to align with the new Emperor Elroth, despite her reservations. Her role has become more critical as she navigates a complicated relationship with Elroth, whom she perceives as falling short of his predecessor.   Clan of the Cave. Based in the city of Yiana, this clan is the Empire's backbone for resource extraction. They hold a the belief that the beauty beneath the ground is as vital as the world above and take great care in their mining practices. While often overlooked, they come to prominence with each major discovery.   Gu'untavious "Gunny" Ustromos. Head foreman of the Clan of the Cave, Gunny is an elf who lives for the mines. He has been working underground for centuries without hitting his "big score." An unusual aura of good fortune surrounds Gunny, with many folks around him stumbling upon treasures, earning him a reputation as a lucky charm. In a clan that keeps its distance from political intrigues, Gunny's focus is resolute: the pursuit of one's Calling within Dromaria's depths.   Clan of the Fang. Stationed primarily in the city of Por, this mercantile clan wields considerable influence through their economic endeavors. Known for their unyielding stock of goods, and discreet black market operations, many believe their aim is to amass enough wealth to eventually control Leng itself. They have a symbiotic relationship with the Kuran Territory, often funding and benefitting from magical research.  

Current Events

Emperor's Death. The passing of Emperor Aenaryuu has reverberated most significantly in the Kerithal Territory, within the heart of his reign. Tensen, the city that has long served as the seat of the empire's rule, is abuzz with discussions, speculations, and preparations. For the first time in centuries, its gates have opened to welcome the new Emperor, Elroth.   Reopening of Tensen. As the city of Tensen prepares to welcome its new ruler, the elves of Kerithal express both excitement and apprehension. The reopening marks a new era but also brings with it the uncertainty of potential political shifts under Emperor Elroth's rule.   Vulture Attacks at The Sisters. The three towns near the series of lakes known as the Sisters are facing an unsettling phenomenon, relentless vulture attacks, day and night. Attempts to communicate with the birds yield only phrases like "consume" and "feed." Many elves suspect that the recently freed necromancer, Senex Malus, may be behind this occurrence.   Embargo with Undai. A recent outbreak of undead activity on the shores of Undai, across the Brethren Straight, has led to a halt in trade relations between the two nations. Elves in Leng, particularly those in Kerithal, attribute this rise in dark magic to Senex Malus’s return from the Ley Prisons.   Outbreak in Yiana. The city of Yiana is grappling with a rapidly spreading illness known as the Numbing Sluice. This disease has put local authorities on high alert as they scramble to find a cure, or at least a way to contain the outbreak.


  • Kerithal Territory
    Kerithal Territory serves as the spiritual nexus of the Leng Empire, embodying the ancestral reverence and diverse faiths of the elven people. Overseen by the Kamihikari Clan and the Emperor, the territory is a sanctuary of divine teachings and the center of the Calling, attracting pilgrims and scholars from across Dromaria. While the territory has yet to fully recover from the scars of the Demon War, its spiritual resilience has guided its restoration efforts. With its abundant natural beauty and sacred significance, the territory continues to grapple with its role in a changing empire, even as it remains a symbol of enduring elven tradition.  


    Kerithal Territory, the largest domain in the Leng Empire, is a diverse and complex region. Bounded to the east by the Brethren Straight, it stands apart from the dragon-occupied Erimata. The immense Great Forest serves as the heartland, teeming with ancient trees, varied wildlife, and significant elvenari settlements. A small but distinctive mountain range in the northeast offers a break in the otherwise lush landscape.   Tempri Bay to the north is a bustling center for maritime activities, while the series of lakes known as the Sisters to the west acts as communal anchors, each surrounded by a thriving town. Off the northern coast, a smattering of islands adds further ecological variety.   Kerithal shares its southeastern border with the Laon Territory and its southern boundary with the Kuran Territory. The Kerithal Territory excels in sustainable agriculture, focusing on the cultivation of unique herbs and plants. These specialized flora play a significant role in both religious rituals and medicinal practices.
Kerithal Territory

Kerithal Territory Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages
Capital(s): Kerithal & Tensen   Aos, Ari-Ren, Dao, Li', Mai, Ori, Sen, Tempri-nan, Yiana

Natural Landmarks
Fero's Tail, The Forgotten Mountains, The Great Forest, The Rusai, Tempri Bay, The Xi River

Kerithal Territory Mission Statement
"Serve as the spiritual fulcrum of the Empire's domains while perpetuating the reverence for the elven gods."
Kerithal Territory Goals
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Rebuild infrastructure and landmarks post-Demon War.
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Ensure a smooth transition for the new Emperor.
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Reforge alliances and establish new trade partnerships.

General Governance
  Governance in Kerithal is a blend of theocratic and monarchical elements. The Kamihikari Clan holds the primary responsibility for the territory's spiritual well-being. While the day-to-day administration is managed by a council of high inquisitors, paladins, and clerics, ultimate authority resides with the Emperor seated in Tensen. Local governance is facilitated through a network of spiritual advisors who work in tandem with assigned magistrates to ensure that the laws and policies are aligned with the territory's core spiritual values.
Specific Laws
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Divine Defamation.
Disrespect or harm to religious artifacts or deities.
A year of mandatory service in one of Kerithal's revered temples, participating in activities that contribute to the temple's upkeep and ceremonies.  
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Arcane Misuse.
Unauthorized use of arcane magic for harmful or manipulative purposes.
Three months of community service in an adjacent territory, contributing to public well-being under strict supervision.  
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Environmental Harm.
Deliberate pollution or destruction of natural resources.
Mandatory participation in environmental restoration projects, working to repair damage and learning about ecological importance.  
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Theft or Robbery.
Stealing goods or possessions from another.
Public shaming and return of stolen goods, along with an equal value in community service to the individual or organization affected.  
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Violent Crimes.
Offenses such as assault and murder.
Either exile from Kerithal or lengthy term of service in a remote area, determined by a spiritual court.  
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Trade Dishonesty.
Manipulating scales or selling defective goods.
Trade probation with monitored activities and attendance at ethical sermons. Repeated offenses may result in permanent revocation of trade.  
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Dishonor to the Emperor.
Actions that directly dishonor the Emperor or contribute to sedition.
Life-long service in remote and challenging territories, or execution, as decided by a special royal tribunal after meticulous spiritual and legal examination.

Crimes Committed by Citizens of Leng
  Non-citizens of the Kerithal Territory who find themselves on the wrong side of the law are subjected to a specialized judicial process. Unlike citizens, they do not have the right to a court trial presided over by high inquisitors. Instead, their case is reviewed by a tribunal of local officials, and if found guilty, they are often subject to fines or temporary imprisonment. In severe cases involving crimes against the state or sacrilege, deportation back to their territory of origin is the common sentence. Diplomatic liaisons may be involved in the process if the individual is a significant figure in their home territory.
Crimes Committed by Non-Citizens of Leng
  Individuals who do not reside in Leng and are caught breaking its laws are met with stringent penalties. These outsiders are typically held in custody until their identity and the nature of their crime can be verified. Given that their actions are considered a breach of both civil and, often, spiritual laws, the penalties can be severe. Fines are usually exorbitant, and incarceration periods longer, often in remote detention facilities designed to isolate them from the general populace. In cases of extreme crimes, such as espionage or blasphemy, the offenders may face a public tribunal and risk lifetime imprisonment or even capital punishment, depending on the severity of the crime and its impact on the empire.

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