Kamihikari Clan

The Kamihikari Clan have been tasked with the spiritual guidance of the Leng Empire. Comprised of dozens of other clans, the Kamihikari work as guardians of the Calling for the Eshanan elves. Known for their dedication to ancestral wisdom and practices, the clan holds a venerable place in the hearts and minds of their people, serving as a bridge between the past and present.   Throughout history, the Kamihikari have played a pivotal role in upholding and propagating the core values of the Empire. Today, they remain active in preserving these tenets, engaging in ceremonial rites, educational efforts, and diplomatic missions to reinforce the Empire's foundations and maintain the continuity of elven culture.   The Kamihikari are contrastingly esteemed and scrutinized, as they embody a connection to old customs. Their efforts to balance the sanctity of archaic practices with the evolving dynamics of contemporary society place them at the center of cultural discourse. As they strive to lead their kin, the Kamihikari Clan work hard to solidify themselves as spiritual custodians.


The Kamihikari Clan's core mission is to preserve and promote the divine heritage of the elves, guiding the community in both ceremonial and everyday practices. Entrusted with the wisdom of their forebears, they are the vanguards of tradition, weaving spiritualism into the fabric of daily life. Their teachings center around the Calling, specifically around the goddess Serithell. Pilgrimages within the Great Forest are common, seeking to bring elvenari into the fold.   Simultaneously, the Kamihikari provide counsel to the ruling entities of the Leng Empire, ensuring that governance is infused with ethical and moral insight. They serve as religious leaders and cultural ambassadors where their efforts in community engagement are considered vital, reinforcing a collective identity among the elves.

Allies & Enemies

The power dynamics within the Leng Empire are primarily influenced by three principal clans: Kamihikari, Kotodama, and Masuta.   Central to this interplay is the Kamihikari Clan, situated in the Kerithal Territory, heartland of elven political power and the seat of the Emperor. The Kamihikari's longstanding alliance with the Ryuu Clan, attendants of the Emperor, continues to shape imperial policies, especially in light of the recent ascension of a new Emperor from the Kotodama Clan.   While the Kamihikari align closely with the Kotodama and Masuta Clans in their commitment to tradition, each group brings its specific approach, arcane mastery from the Kotodama and martial prowess from the Masuta. However, this collective adherence to old customs places them in contrast with the Clan of the Fang, who advocate for substantial societal changes to align with modern values within the Kerithal Territory. In contrast, the Clan of the Cave, prioritizing environmental stewardship, holds a respectful yet distant relationship with the Kamihikari, steering clear of the territory's broader scope.   A concerning element has been the return of Senex Malus, a necromancer with a notorious past. His resurgence poses a potential threat, with many uncertainties about the implications of his return. The Kamihikari Clan, mindful of his history, remains vigilant, prepared to face whatever challenges may arise from his reappearance.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Kamihikari Clan, you may find more information here:    

Kamihikari Iconography

Service to the Emperor
  The Suoress Enclave directly serves the Emperor of Leng. Historically, the group has become integrated with the Kamihikari Clan, a result of Emperor Aenaryuu's longstanding, singular rulership over the entire Empire. This alignment was strategically designed to enable the Enclave to serve Emperors from various clans.   Primarily tasked with serving and advising, the Enclave's role involves directly executing the Emperor's directives. Members are handpicked by the Emperor, typically chosen from clans possessing specific skill sets pertinent to the Empire's needs. Considerable importance is placed on new appointments, with elves dedicating centuries of training in hopes of being selected.   The recent transition to a new Emperor has initiated a period of redefinition for the Enclave. Accustomed to serving Emperor Aenaryuu, the group now confronts the challenge of adapting to the leadership style of Emperor Elroth. This transition is unprecedented in the Enclave's history, necessitating a reevaluation of their approach to service. The current members, mainly those who served the former Emperor, have been recently joined by Grand Magus Eliraeth, an appointee of Emperor Elroth and the first elvenari to ever join the Suoress Enclave.

Major Players

There are many figures in positions of power overseeing the Kamihikari Clan. This includes the current Emperor of Leng, as well as clerics, paladins, and other holy people serving the Empire.

Archon Ver'yamaethon Yahm'hikar

Lawful Neutral, Male Elf
  Ver'yamaethon Yahm'hikar, better known as Ver Yam, was born into a legacy of leadership. On his 100th birthday, he inherited the esteemed title of Archon of the Inner Chamber. Raised to embody diplomacy and spirituality, Ver'yamaethon is an extremely devout man. During his extended tenure, he has significantly contributed to the former Emperor's political success over the past five centuries. His diplomatic efforts have established permanent embassies in various nations, including Bohdan, the Tritos Dominion, and the current Serawa.   Ver Yam entered into an early, politically-arranged union with Belthwa'lin Kenshee, a native of the Masuta Clan from the south. She relocated to Tensen, embracing life alongside Ver Yam. Initially, their union was more a political alliance than a romantic bond, but this shifted with the birth of their daughter, Ardonathwen. Ver Yam's priorities evolved, focusing more on his family and nurturing Ardonathwen to embody the teachings of Serithell and to become a dedicated adherent of the Calling.   In his role as Archon, Ver Yam ensures the orderly governance of Tensen. He oversees the Ryuu Clan's adherence to the directives of the Leng Empire and their service to the Emperor. His reverence for the late Emperor Aenaryuu, a direct descendant of Serithell, bordered on worship. However, the transition to a new Emperor has challenged Ver'yamaethon, revealing a rigid and resistant side to his character as he grapples with these changes.

Diviner Olethuri Reshun’elenthya

Neutral, Female Elf
  The Suoress Enclave serves as the direct aide to the Emperor. As a Diviner, Olethuri Reshun’elenthya's role is to preemptively identify potential threats to the Leng Empire. Having dedicated over 300 years to the cause, Olethuri developed a holy reverence for Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless, believing he could do no wrong.   The death of Emperor Aenaryuu has thrust Olethuri into a challenging new struggle under Emperor Elroth. She finds it difficult to adapt, often unfavorably comparing him to his predecessor, much to Elroth’s annoyance. While her primary duty should be safeguarding and advising the Emperor, Olethuri frequently diverts her energies into investigating the assassination of Aenaryuu by Seveth the Bloodstained.   Olethuri's relationship with the Kamihikari Clan, to whom the Suoress Enclave is beholden, is one of mutual reliance. Her unique ability to interpret visions, concerning both present and forthcoming events, places her in a position of substantial responsibility. This sense of duty is now overshadowed by personal crisis: her inability to prevent the killing of Aenaryuu serves as a haunting remembrance of her limitations. This tragic event, more than anything, shapes her current actions and mindset, casting doubt over her once-unquestioned confidence in her powers.

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