Kotodama Clan Organization in Dromaria | World Anvil

Kotodama Clan

The Kotodama Clan are the caretakers of magical knowledge and application for the Leng Empire. Established by the illustrious Seinaru Kotodama, his legacy is inseparable from the Clan's identity. As the most devoted disciple of the goddess Serithell, Seinaru mastered his Calling through her presence, crafting a tradition of magic that the Empire has followed since.   By design, the Clan's values do not solely revolve around magic; they are about nurturing excellence in skill and character. Membership in the Kotodama Clan transcends bloodlines, welcoming those who demonstrate these virtues, whether they are born into the Clan or chosen for their merits.   Throughout the centuries, the Kotodama have been integral to the stewardship of the Leng Empire. They have shaped and maintained the continent of Leng's magical defenses, embedding their methods into the Empire's core education. Within the Kuran Territory, Seinaru's governance has resulted in a meticulously orchestrated system of surveillance, where magic is integrated into the oversight of its citizens, ensuring vigilance and order in every aspect of daily life.   The Clan's influence has seen fluctuations over time. Under the reign of Emperor Aenaryuu, policies often clashed with Seinaru's vision, and disagreements were common. Now, with the recent passing of Emperor Aenaryuu and the rise of a Kotodama member to the throne, the Clan's role in the Empire is undergoing a significant transformation.


Ages ago, in the aftermath of the Muindor Disputes, the Kotodama Clan ascended to governance over the Kuran Territory. During this period they were entrusted by the Emperor to guard the elves' arcane secrets. Under Seinaru Kotodama's leadership, the Clan transcended its original mandate, broadening its focus to include widespread education. Seinaru’s initiative led to the establishment of repositories across the territory, preserving arcane knowledge and ensuring that every elf with potential would receive magical training.   The educational mission of the Kotodama Clan is twofold: to nurture magical talent, and to maintain vigilant control over its application. Their operations, though most intensive within the Kuran Territory, extend their surveillance across the Empire. In their advisory capacity to the Emperor and active participation in the Empire's governance, the Kotodama Clan wields substantial influence, epitomized by Seinaru Kotodama. As one of the preeminent figures in Dromaria, his impact is widespread, allowing the Clan to shape policies and decisions that affect the entirety of Leng.

Allies & Enemies

The power dynamics within the Leng Empire are primarily influenced by three principal clans: Kamihikari, Kotodama, and Masuta.   The Kotodama Clan, holding a sense of superiority due to their rigorous standards for excellence, maintains generally stable relationships with the other clans. While some vocal members of the Kotodama regard the Masuta as adherents to outdated practices and the Kamihikari as overly traditional, these views do not significantly hinder overall cooperation within the Empire's framework.   On a global scale, the Clan's stance towards the Arcane Collective is one of deliberate distance, stemming from historical tensions that arose in the wake of the Age of Imperium. This has led to a cautious approach in their external magical interactions, with a focus on transparency to mitigate distrust.   Inside the Kuran Territory, there is emerging discontent, primarily among the younger generations. This poses a growing challenge to the Clan's stringent policies. These small, yet increasingly vocal gatherings are part of a generational shift in attitudes towards the Clan's governance, signaling potential for more organized opposition in the future. With the recent ascension of a Kotodama member to the role of Emperor, the Clan faces an uncertain future, opening possibilities for change in external and internal relations.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Kotodama Clan, you may find more information here:  
Schools of War
  Initially formed in Kurago, the first capital of the Kuran Territory, the Magus originated from the Schools of War, a joint initiative of the Kotodama and Masuta Clans. Designed to blend magical prowess with martial skills, the Magus evolved into elite soldiers for the Kuran Territory.   Following the withdrawal of the Masuta Clan, Seinaru Kotodama established the Kaless Cantonment in the new capital, becoming the primary base for the Magus. While Kurago remains active as a training facility, the core of the Magus operations is now centered in the city of Kuran. Serving the Leng Empire as soldiers, mercenaries, and the specialized Virindal who enforce law in the Kuran Territory, the Magus represent the fusion of blade and spell, embodying the martial and arcane strengths of their heritage.

The Tower of Enneth, seen from Por on a clear day.

  Operating out of Kurago, Magus Decree is an official Guild of Tor. Under the leadership of Grand Magus Salazar Kotodama, Seinaru Kotodama's grandchild, the guild upholds the Kotodama Clan's legacy of excellence. Officially sponsored by the Kotodama Clan, Magus Decree represents the pinnacle of adventuring prowess, attracting only the most adept and capable individuals from across Dromaria.

Major Players

While the Kotodama Clan boasts numerous important figures, Seinaru Kotodama is a paramount presence. Due to his extensive influence and long history, which far exceed the confines of this article, readers are encouraged to explore his detailed narrative on his dedicated page for a comprehensive understanding of his legacy.

Grand Magus Eliraeth

Neutral Good, Female Elvenari
  Eliraeth was raised near Kurago, the old capital city. Her family, long residents of the Great Forest, took refuge there during seasonal storms. When she turned twelve Eliraeth first saw the magus practicing their special blend of magic and steel; that moment marked the beginning of her Calling.   Leaving her elvenari family behind, Eliraeth pursued the magus's life with fervor. She moved from Kurago to Kuran, joining Kaless Cantonment to train upcoming magus. Over the next two centuries, Eliraeth shaped the majority of the students who passed through the schools, her distinctive style evident in many of them today. In 6,035 DA, Eliraeth began teaching a young elf known as Sorcerer Elroth, who displayed exceptional talent. Little did she know, she was mentoring the future Emperor.   Elroth, upon his ascension, appointed Eliraeth as the Grand Magus in charge of the Schools of War. In addition, she was also given the title Blademaster of the Suoress Enclave, serving directly under the Emperor. Breaking tradition, Eliraeth, an elvenari, became the first of her kind to hold either position, traditionally reserved for Eshanan elves. Despite whispers of nepotism, those familiar with Eliraeth know she is more than qualified.   With her new status, Eliraeth has officially been made part of the Kotodama Clan. She now serves as a mentor, military leader, and a trusted aide to an Emperor in whom she has complete confidence. Her role is pivotal and her unique position not only solidifies her influence within the Empire, but also cements her legacy as a key architect in shaping its future.

Virindal Magus Vaelor Kithrun

Lawful Evil, Non-binary Elf
  Across the Kuran Territory, displayed daily on Tension Screens in every city, one figure has become infamous. Vaelor Kithrun, serving as the Virindal Magus, fulfills multiple roles: leader, liaison, and the public face of the Virindals, the authoritative police force of the region.   Central to the Kotodama Clan's operations, the Virindal Magus is tasked with communicating detailed current events. Detractors of the establishment describe these broadcasts as propaganda, disrupting displays in acts of protest. Because of Vaelor's slow drawling speech and lengthy explanations, he has earned the nickname "SlothCop." This has inspired a rebellious trend among the territory's youth to wear sloth masks during Vaelor's appearances.   The Virindal Magus is known for maintaining a highly private persona, carefully separating personal feelings from public duties. Despite widespread recognition, their true appearance is shrouded in mystery, perpetually hidden behind a fox mask as part of their Virindal identity. Away from their civic duties, Vaelor leads a quiet family life with two sons and a partner, residing in the seclusion of the Great Forest, a refuge they often but discreetly visit.

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