Masuta Clan

Rulers and protectors of the Laon Territory, the Masuta Clan controls the smallest landmass of the dominant clans. Trusted with the Leng Empire’s physical strength, the Clan seeks to uphold military traditions passed down for thousands of years, actively instilling them into the structure of elven society.   The Clan functions as a territorial government, the Empire’s military branch, and historians of the Muindor Disputes. Their responsibilities revolve around patrolling the borders, training the citizens of the Empire, and providing war-time counsel to the Emperor. Most recently they protected their territory during the Demon War, providing a bastion of safety for Leng.   Encircled by the Great Forest, the Clan prides itself on its relationship with nature. Elvenari live in equal amounts to elves, integrated within the clans of the territory. Their entwined legacies are the foundation on which the elven nation was built, and the Clan actively works to respect their history.


During the founding of the new Leng Empire, Emperor Aenaryuu gave the Clan a directive: Allow Ael’mashtir to flourish and protect the Empire through martial fortitude. In the 2,000 years since that directive, the Masuta Clan has done precisely that. They work hard to faithfully adhere to the god Sithir's precepts as part of that mandate. The Clan maintains a culture that respects the knowledge of war and dedication to physical might.   Almost all elves interact with the Masuta Clan at some point through military orientation. The Clan sends samurai across Leng to educate and train its citizens. These emissaries are the foremost representatives of the Clan. Seen as historians and warriors, they hold special privileges in society.   The Masuta Clan trains and is the majority of the Leng Empire’s military. In times of need, they work with the Kotodama Clan for immediate deployment nationwide. The Clan controls the eastern seaboard, and the area of the Brethren Straight, boasting a moderately strong navy.

Allies & Enemies

The power dynamics within the Leng Empire are primarily influenced by three principal clans: Kamihikari, Kotodama, and Masuta.   Working alongside the Masuta in most things, the Zen Wa Clan is the only elvenari-led Clan within the political structure of Leng. They are the modern vanguards of Ael’mashtir, and produce the greatest blademasters in the world. Famous for their warriors, covertly, the Zen Wa also trains assassins and ninjas. The two clans work to maintain militant peace within their borders and beyond.   The Kamihikari and Kotodama Clans typically regard the Masuta Clan as old-fashioned. Despite these views, the Clan’s relationships remain strong and committed to the health of the Empire. As nobles and politicians, the Masuta Clan advise the Emperor in tactics, census, and the Laon Territory's historical purpose. How well the new Emperor Elroth will synchronize with the Masuta Clan’s Calling is unknown.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Masuta Clan, you may find more information here:  

Temp Image of Samurai

Samurai emissary patrols the border.

  Many warriors follow the Calling of the Blade. In Laon, the tradition of Ael’mashtir is based on the instructions of Sithir Kaless. Across the territory, schools are devoted to his ideology. Practitioners carry a katana and an unsheathed silver push dagger around their necks.   Sithir found his Calling not in war but in the peace that followed. Songs and poetry have been composed for centuries, seeking to capture the tranquility described to a student when they first pick up their sword. Masters tell the blade what to cut, and that is all it touches.   To use a blade is to change the world, a permanent alteration to what exists. When one sheathes their sword in the following moments, they may find their Calling.

Major Players

Grand Silkwith Fores'rel

Neutral Good, Female Elf
  Born during a period of relative peace, Silkwith Fores'rel was naturally drawn to the martial focus of the Laon Territory. Recognizing her Calling early, she embarked on a global quest at a young age. Her journey led her to the Malkari, where she absorbed the teachings of The Eight and mastered the quarterstaff. Then, onto Lolien in the Tritos Dominion, gaining insights from elves who had left their native lands. From there she went to Belwin, where she engaged with the elvenari of the Westlands, eager to learn from their elders.   Yet, it was her return to Laon that crystallized her belief in the Masuta Clan's superiority. Acknowledging their unrivaled skill, Silkwith dedicated herself to enhancing the Clan's livelihood. Her mastery of staves and her fulfilled Calling propelled her upward through the ranks until she was bestowed the prestigious title of Grand.   As the leader of the Masuta Clan, Grand Silkwith Fores'rel oversees their operations. Her openness to external views is seen as unconventional, yet her skills quell any opposition. Silkwith's strategic prowess was a key factor in protecting the Territory during the recent Demon War. Currently, in her later years, Silkwith is in the process of selecting a successor. This process has been challenging, as she is not ready to perform her Nyellindeli.

Sherai Zen Wa

Neutral, Male Elvenari
  For the past century the Zen Wa Clan has been under the command of Grand Sherai Zen Wa. During this time he has maintained its status as the only elvenari clan within the Leng Empire. Named after his legendary warrior grandfather, Sherai carries expectation and responsibility with a solemn dedication, though the burden often weighs heavily upon him.   Sherai has not held the title of Grand as long as other clan leaders. Because of this, Sherai has leveraged his close ties with Proelia Summus, the esteemed blademaster and daughter of Elsinleyown Yam'hikir, to elevate the Zen Wa Clan to a position of significant influence within the Laon Territory. Proelia makes regular appearances on his behalf, speaking to crowds of hundreds about her family history.   A master of Ael'mashtir himself, Sherai is unyielding in diplomatic affairs, ensuring his people's autonomy within the broader scope of the Empire. His demands echo the centuries-old stance of the Zen Wa: elvenari sovereignty, as decreed by divine commandment, is to be upheld until the end of time.

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