The Westlands Geographic Location in Dromaria | World Anvil

The Westlands

The Westlands are a teetering balance between optimistic prosperity and potential conflict, heavily influenced by its dominant nation, Thorn. The region's capital, New Blarek, serves as a reminder to the area's commitment to magical and technological advancement. Notably independent, the country of Bohdan stands aside, unbound by the Covenant that otherwise unifies the majority of society.  


The Westlands boast a varied terrain, from arid plateaus and towering mountain ranges to fertile farmlands and mystical woods. The north features buttes and chilly pine forests, while the south warms up with hills, a small desert, and the expansive Tempus Nova forest that leads to the Otherwyld. The region is framed by the Sterling Ocean to the west and the Drakefire Ocean to the south, with the Scorched Sea off its inner southeastern coast. A diverse range of weather patterns reflect the area's varied geography, generally adhering to standard seasonal shifts.


The region was initially settled and then abandoned during the Age of Horror, thanks to the terror spread by the Aberhent Prince Ishkul. After his defeat, the Westlands were resettled, embroiled in centuries-long conflicts, especially with the city of Ania in The Eastlands across the Crystalcap Mountains. Amidst a scarcity of magical knowledge, the Arcane Collective founded the city of Blarek as a haven for arcane wisdom. As recently as 6,064 DA the area faced devastation during the Demon War, but has since been rebuilt by the Odelian Order, with Blarek rechristened as New Blarek.


  • The Westlands
    The Westlands are a teetering balance between optimistic prosperity and potential conflict, heavily influenced by its dominant nation, Thorn. The region's capital, New Blarek, serves as a reminder to the area's commitment to magical and technological advancement. Notably independent, the country of Bohdan stands aside, unbound by the Covenant that otherwise unifies the majority of society.  


    The Westlands boast a varied terrain, from arid plateaus and towering mountain ranges to fertile farmlands and mystical woods. The north features buttes and chilly pine forests, while the south warms up with hills, a small desert, and the expansive Tempus Nova forest that leads to the Otherwyld. The region is framed by the Sterling Ocean to the west and the Drakefire Ocean to the south, with the Scorched Sea off its inner southeastern coast. A diverse range of weather patterns reflect the area's varied geography, generally adhering to standard seasonal shifts.
Continent of Pathriam
The Westlands Base Map Image

Natural Landmarks
Amber Coast, The Bolt, Burning River, Broken Ridge, Cape Caplet, Cobalt Lake, Cobalt River, The Dales, The Denwood, Devil's Kitchen, The Dragon's Nest, Ember Thicket, Eminence, Ettenwood, The Firepeaks, The Freewood, Gnarled Valley, The Gold River, Gorun Hills, Gremlin Knoll, Jothun'mir, The Layesstear, Rimestone Steppes, The Row, Salmon River, The Scarred Shore, The Septum, The String, The Tass, Tempus Nova, The Thorngrove, The Tremblewood, Trickle Creek, Twilight Woods, The Umber Desert, Viscino Swamp

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