The Sterling Ocean Geographic Location in Dromaria | World Anvil

The Sterling Ocean

The Sterling Ocean is a central body of water in Dromaria, encircling the fragmented continent of Dendenwine. Known for its calm seas and rocky landscapes, it has earned the monikers "the Shipwreck Isles" and "the Pirate Isles." Despite difficult navigation, its temperate waters and rich marine life make it a hub of adventure and commerce.  


Positioned at the heart of Dromaria, the Sterling Ocean is bordered by the continents of Pathriam and Erimata, with its central feature being the crumbled kingdom of Dendenwine. The ocean is punctuated by jagged outcroppings, particularly near Dendenwine, making navigation in the areas hazardous, a point of pride for the local pirates who regularly travel through.  


Once a contiguous landmass, Dendenwine was shattered into smaller islands by an ancient evil known as The Lecker, prompting its elven inhabitants to largely abandon it. Only one heavily fortified elven city remains called Lainathia. Now, thousands of years later, the Sterling Ocean gained notoriety as a haven for pirates, particularly in Naga Cove, which serves as the stronghold for the organized Guilds of Naga Cove.  


Inner trade routes are integral to the economies of the surrounding continents. However, the presence of pirates, especially around Dendenwine and the center of the ocean, adds a layer of complexity and danger to these passages. Consequently, there is a significant military presence near key trade points to safeguard commerce.  


The ocean teems with diverse marine life of all kinds, contributing to both its allure and its dangers. Mortal activity is mostly concentrated in the form of piracy, organized by the Guilds of Naga Cove. Their base, Naga Cove, is a secluded area within the inner islands of the ocean, difficult to access for those not in the know.
The Sterling Ocean

Sterling Ocean Small Image

Points of Interest
  Lainathia, Naga Cove

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