Guilds of Naga Cove

The Guilds of Naga Cove are a collective of pirates who have created a society based on mutual survival. Their origins stem from Dendenwine, the fallen elven kingdom, and descendants attempting to reclaim what was lost. As time passed the area began to attract vagabonds and criminals, seeking to escape the mainlands.   From there the guilds were formed, a group of people seeking to find common ground and thrive in a world where they were not wanted. They created a set of laws, called The Codes of the Naga, six core rules that would define them. The people began to live at sea, calling the scattered islands they would return to Naga Cove.   Now, pirates of the high seas, each vessel is considered a guild under the banner of the Guilds of Naga Cove. They travel, steal, and pillage across all regions, excluding Leng and Dendenwine. The guilds are a united front, forming an unbreakable bond between criminals. The captains preach a need for unity among each other, finding common ground in a world that wishes them gone.   Each guild has its own leader, with the entirety of the enterprise helmed by the senior captain. There are currently twenty-six guilds flying the colors of Naga Cove and five captains serving on the small council under the leadership of Captain Caly Wakewalker.   The guilds are centered around the eastern side of Dendenwine in a series of small, difficult-to-navigate islands. Moving across the region, they run a black market on a series of barges called the Nagajara. Anything can be found there with the exclusion of items violating the Covenant. To maintain peace in their region the code forbids interfering with the dragons or the elves who legally control the territory. The nation of Leng ignores the dealings of the Guilds and works directly with an intermediary to maintain peace.

The Codes of the Naga

The pirates of Naga Cove follow six core rules that define them. These codes were established during the founding, and it was agreed upon that these would be the only rules any pirate would ever have to follow again. Every pirate who flies a flag of Naga Cove must swear to the Code.   The captain of a sworn vessel ensures their crew stays in line or faces the consequences themselves. The guilds are policed by a force known as The Rippers, a sect devoted to upholding the Codes. If a ship is accused, the Rippers are authorized to bring members before a tribunal of gathered captains. If an agreement cannot be made the senior captain of the guild presides over the ruling.    
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Captain’s Honors Code. During conflict between guild members, the vessel’s captain is considered the judge, jury, and executioner. Should the conflict be between two captains, the issue may be solved in ship-to-ship combat or a captain's duel.
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The Dendenwine Code. Leng, its ships, and its people are off-limits.
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The Dragon Code. Uphold the Covenant.
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The First Mate Code. A threat against one guild ship is a threat against all.
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The O’Leary Code. Pirates don't steal from pirates.
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The Sandy Heel Code. Judgment on land is forbidden. All issues are to be resolved at sea.
Guild Haunts
  The guilds are known to frequent two main locations outside Naga Cove: the coastal towns of the Esh Republic and the boiling islands of the Scorched Sea.   Along the eastern coastline of the Esh Republic, it is common to see the green and purple flags of the guilds docked. The nation is one of the few places where pirates are allowed to trade freely. While not a pleasant sight for the citizens, the cities have become reliant on the arrangement.   In the Scorched Sea, pirates are not welcome but this does nothing to dissuade them. The area is a national hub for ship maintenance and design, attracting some of the world’s best shipwrights. Despite their differences, when pirates visit they typically keep the peace, not wanting to burn one of the few bridges they have.

Rippers Guild Flag

The Flag of The Rippers

“Being a member of Naga Cove means being part of a brotherhood. Having a family you always wanted, the ones who will lift you up at your lowest and fight like the devil by your side. We don't offer sanctuary here, but if it's a life of freedom you seek, you needn’t look any further.”  
~ Captain Shane Forsworn

Major Players

Captain Caly Wakewalker

Chaotic Neutral, Female "Human"   Sailors are known for their adventures and tall tales. The most legendary of those stories is that of a great primal dragon, Caltha’palus, the Serpent of the Seas. A dragon of the Covenant, the Serpent has long been famous for capsizing any who dared violate the ancient treaty. Rumors have spread from port to port for generations, always with a touch of reverence and trepidation.   Since the appearance of Captain Caly Wakewalker, Caltha’palus has been absent from the seas. A human woman of unknown age, Caly has served as the leader of the Guilds of Naga Cove for the last three centuries. Despite her appearance, Caly is steady on her feet and regularly seen wandering the docks.   Caly is the captain of the vessel, Servant of the Seas, which sails the inner circles of Naga Cove. Her crew are called “Wakewalkers” and primarly consists of dragonborn. Rarely off their ship, the Wakewalkers are reclusive and scarcely seen on land except when serving their captain. As the leader of the guilds, Captain Caly is aloof, taking interest in them only when necessary. She enjoys serving as an executioner when the option is presented to her, leading many to solve disputes on their own.

Captain Elroy Marsh

Chaotic Evil, Male Human   Elroy Marsh was born and raised as a slave among the pirate crew of Captain Jagger. He was separated from his parents when he was ten, and lived the next five years passed from one crew to another. Every day he felt tainted a bit more, a black stain on his heart that would never heal, festering with the desire to kill Jagger.   When he turned sixteen, Elroy sailed into the docks of Naga Cove alone, accompanied by nothing but the dead. The Rippers investigated, finding that Elroy had been heartless in his slaughter, and was demanding the head of Captain Jagger. The pirates passed his judgment onto Captain Caly Wakewalker, who found Elroy innocent. In the years that followed Caly promoted Elroy’s ambition instead of dampening it, elevating him to captain the same ship he had arrived in, encouraging him to find the long-missing Captain Jagger.   In the fifteen years since, Captain Elroy Marsh and the Crimson Corsairs have become the most notorious slavers and thieves of the modern era. Every day Elroy has sailed, raided, and pillaged, and every night he is consumed with a vengeance that has refused to leave his heart. He has risen to a leadership position within the Guilds of Naga Cove, and is considered among the most influential of the pirate captains. He has yet to find Jagger, growing more obsessive by the day.

Captain Lanileer Ensai

Lawful Neutral, Male Elf   The Dry Tide is the least nefarious of the major pirate ships, rarely seen far from the coast of Leng. Bookkeepers, knowledge hunters, and relic seekers, the vessel is captained by Lanileer Ensai of the famous elven Ensai family. “The Scriviners” are known for coordinating between the mainland of Leng and Dendenwine, working as liaisons.   Captain Lanileer is a simple man who uses his position to indulge his personal interests. He enjoys exploring elven historical sites and scours the seas seeking lost artifacts. While his influence with the Guilds of Naga Cove may be less than his compatriots, without Lanileer’s aid there would be no current alliance between the pirates and Leng.

Captain Ouli

Lawful Evil, Female Malkari   Ouli’s past is one of extremes. When she had nowhere left to go, Ouli began a life of piracy, climbing the ranks in the Guilds of Naga Cove. By the time she had become a captain, Ouli was one of the most wanted criminals in the world, branded by the anathema Thornbite from the nation of Thorn.   Now in charge of a floating bazaar called the Nagajara, Captain Ouli oversees security for the whole of merchant relations. Led by example, her crew has been dubbed the “Barge Bullies,” and are known as hard-hitting brutes who are quick to anger. Since Ouli’s inception as captain, the Nagajara has become a place of safety for the pirates of the region. The only violence that occurs there now is from the good captain and her crew.

Captain Shane Forsworn

Lawful Evil, Male Tiefling   Captain of The Drowned Triton, Shane Forsworn is a pirate of infamous reputation. He is one of the leaders of the Guilds of Naga Cove and is the man in charge of the Rippers. The Rippers work as a policing force, maintaining the Codes of the Naga. Shane and his crew are called upon in times of inner-guild quarrels, enforcing the captain's personal method of justice.   Originally named Delith Litheanuea, he has lived a sad and adventurous life. Born to an elven family in Kerithal, Delith’s tiefling curse manifested late. By the time he understood what was happening, Delith’s parents had cast him out. The years that followed were a mix of begging and running, with Delith trying to understand his place in society. Eventually, he was kicked off Erimata for violating the The Dragon's Peace and exiled to Zan'deil.   It is unknown how Delith escaped the old lands, but when he returned to civilization he had changed his name and persona. He joined a pirate crew and the Guilds of Naga Cove and spent years terrorizing the high seas. Now, Captain Shane Forsworn instills fear in his enemies and trepidation in the hearts of his fellow guildmates. Pirates who shirk the Codes of the Naga fear the flag of Forsworn, and dread the sight of The Drowned Triton on the horizon.

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