
Erimata is a sprawling continent east of Leng, encircled by the Drakefire, Sterling, and Gyre Oceans. Known for its longstanding peace and security, Erimata has largely been conflict-free, particularly since the signing of the Covenant. Overseen and ruled by dragons, this land is the homeland of the Malkari, although every race on Dromaria can be found there.  


Erimata is a land where the elemental presence of dragon guardians is tangible in the terrain itself. In the southeast, the world's largest desert smolders and roils, its sands shifting to the moods of Sandlord Ryodo. To the southwest, the imposing Duso Mountains that shelter the world's largest city are not just rock and earth; they are as unyielding as the dragons that claim them. The central region of Yen Su Ma, a fertile expanse of grasslands and farms, carries the essence of vitality, enriched by the residents who bless the soil and skies. Surrounded by plateaus on the west and an ensemble of lakes and pine forests to the east, the land itself seems to be in a state of primal balance. In the north, the climate varies sharply: the land cools and dries as it stretches away from the center, while Emperor's Peak and the planet's largest lake in the west are concentrated points of elemental power.


Erimata is colloquially known as the "Land of Dragons." Before the arrival of mortals, the world was entirely under dragon dominion, particularly the Primals. When the Covenant was established, dragons designated Erimata as their stronghold, with Emperor's Peak in Don Shou serving as the center of their governance. The land's customs and traditions have been entirely influenced by the ruling dragons.   During the dark period known as the Age of Horror, Ulric Lothor brokered the Dragon's Peace, an amendment to the Covenant. This allowed mortals to find sanctuary in Erimata as long as they adhered to dragon law. Since then, the land has been open to mortal settlement under the accord.   The stability of Erimata has been recently tested, when the Prophet Stroud wreaked havoc on Emperor's Peak, the dragon's capital. This act ignited global tensions and destabilized the continent, necessitating repeated intervention by the Sovereign Sage, a neutral mediator between dragons and mortals.
Continent of Erimata
Erimata Base Map Image

Don Shou, The Esh Republic, Liyish, Undai, Yen Su Ma   Capital City: Emperor's Peak

Natural Landmarks
Brethren Straight, The Caresh, Dagger's Tabernacle, The Drift, Duso Mountains, The Embercaps, Emperor's Peak, The Ento, Felo River, The Fin, The Ghostwood, The Glass, Greyroost, Hatchling Ridge, The Hush, Jadeen's River, The Kin, Lake Ukia, The Leviathan, Mercy Bay, Mount Cao, Mount Rayo, The Razorcoast, Su Forest, Sunwise Woods, The Tail of the Beast, The Tongue of the Beast, The Twai, The Wyrmpeaks, The Ysonith River

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