Gyre Ocean

The Gyre Ocean is a vast, chilly, and rainy expanse of water that spans both north and southwestern Dromaria. Known for its dark depths, it houses the singular underwater world tree beneath the continent of Ebon. While the ocean offers beauty and allure, it also presents deadly risks due to the menacing creatures that inhabit the icy lands above its northern reaches.


Stretching across a considerable portion of western Dromaria, the Gyre Ocean is the world's largest ocean. Its climate features a mix of cold, rainy weather and occasional extreme conditions such as storms. The ocean is divided into various regions, with the northern areas being particularly perilous due to the harsh climate and dangerous creatures. Its most unique feature is the world tree Ebon, which resides underwater at the ocean's southernmost point under the continent of the same name.


The Gyre Ocean holds a unique place in Dromarian history, primarily because of Ebon, the world tree. World trees in Dromaria connect the realm to the elemental planes and were planted to allow mortals to coexist with dragons. Ebon's underwater location was the result of a perilous quest by the god Peruvus, making it the only world tree beneath the sea.


In stark contrast to its quieter northern confluence with the Amber Ocean, the southern regions of the Gyre Ocean bustle with activity. Numerous coastal cities flourish along its shores, with numerous maritime routes that are guarded and regularly traveled. Nevertheless, the areas surrounding Ebon and the hazardous southern continent remain largely uncharted due to the risks they pose.


While the icy southern most reaches are dominated by dragons and unknown menacing monsters, the more temperate central and northern areas are inhabited by various races, including embers and Tritons. These regions offer a stark contrast to the uninhabited, dangerous southern areas, boasting thriving communities and bustling coastal cities.
The Gyre Ocean

Gyre Ocean Small Image

Points of Interest
World Tree Ebon

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