The Amber Ocean

Situated in northeastern Dromaria, the Amber Ocean extends from the continent of Pathriam to the icy shores of Mortéglace. The ocean is infamous for the Bedlam, a permanent, miles-long whirlpool at its core, south of Mortéglace and north of Pathriam. Along its north-west most boundary, the Amber Ocean meets the towering mountain range of Erindor. The ocean's most distinctive feature is its amber reef, a vibrant golden barrier that protects the mountains from the ocean's surging tides.  


Located north of the continent of Pathriam, the ocean stretches up to the southern shores of Mortéglace. The climate ranges from moderate warmth on the western coasts in the summer, to brutal storms across the whole of the ocean in the winter. Where the Amber Ocean meets the Gyre Ocean there is a tempestuous whirlpool called The Bedlam that diverts most life from the area.  


Though largely unexplored due to its treacherous conditions, the Amber Ocean has long served as a natural barrier between the continents it borders. Oral histories suggest that many have perished attempting to conquer its turbulent waters, reinforcing its menacing reputation. The amber reef is thought to be as old as the waters themselves, a natural marvel that has withstood the test of time.  


The Amber Ocean is largely devoid of commercial activities due to its hazardous nature. However, the Thorn Territory has managed to harness its beauty for tourism, offering boat tours to those daring enough to glimpse the ocean's golden hues.  


The inhospitable conditions of the Amber Ocean make it largely uninhabited by people. However, various species of resilient marine life have adapted to its extreme conditions, their details largely unknown due to the ocean's perilous nature.
The Amber Ocean

Amber Ocean Small Image

Points of Interest
Amber Coast, Amber Reef, The Bedlam

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