
Mortéglace is an untamed land unconstrained by modern governance. Neither the Illumination's light nor the Covenant's influence has reached this perilous expanse. It is a place of unbridled freedom where only the fittest endure. Daily threats come from a harsh environment and menacing wildlife, including vicious monsters and giants. It attracts the bravest souls unburdened by societal norms, many of whom are dwarves of the Ander Clan lineage. Over the ages, they have carved a stronghold in the mountains, becoming the dominant people in the icy expanse.  


Comprising two distinct landmasses, Mortéglace lies in Dromaria's northernmost reaches. It's bordered by the tempestuous Amber Ocean and the Bedlam, an underwater maelstrom that makes southern maritime routes impossible. The land is a blend of icy forests and imposing mountains where nature reigns supreme. Not under the Covenant's protection, it often becomes a battlefield between mortals and dragons.


Originally settled by the Ander Clan dwarves, Mortéglace was their refuge from the overbearing authority of the Ancestors living in Zan'deil. They built Ander Hall and invited dwarves of the other Matron Clans to live freely on Mortéglace. However, the pull of warmer climates led most to decline, shattering a once-unified nation. Mortéglace has also been plagued by nightmarish monsters created by the god Ishkul. Through valor and ingenuity, the Anders contained these threats in the Ley Prisons, securing the land from the horrors.   In 6,071 DA, a calamitous event shattered the Ley Prisons, unleashing the imprisoned menaces back onto Mortéglace. Most notably, Maegoloth the Apex, known to the dwarves as Guth-Nas Bloodbane, has resumed his rule over the fire giants, casting a shadow of war on the horizon.  


The predominantly dwarven inhabitants are fierce combatants devoted to the Stone Oaths dictated by Forn. They maintain traditions to honor the matron clans and their Callings, while others in small communities seek their protection.   Mortéglace is also home to a diverse array of non-dwarven folks, many of whom have settled along the coasts to engage in trade and rely on the sea for sustenance. These communities often gather together for mutual support and defense, especially in times of crisis. While the Anders are the primary protectors, some have even formed uneasy alliances with dragons for added security.  


Despite its isolation, Mortéglace is open to trade and alliances. Many see it as a lawless and frozen vestige of ancient times, but some brave the distance for its abundant natural resources or to escape those very laws.  


Though the earthquake of 5,488 DA divided the land into two regions, Mortéglace's sparse population precludes the establishment of distinct nations.  


Mortéglace's economy is largely self-sufficient, driven by the resourcefulness of its inhabitants. Trade exists but is limited by the land's isolation and dangers. The Ander dwarves, master weaponsmiths, exchange their crafts for essential goods, distributing them among the populace as needed.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

The Anders are a fierce and proud group of dwarves who have ruled Mortéglace since their arrival. While the Ander King is more a leader and champion than an authoritarian, the lineage has been universally revered for upholding the Stone Oaths and never abusing their positions. They aim to one day lure other dwarves back to Mortéglace and reunite Forn.   King Ander of Ander Hall. A lineage of Ander Kings has protected and guided the land for thousands of years, ensuring the safety, freedom, and faith of its people. The current ruler is King Ander the Fourth, the Sixth of his name.   Ethglacial the Peerless. An ancient silver dragon, Ethglacial was once an enforcer of Covenant. Over time, she found purpose in battling other dragons and now resides in the Terrorridge Forest. Among dragons Ethglacial is known as the most dangerous of their kind.   Warped Mammoth Crush. A gang of fire giants twisted by monstrous mutations. They worship Maegoloth the Apex, a nightmarish creature released from the Ley Prison beneath Ander Hall, reinforcing their devotion to him.   Maegoloth the Apex. Created from the giant commander Aegoloth through a boon from the god Ishkul, Maegoloth is a monstrosity aimed at claiming Mortéglace. His release has galvanized the Warped Mammoth Crush's devotion.  

Current Events

Lamentia's Lost. At the dawn of the new Age, the evil Otherwyld entity known as the witch Lamentia was vanquished. Her death unleashed a curse upon those she had seduced and entranced. These afflicted individuals are now so consumed by sorrow that they wander into the sea, as if having lost the most important person in their lives.   Dragon Assault on Shemeer. A group of white dragons attacked the twin towns of East and West Shemeer, causing significant destruction. Ethglacial the Peerless, a silver dragon, intervened in a rare act of mercy, defeating the marauding dragons and saving countless lives.   Warped Mammoth Crush Uprising. The return of Maegoloth the Apex has invigorated the Warped Mammoth Crush. They have been on a rampage across Mortéglace, amassing at the volcano known as The Fountain. This has instilled fear and concern among the populace.   Mass Exodus to Ander Mountains. The resurgence of Maegoloth has sent shockwaves of fear through the land. Many have sought refuge in the Ander Mountains, putting a strain on the already limited resources and space available to the dwarves. The Ander King faces a challenging predicament as a result.   The Flea Epidemic. A strain of cold-resistant fleas has swept across the continent. These pests have reached overwhelming numbers in certain areas, making life incredibly challenging for the already beleaguered citizens. The infestation has become so severe that it's affecting visibility and breathing conditions.


  • Mortéglace
    Mortéglace is an untamed land unconstrained by modern governance. Neither the Illumination's light nor the Covenant's influence has reached this perilous expanse. It is a place of unbridled freedom where only the fittest endure. Daily threats come from a harsh landscape and menacing wildlife, including viscious monsters and giants. It attracts the bravest souls unburdened by societal norms, many of whom are dwarves of the Ander Clan lineage. Over the ages, they have carved a stronghold in the mountains, becoming the dominant people in the icy expanse.  


    Comprising two distinct landmasses, Mortéglace lies in Dromaria's northern most reaches. It's bordered by the tempestuous Amber Ocean and the Bedlam, an underwater maelstrom that makes southern maritime routes impossible. The land is a blend of icy forests and imposing mountains where nature reigns supreme. Not under the Covenant's protection, it often becomes a battlefield between mortals and dragons.
Continent of Mortéglace

Mortéglace Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages
Capital: Ander Hall
Allen, Boone, Ceristas, East Shemeer, Eptom, Erestock, Haven's Edge, Instara, Krale, Palia, West Shemeer

Natural Landmarks
Ander Lake, Ander Mountains, The Bedlam, Icefog Woods, Shadow Lake, The Fountain, The Sail, Sonic River, Terrorridge Forest

Points of Interest
Bridge of Ignatius, The Farmstead, The Wreck, Yeti Lodge

Ander Clan Mission Statement
"Build a safe and free world where Forn's Callings can be pursued in their purest form."
Ander Clan Goals
Anvil Bullet Point
Anvil Bullet Point
Build a stable home to bring the other dwarves back to one clan and reunite Forn.

Ander Clan Relationships
  Though isolated, the Ander dwarves are open to alliances and trade. Their remote location and perilous landscape make them difficult to reach, but some make the effort due to Mortéglace's rich natural resources.

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