The Drakefire Ocean Geographic Location in Dromaria | World Anvil

The Drakefire Ocean

The Drakefire Ocean is a warm, clear, and shallow body of water situated centrally in Dromaria, primarily between the continents of Erimata, Pathriam, and Zan'deil. Renowned for its less menacing sea life and frequent water travel, it also poses threats through violent seasonal storms that frequently ravage its south and north western shores.  


Located centrally, the Drakefire Ocean is bordered by three main continents: Erimata, Pathriam, and Zan'deil. Its shallowness is attributed to elevated underwater land formations, a phenomenon speculated to be influenced by the primal dragons around Erimata. The ocean's waters are so clear that one can easily glimpse its underwater world. It connects to the The Sterling Ocean at its northernmost point between Erimata and Pathriam's Westlands.  


The Drakefire Ocean is unique for its shallowness, a characteristic many attribute to the presence of primal dragons in nearby Erimata. Its less threatening fauna and clear waters have made it a popular route for seafarers, except in areas near Zan'deil where lawless dragons and pirates roam. Two of the most violent naval battles in Dromarian history have taken place within the Drakefire. The first occurred between Innex, now the Tritos Dominion, and the marauders known as the Kraken's Fist in 4,050 DA, marking the end of King Leo IV's reign when he died at sea. The second was a much longer and bloodier affair between 4,500 and 5,670 DA during the reign of the Mustella family over Ania. For almost 200 years they waged war against a dragon known as the Burnished Baron living on eastern Zan'deil. What began as a territorial conflict escalated to personal vendetta, leading to eight generations of Mustella kings before the Scaled Assembly intervened, killing the ruler themselves and installing their own king, Caraconne Tritos.  


As the main trade artery between Leng, Undai, and the Esh Republic, the Drakefire Ocean sees considerable maritime activity. Water travel here is considered safer, especially in the northern currents and near its confluence with the Sterling Ocean. However, this safety diminishes as one moves farther towards Dendenwine, where piracy becomes a significant concern, necessitating a strong military presence held by Thorn.  


The Drakefire Ocean is home to a diverse array of shallow-water creatures and amphibians, as well as mortal communities and pirates. Its seas are less menacing near its northern shores due to the high number of Covenant aligned dragons in the region, particularly around Undai and the Esh Republic. The closer to Zan'deil one gets the more likely they are to come across dragons who hold no allegiance to anyone but themselves, and risk the eternal rivalry of the Burnished Baron and Kish the Mad.
The Drakefire Ocean

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