Tritos Dominion

Spanning the vast expanse of eastern Pathriam, the Tritos Dominion is a nation in flux, grappling with new leadership under King Ender Ramus and the recent loss of key territories. From the Slatetop Mountains that cleave the land in the north to the evergreen expanse of the Emerald Wood in the south, the Dominion boasts a geographic diversity that mirrors its history, shaped by legendary figures like Ulric Lothor and shaken by recent secessions.   Ania, the heartbeat of the Dominion, serves as both the cradle of the Illumination faith and the hub of Civil Legion activities. The city stands as a microcosm of the Dominion's broader complexities.  


The Tritos Dominion is a vast and diverse territory that occupies the majority of the Eastlands of Pathriam. It is a land of contrasts, varying dramatically from north to south, with the Slatetop Mountains serving as a natural divide.   In the northwest, the Dominion is bounded by the Crystalcap Mountains and the nation of Erindor. Here, the Scorched Sea laps against the coastline, leading to the expansive Stein Desert. This sandy wasteland, dotted with occasional rocky outcrops, is a relic of a once-inhabited region, now home only to wildlife and the occasional excavation. Beyond the Stein, the land transforms into rolling hills and lush pastures, abundant with lakes and rivers. These fertile valleys give way to another mountain range, known as the Illuminated Peaks, which borders the Dominion's northern coast.   The northeastern corner of Tritos features the Treadpeaks, a mountain range surrounded by large wooded treks that offer a blend of temperate rainforests, mountains, and coastlines. This region is crisscrossed by numerous rivers, lakes, and moors.   In the south, the Dominion's territory narrows, squeezed between the recently seceded countries of Serawa and Frijring. Despite these political changes, the south remains an integral part of Tritos' identity. Here, the Emerald Wood, a deciduous forest that remains green year-round, stretches across the southwestern border with Serawa, adjoining extensive farmlands dotted with small towns and villages. The Abadaya Badlands lie farther to the southeast, their hilly terrains a stark contrast to the fertile lands that surround them.   While Tritos is blessed with natural beauty, it also poses challenges for travel. The Voris River near Tintown is one such obstacle, though a massive suspension bridge facilitates crossing. Adjacent to this is the Cruel Wood, a perilous forest that marks a significant but risky halfway travel point for those journeying through the area.   Climate in the Dominion varies significantly. The northern region experiences colder temperatures and harsh winters, contrasting with the milder climate of the Southern region, especially beyond the Slatetop Mountains.



In the year 3,600 DA, the settling of Ania marked the beginning of human civilization in Pathriam. Officially established by King Bayo Khrazeer I, the real influence behind the burgeoning city-state was Ulric Lothor. Lothor was a man whose reputation transcended traditional authority; his word was often considered law, overshadowing even that of the official kings. This unspoken governance established Lothor and his family as a form of royalty above the conventional monarchy, creating a dual structure of power that steered the city through its formative years.   Lothor's influence was not just restricted to the political sphere. His teachings and moral codes became the cornerstone of the society taking root in Ania. His wife, Ygrette Melion, penned the Tome of Valediction during this period, a work that laid the groundwork for the Illumination religion. This faith, closely aligned with Lothor's own principles, began to shape the cultural and spiritual identity of Ania and its expanding territories.   The early years of Ania were marked by territorial growth and consolidation. Under the dual leadership of the official monarchs and the influential Lothor family, the city-state began to extend its dominion over the Eastlands. This period also saw the reigns of Khrazeer I and his successors, including Khrazeer II and Ramus I, each contributing to the city's increasing power. But it was Lothor's strategic guidance and moral influence that provided the ethical framework within which the city grew.  

Innex & the Age of Horror

In 3,880 DA, under the rule of Cadele II, Ania transformed into the nation of Innex. This transition was marked by significant territorial expansion, as the nation began to stretch its influence across Pathriam. The period also coincided with the harrowing Age of Horror, a time when the land was besieged by a shroud of darkness and monstrous forces. During this calamitous era, Lothor took a pivotal role in the survival of his people. Striking a monumental agreement with the dragons known as the Dragon's Peace, Lothor secured sanctuary for the people of Innex in the land of Erimata. This was a controversial move, but one that would save countless lives.   Despite the overall migration to Erimata, Lothor, his family, and a considerable number of citizens chose to remain in Innex. They capitalized on the absence of other human populations, expanding further into territories that had been left vacant. The Age of Horror became a period of paradoxical growth for Innex, as it both expanded its territories and fortified its existing settlements. While the Dragon's Peace enabled the survival of the people, it was the audacity and resilience of the remaining population that allowed Innex to endure and grow during these dark times.  

War with Undain & the Westlands

The Age of Horror finally lifted, and as people started to return to their ancestral lands, tension escalated. Innex, now a considerable force, faced opposition from the Undain dwarves and the territories of what would later be known as Thorn. These lands, traditionally held by the Undain and other local powers, had been occupied by Innex during the Age of Horror. In 4,295 DA, a conflict broke out, commonly referred to as the War of Reclamation or the War of Pathriam. The war ended with the Undain and Thorn successfully reclaiming their lands. Innex, humbled but still powerful, was forced to relinquish these territories and refocus its energies internally.  

Sarros/Civil Kingdoms

In the wake of the War of Reclamation, Innex underwent a transformative shift, becoming known as Sarros, or more commonly, the Civil Kingdoms. This renaming symbolized a new era focused on internal growth, stability, and a gradual shift away from military expansionism. The nation worked diligently to fortify its boundaries and develop its infrastructure. New towns were founded, trade routes established, and cultural landmarks like Gnome's Landing in 4,959 DA and Tintown in 4,963 DA emerged as centers of commerce and education.   However, the label of 'Civil Kingdoms' was somewhat of a misnomer. The period saw a series of rulers who were anything but civil, contributing to the world's perception of the kingdom as warmongers and bigots. The government was characterized by frequent power shifts among noble families, each vying for control and influence. Magic, long disdained and restricted, continued to be a point of tension, resulting in witch hunts and education limitations.   This period of unrest came to a head during the reign of the Mustella family. Known for their aggressive policies, they orchestrated prolonged military campaigns, including a significant conflict with a dragon known as the Burnished Baron, residing on the continent of Zan'deil. Their rule exacerbated existing tensions, both within the kingdom and with neighboring regions, setting the stage for radical changes that were about to occur.  

Mustella Being Deposed & War

The Mustella reign, remembered as an era of endless warfare, finally met its abrupt end when the Scaled Assembly, governing dragons of the Covenant, intervened. Dissatisfied with the constant military aggressions and potential violations of the Dragon's Peace, they took the unprecedented step of assassinating King of Mustella VIII. This dramatic act served not only as an admonition to the people of Sarros but also as a mandate for a drastic change in leadership. The dragons demanded the crowning of a new family, one that would align more closely with the Covenant's ideals and bring stability back to the troubled kingdom.  

Caraconne Tritos

The crowning of King Caraconne Tritos marked a turning point for the troubled kingdom. Caraconne, an Eshanan elf, brought to the throne not only longevity but also an openness to magic that had long been suppressed. Under his rule, the nation underwent a transformation; it was officially renamed the Tritos Dominion. The kingdom's military might expanded, but perhaps more notably, the public's view on magic began to shift. Witch hunts and educational restrictions on magical arts were relaxed, making way for a more tolerant society.   Caraconne Tritos also earned the epithet "The Jailer King" due to his zero-tolerance stance on crime. During his reign, two significant prisons were founded: Guidan Prison in the north, a maximum-security facility, and Forhold Prison in the south, slightly less severe but still formidable. These institutions became a manifestation of his reign's focus on law and order. The stability Caraconne brought lasted for nearly 400 years, forever altering the fabric of the Westlands.  

Demon War & Succession Issues

The stability that King Caraconne Tritos had brought to the Dominion faced its most significant test during the Demon War. In a catastrophic turn of events, Caraconne was slain by the Demon Lord Lucca in 6,066 DA. The king's death threw the kingdom into a decade-long period of succession crises. Without a strong ruler, the Tritos Dominion found itself vulnerable, leading to internal strife and external challenges that threatened to unravel the progress made during Caraconne's long reign.  

Frijring & Serawa

Taking advantage of the power vacuum and succession crises, two significant regions, Frijring and Serawa, seized the opportunity to declare their independence from the Tritos Dominion. Frijring, a peninsula with its own distinct culture and resources, and Serawa, strategically located in the bottom center of the Dominion, formalized their autonomy during this unstable period. Their secession not only changed the political map but also signaled a weakening of the central authority that had held the Dominion together for centuries.  

King Ender Ramus & the Present

King Ender Ramus, from a house claiming ancient rights, recently ascended to the throne, effectively ending the period of instability and succession issues. His crowning has been met with both relief and apprehension. While many are hopeful that his reign will bring a new era of stability and prosperity, others worry that he might revert the Tritos Dominion to its older, more contentious ways. As of now, King Ramus's policies and leadership style remain to be fully revealed, but the world watches closely, intrigued and cautious about the future of this influential dominion.  


In the Tritos Dominion, the common tongue has evolved into a distinct dialect. Typically the pace of speech is slow and deliberate, imbued with a gravitas that commands attention. Regional slang terms have emerged, often serving to denote geographical and ethnic distinctions. For example, elves hailing from Leng would be referred to as a "Pointer."   With a diverse culinary palate, the region is influenced by its many agricultural resources. Staple foods include pulse grains, mutton, beef, and root vegetables, often incorporated into hearty pies and baked dishes. Special religious or seasonal events may feature ancestral recipes, prepared according to notes passed down through familial Agronomus.   Clothing in the Dominion is both practical and symbolic, often featuring military-inspired designs and religious motifs. Llama wool and cow leather are common materials, designed for durability and comfort. Special occasions may call for garments adorned with intricate embroidery, and sheathes for ceremonial weapons.   Entertainment is a blend of martial and artistic pursuits, reflecting the nation's military ethos and its spiritual inclinations. Gladiatorial sports and jousting competitions are popular forms of public entertainment, often taking place in grand arenas or open fields. These events serve not just as amusement, but also as a way to display prowess and skill.   Holding significant roles in both entertainment and religious ceremony, music and dance are common at social gatherings. Oral song is the most common form of music, usually performed a cappella. Dance styles vary from one locality to another, but they generally involve intricate footwork and are performed in pairs or groups, often as a communal expression of faith or joy.   Textile arts such as weaving and embroidery are highly valued, especially when they incorporate religious or historical themes. These art forms are not merely for decoration but serve as a means of storytelling, capturing the essence of myths, legends, and significant events. Such works are often displayed in places of worship, public buildings, or even homes, serving as both entertainment and edification for the community.   Unique to the Dominion are religious practices such as Zonne Donations and Committal. Zonne Donations involve the crafting of hand-stitched cloths adorned with religious symbols, which are then used to wrap gifts and offerings. These are particularly popular during atonements and charitable events. Committal, observed from the 27th of Topaz each year for thirty-three days, is a period dedicated to community service and giving. Originating from a period of mourning in Lothor's life, it has evolved into a tribute to the community, marked by donations and civil service activities.   The Tritos Dominion follows the Gemstone Calendar, marked by four major solstices: Celivale Eve & Day during the Spring Solstice, Pyrelight Festival at the Summer Solstice, Trellis Day at the Autumn Equinox, and Renewal Day at the Winter Solstice. Each of these occasions is celebrated with much fanfare, featuring rituals, feasting, and various forms of entertainment. While these solstices serve as universal markers of time and season, their observance often takes on religious significance, especially among followers of Lothor, Asir, and Daruun.   Citizens are required to serve in the military, ensuring that everyone receives basic combat and weapons training. Society encourages men to be providers and protectors. Women are respected, especially in the roles of mothers and grandmothers. The expectation for men to be tough is balanced by a culture that respects and values the contributions of everyone in all aspects of life, from the home to the battlefield.   Local celebrations in the Tritos Dominion are largely determined by the individual communities within the region, owing to its expansive size. However, one event that unifies the Dominion is King's Day, a celebration that has not been followed due to the long reign of the previous king but is expected to make a resounding comeback with the recent crowning of King Ender Ramus. This day is marked by grand feasts, tournaments, and community gatherings.   Education is closely tied to both military and religious institutions. In larger cities and towns, public schools provide basic education with a heavy focus on national pride, history, and martial training. These institutions often lack magical curricula, reserving such specialized training for select individuals identified by the state. In smaller communities, education is usually the responsibility of parents. As youths transition into their teenage years, many seek internships with craftsmen, artisans, or other skilled professionals. When a citizen turns sixteen they are required to serve a single year within the Civil Legion.   Healthcare is predominantly administered through religious establishments, most commonly associated with the deity Asir. Hospitals and healing centers operate under religious auspices, offering treatments that blend divine intervention, herbal remedies, and magical healing arts. It's worth noting that resurrection magic is strictly prohibited, aligning with the Dominion's legal and ethical codes. The Dominion’s health system has been effective in treating a wide array of ailments, but it also strictly adheres to the nation's spiritual beliefs and legal statutes.   While magic was initially met with skepticism and even hostility, nearly four centuries of stable governance allowed for the gradual integration of magical appliances into everyday life. Devices like Mending Cabinets for quick repairs, Daydreamers for playing back dreams, and Nippers for food preservation have become commonplace, especially in urban areas. Klaxon Threshers, large, robotic machines, assist in both guarding and harvesting fields. Despite the influx of magical technology, conventional methods still hold sway in certain domains, such as animal-based transportation. Yet over the last four centuries airships have become a frequent sight in the Dominion's skies.  


The Tritos Dominion finds itself in a precarious balance in terms of international relations, particularly following the recent secession of Frijring and Serawa. These lands, integral to the Dominion for millennia, have not only taken territory and citizens but also stripped the nation of its largest naval and airship fleets. This loss has created palpable tension, and many feel that conflict is on the horizon.   The relationship between the Tritos Dominion and its neighbor Erindor is complicated by historical tensions between the Darkstone Clan and the Undain Clan. Once a unified society, the Darkstones chose to remain in the Dominion during the Age of Horror, creating a schism that has led to enduring enmity between the two groups. In terms of trade, interactions between Erindor and the Tritos Dominion are minimal and usually conducted by individual merchants rather than through any formal, state-sanctioned exchanges. This restrained trade dynamic is made even more complex by Erindor's alliance with Thorn, a nation that has long had its own set of disputes with the Dominion.   Thorn and the broader Westlands are viewed skeptically by most in the Dominion, a perception colored by unresolved historical grievances. While outright hostilities have been dormant for some time, tensions are always felt simmering across the Scorched Sea. Trade is similarly limited to specific parties granted permission to do so.   In contrast, Bohdan, also part of the Westlands, enjoys a unique relationship with the Dominion's Gnome's Landing. For nearly a century, these two regions have engaged in a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources.   Leng, home to the long-lived Eshanan elves, finds itself in a transitional phase in its relationship. With Serawa taking over previous trade routes and contracts, negotiations for a new financial framework are currently underway. The common perception of Leng is that of a dismissive, almost ethereal land, inhabited by near-immortals.   Relations with Erimata and the Covenant are generally neutral. While the Dominion adheres to the Covenant, there is neither specific animosity nor alliance between the dragons and the Dominion's citizens. Dragons are generally given wide berths, with intervention only occurring if they directly interfere in local affairs.   To the north Mortéglace and the Anders maintain the most favorable trade relationship with the Tritos Dominion, although the turbulence of the Bedlam in between makes the partnership challenging. In exchange for providing much-needed resources to Mortéglace, the Dominion is granted space on the continent for secretive magical experiments.  


The Tritos Dominion boasts a resilient but rigid economy, anchored by the monetary system known as the Sithir gold standard. Overseen by the Royal Bank of the Dominion, the minting of gold coins features either the current monarch's visage or heraldic sigil, a tradition that ensures authenticity and serves as a historical marker, allowing the provenance of each coin to be easily traced.   Primary industries focus on resource gathering and manufacturing, with agriculture, forestry, and mining sectors making significant contributions. The region's considerable military presence also dictates a focus on auxiliary industries, such as blacksmithing and armory production. This martial emphasis is further highlighted by the sector's exceptional wages and benefits, designed to contribute to overall economic stability.   Trade practices are selective but integral to the Dominion's economic framework. Exports mainly consist of lumber, agricultural produce, and textiles, while imports are more varied, ranging from exotic spices and chalk, to unique livestock breeds, and advanced weaponry.   Taxation within is moderately high, collected primarily by local Barons. Although these funds are earmarked for infrastructure development, a substantial portion often finds its way into military coffers, always with the justification of reinforcing the nation's defense.   Recent geopolitical shifts, such as the secession of the southern regions, have posed new economic challenges. However, the Dominion's robust industrial base, prudent fiscal policies, and adaptability have ensured its continued economic resilience. These qualities fortify the Dominion's standing as a global economic powerhouse, even in the face of evolving geopolitical changes.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

  King Ender Ramus. King Ramus, the newly-crowned ruler of the Tritos Dominion, is a man of staunch convictions and little tolerance for frivolity. A widower in his early years, Ender is deeply influenced by traditional values and holds a strong faith in Lothoren. He still grieves the loss of his wife Lula, and regularly places their daughter, Princess Janine, in places of high-esteem. Ender is regularly seen drawing strength from Lula's memory. He has publicly stated his primary goals as the reclamation of the nations of Serawa and Frijring and has hinted at more ambitious expansions. His stern demeanor and focus on stability have left many questioning the direction he will take the kingdom, but none can deny the aura of decisive leadership he brings to the throne.   With his coronation less than a year ago, the Tritos Dominion finds itself at a crucial juncture in its storied history. Following nearly a decade of political turmoil and disputes among noble houses vying for the crown, Ender Ramus emerged as the ruler with the most convincing claim, thanks to his lineage to an Honored House. Though he has yet to enact dramatic changes, his reputation as a no-nonsense, tradition-bound leader has garnered both cautious optimism and apprehension among his subjects. The citizens of Ania and the greater Dominion find some solace in the stability a new king brings, even if it means a possible return to stringent old ways and the looming threat of military campaigns to reclaim lost territories.   Chancellor Bradley Du'urn. Bradley represents the third generation of wizards serving House Ramus. Raised alongside the current King, and taught by the Ramus family, Bradley's beliefs are firmly rooted in the idea that magic is a weapon and must be deployed with careful consideration. His military-style approach to spell-use, restrained and functional, has led to a resurgence in some of the world's more taboo and destructive spells.   After serving in the Civil Legion and receiving education at the Collective Academy alongside his mother Elisa Du'urn, Bradley returned to House Ramus to serve King Ender and his family. Viewing each other as equals, Bradley's relationship with the King is one of trust and mutual respect. As advisor and Chancellor, Bradley recommends using magic as a weapon through the Shatterstaves, enhancing education on the subject and providing additional resources.   Bradley's appointment as Chancellor marked a significant transition within the Tritos Dominion, as he replaced the long-standing Chancellor Laurali Estavossa. Laurali's elven heritage and centuries of control as an advisor made her the most influential figure within Ania. Her loyalty to the King and mastery over the kingdom's political secrets had shaped the nation's destiny. Bradley's rise to the position signals a change in direction, particularly in his views on the Arcane Collective.   Unlike his predecessor, Bradley perceives the Venerated Repository and Collective Academy as integral parts of the Tritos Dominion, prioritizing their value to the country over the broader needs of the Collective. This perspective has introduced a new dynamic within the Collective's operations, as Bradley actively pursues the utilization of these institutions for the Dominion's benefit.   Currently, Bradley is running a recruitment campaign for the military, enticing individuals with the promise of learning magic, including types usually restricted in everyday life. His advocacy for education and faith as guides to proper magic use underscores his belief in the importance of using the potential of the arcane for his country.   The Honored Houses. Khrazeer, Ramus, Leo, Cadele, Attuma, Falconwrights, Regal, Rath, Darendal, Mustella, and Tritos, are historical anchors revered for their past contributions to Ania's monarchy, serving as symbolic centerpieces of the Tritos Dominion's heritage. Whereas, the current ruling houses like Charmont, Le'Cheff, and Druceff are the functional cogs of governance, each tasked by the King with specific responsibilities such as tax collection, law enforcement, and resource management.   The Civil Legion. The Civil Legion is a keystone institution, acting as both the military and law enforcement agency. Its reach is comprehensive, involving every citizen in a mandatory year of training upon reaching the age of 16. Specialized divisions within the Legion add to its capabilities: the Shatterstaves focus on anti-magic operations, while the Seawolves and Dragon Force are dedicated naval and aerial units, respectively.   Under the rule of King Ramus, the Civil Legion faces heightened responsibilities. They are tasked with maintaining the integrity of borders, which has led to considerable troop movements and a state of increased readiness. Knights, who are also part of the Legion but operate with greater autonomy, are often seen leading these operations. The organization stands as both a symbol and enforcer of unity, law, and order for the citizens of the Dominion.   Marshal Baal Mallora. Mallora serves as the highest authority above the Civil Legion, second only to the royal family in the court hierarchy. Nicknamed "The Iron Marshal," Mallora is a figure of both respect and intimidation, known for his straightforward demeanor and commitment to his duties. Often found in the barracks of Castle Mortite, Mallora is a seasoned warrior with a tactical mind, responsible for the readiness and deployment of Ania's forces.   His role as a Upiryrial liaison between the royal family and the rest of the court adds to his already demanding position. Under King Ramus, Mallora is tasked with a daunting challenge: maintaining the stability and integrity of the borders. These heightened responsibilities have only cemented his reputation as someone who speaks his mind, regardless of the consequences, and as a leader committed to seeing every mission through to completion.   The Shatterstaves. A specialized division within the Civil Legion, distinguished by their fervent disdain for magic and its users. Operating under the credo to "stomp out the evils of magic whenever possible," this unit attracts individuals who share similar sentiments. Their methodologies, often veering into the realm of brutality, make them a controversial presence within the Dominion. Yet, their role has been deemed necessary, particularly for dealing with arcane threats.   Currently led by Magister Primarius Chastity Renault, a figure known for her nationalistic fervor and unyielding zeal, the Shatterstaves have seen a rise in their influence and numbers, largely due to their association with House Hargrave. As the house of King Ramus's late wife, this relationship has solidified the Shatterstaves as an official military unit within Ania. Their mission, while divisive, is clear: to create a Dominion where magic is relegated to the annals of history, replaced by human will and ingenuity.   Magister Primarius Chastity Renault. The reigning Magister Primarius embodies the division's ideals with zealous devotion. Personally appointed by the head of House Hargrave, her leadership style is characterized by a blend of nationalism and a stringent adherence to tradition. Despite a veneer of patriotic fervor, those who have dealt closely with her detect an undercurrent of cruelty, especially when it comes to handling magical threats.   Renault's influence has soared alongside the rising prominence of the Shatterstaves, making her one of the most significant figures in Ania's current military fold. Although her methods are often questioned, her effectiveness is not; she is most commonly deployed when the stakes are highest and magical threats loom large. In a Dominion increasingly skeptical of arcane powers, Chastity Renault is both a symbol and an enforcer of that sentiment.   Church of Lothoren. The Church of Lothoren serves as a spiritual guide for the citizens of the Tritos Dominion, its influence reaching far across all of Pathriam. With the current King as one of its most devout followers, the church wields significant authority in both public and private spheres. Although its power is vast, it channels this influence into acts of charity and defense of the vulnerable, aligning closely with its mission statement to promote the tenets of Service, Forgiveness, and Justice. Originating in Ania, the faith has spread across Dromaria, making Lothoren the most popular religion worldwide. Hierophant Valerie Smith currently works as the central figure within the Dominion, guiding the church's efforts to fulfill its ultimate goal: the widespread propagation of Lothor's teachings.   Hierophant Valerie Smith. The Hierophant is a polarizing figure within the Lothoren Church, embodying both spiritual authority and striking individualism. Aside from her roles in overseeing religious affairs and social outreach, she has a surprisingly keen interest in viticulture. She has personally invested in a sizable tract of land near Bastor to establish a grove and winery, a venture that has raised a few eyebrows among the more traditional clergy. This peculiar interest in winemaking serves as an avenue for her to connect with the common folk, often breaking bread, or rather, uncorking a bottle, with those seeking counsel. Smith is not only a spiritual advisor to the King but also an unpredictable, yet stabilizing, force within the nation.  

Current Events

Coronation. King Ender Ramus' recent coronation is the talk of the kingdom. While many are optimistic about a new era of stability, there are pockets of dissent and worry about a return to older, harsher ways of ruling.   Border Disputes. Increased border skirmishes with Erindor, Serawa, and Frijring have led to heightened alert levels within the Civil Legion. The mobilization of troops is causing unrest among citizens, who worry about the possibility of escalating conflicts.   Invasive Animals. An unusual surge in deer population is wreaking havoc on the Blessed Fields, posing a threat to the year's harvest. Local authorities and farmers are scrambling for a solution to mitigate crop loss.   Chancellor's Bounty. The bounty on the former Chancellor, Laurali Estavossa continues to be a divisive issue, especially given her long service to the kingdom. Speculation and conspiracy theories are rampant, with some calling for leniency.   Shatterstaff Moves. Amidst the change in leadership and ongoing border tensions, the Shatterstaves are carrying out more frequent and aggressive anti-magic operations. Their increased activity is leading to public debates about the role and limitations of magical practices within the Dominion.   Moving Coin. Amidst the political changes and the new king's coronation, the Royal Bank has seen an unprecedented influx of investments and withdrawals. It's rumored that various Honored Houses are reorganizing their finances in preparation for potential shifts in power.   Reaffirming Faith. The Church of Lothoren has announced a significant religious gathering in Ania, called "The Summit of Light," aimed at reaffirming the faith's tenets and discussing their role in the new era under King Ramus. The event has both devotees and skeptics curious about potential changes in church-state relations.


  • Northern Tritos Dominion
    The northern region of the Tritos Dominion.
  • The Tritos Dominion
  • Southern Tritos Dominion
Nation of the Tritos Dominion

The Tritos Dominion Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages
Capital: Ania   Bastor, Belthar, The Copper Settlements, Crabmeat, Crammin, Cryptok, Dondarian, Genmar, Gnome's Landing, Hag's Haul, Hayro, Holt, Kantier, Kul' Karit, Loland, Lolien, Longspine, Owens, Padan, Rastein, Reid, Shale Mill, Shelter Lake, Staffons, Stonehome, Stoneshadow, Tenpin Crossroads, Tintown, Togar, Trance, Trento Bore, Trio, Vhun, Woodworn Villages

Natural Landmarks
The Abadaya Badlands, The Amir Channel, The Bedlam, The Blessed Fields, Bloodborn Moors, Brigand's Woods, Bruhn River, Crown River, The Cruel Wood, Crystal Waters, Dwarfdown Woods, Emberwood, The Emerald Wood, Festivo Run, Futhark River, Futhorc River, Griprak River, Gulf of Lothor, Gulf of St. Ren, Illuminated Peaks, The Layso, Le'Cheff Basin, The Locke, Morden Woods, Old Futhorc River, The Ores, The River Celia, River Glein, River of the Sun, The Runedak, Slatetop Mountains, Shelter Lake, The Stein, The Tepidre, The Treadpeaks, The Trident, Truntao Forest, Voris River, Witches Bay

Points of Interest
Barrow's Skull, Cascade Sawmill, Cold Crook Excavation, Collective Academy, Cryptok Castle, Dragon's Breath Memorial, Enderwild Field, The Greyturn Mines, Guidan Prison, Hearthhome Castle, Hearthhome Training Center, Justicar's Fortune, Kari's Post, Rakerike Post, The Red Keep, The School of Summer, The Slatetop Post, Swindler's Shul, Temple of the Blinding Sun, Thrace Post, Trebleborn Quarry, Venerated Repository, Voyager Excavation, World Tree

Tritos Dominion Mission Statement
"Strengthen the nation under a united Dominion."
Tritos Dominion Goals
Anvil Bullet Point
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Lead the world into a new age of prosperity.
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Anvil Bullet Point
Take back stolen lands from Frijring and Serawa.
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Anvil Bullet Point
Maintain military might across the whole of the nation.

General Governance
  The governance structure in the Tritos Dominion is segmented into different branches for effective oversight. The royal family holds the apex position, with King Ender Ramus currently steering the nation. Below the royalty, the hierarchy branches into administrative roles like the Marshal of the Realm and the Marshal of the Court, followed by specialized positions such as the Master of the Horse and Chancellor. The Herald acts as the king's protector, while Dukes and Barons administer regional domains.   Within military and law enforcement circles, the Grandmaster tops the Civil Legion hierarchy, followed by Generals, Knights, and Lawmasters. The specialized Shatterstaves division operates under its own leadership, with the Magister Primarius overseeing the whole, and Magisters leading in the field.   Legislative processes primarily funnel through the Civil Court, the second-highest judicial body in Ania. Headed by a Lawmaster, this court is the final arbiter for most civil and criminal matters. Occasionally, pressing issues necessitate a jury for impartial judgment. While the king has the authority to enact laws, such edicts often undergo judicial scrutiny for validation.   The Church of Lothoren pervades the social fabric of the Tritos Dominion, advocating for community service, justice, and truth. It enjoys the full support of King Ender Ramus and wields considerable influence in shaping public opinion and moral conduct.   Fiscal obligations of the citizenry are overseen by Dukes, who usually delegate the intricacies of tax collection to subordinate Barons. Tax collectors are dispatched to ensure the smooth accumulation of state revenue, which feeds into the coffers of the Royal Bank and, by extension, the Royal Treasury.   The Royal Bank serves as the fiscal backbone of the Dominion, providing an array of financial services, from loans to currency exchange. Its role extends to tax collection, coordinated by Dukes in their respective regions. Operating under the Royal Bank is the Royal Treasury, an independent entity responsible for ensuring lawful and judicious allocation of state funds.   Across the whole of the Tritos Dominion the Civil Legion plays a dual role as both a military and police force. This organization maintains a ubiquitous presence, from bustling cities to remote villages. Its mandate includes law enforcement, public safety, and defense against external threats.   Due to the sprawling geography of the Dominion, local communities often engage in self-governance, operating semi-independently yet aligned with overarching state policies. This localized system allows for tailored solutions to unique regional challenges.
Local Laws
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Anvil Bullet Point
Committing acts of treason against the crown or country.
Death penalty or life imprisonment, as determined by the Civil Court.  
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Anvil Bullet Point
Physical assault on another individual is prohibited.
Imprisonment for 6 months to 10 years, based on the severity of the assault.  
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Anvil Bullet Point
Stealing property or goods.
Imprisonment for up to 5 years and mandatory restitution to the victim.  
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Tax Evasion
Failure to pay taxes as prescribed by the nation.
Seizure of assets equal to the evaded taxes, and possible imprisonment for up to 3 years.  
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Publicly denouncing or acting against the Church of Lothoren.
Public penance and community service.  
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Anvil Bullet Point
Unauthorized Magic Use
Use of advanced arcane magic without proper authorization is prohibited.
Confiscation of magical contraband and imprisonment for up to 7 years.  
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Anvil Bullet Point
Publicly inciting rebellion against Dominion authority.
Imprisonment for up to 20 years.  
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Anvil Bullet Point
Illegal import or export of goods is prohibited.
Fine thrice the value of the smuggled goods and imprisonment for 5 years.  
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Illegal hunting or capturing of wildlife in royal preserves.
Imprisonment for 2 years and a fine up to 2,000 gold.  
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Engaging in deceptive practices for personal gain.
Imprisonment for up to 5 years and mandatory restitution.  
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Offering or accepting bribes to a Civil Legion member or employee of the Court.
Imprisonment for 5 years and forfeiture of assets.  
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Persistent begging and homelessness without seeking proper aid is prohibited.
Community service under the Church of Lothoren for 1 year.  
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Leaving military or Civil Legion service without permission.
Imprisonment for 10 years.  
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Using magic to remove or manipulate someone's free will.
Life imprisonment and the permanent removal of hands, if applicable.  
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Using magic to change someone's physical form against their will.
Imprisonment for 20 years and mandatory restitution for emotional and physical damages.  
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Magical Contamination
Creating or spreading magical contagions, curses, or hexes.
Death penalty or life imprisonment, plus eradication of the contagion at the caster's expense, if possible.  
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Unauthorized attempts at resurrection.
Imprisonment for 1 year and confiscation of all magical contraband.  
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Soul Manipulation
Tampering with souls, including soul-binding or soul-trapping.
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Time Manipulation
Using magic to manipulate time in any form.
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Elemental Disruption
Use of magic to significantly alter natural elements (like weather, terrain) without authorization.
Imprisonment for 15 years and forfeiture of land.  
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Raising the dead or controlling undead creatures.
Death penalty or life imprisonment.  
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Unauthorized use of magic to spy or gain confidential information.
Imprisonment for 10 years and forfeiture of divining contraband.  
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Summoning Entities
Summoning extra-planar or dangerous entities.
Imprisonment for 25 years and mandatory banishment rituals at the caster's expense.

Articles under Tritos Dominion

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