Undain Clan

In the towering Crystalcap Mountains of Erindor, the Undain Clan excel as rulers, warriors, and artisans. Esteemed for their stonecarving, the dwarves treat this art as a sacred practice, with statues central to their identity. Distinguished by intricate tattoos symbolizing personal achievements, those with the most tattoos are highly esteemed, reflecting their adherence to the Stone Oaths of Forn.   Currently, the Undain are focusing inward, strengthening their resolve amid growing external threats. The recent breaches of the Ley Prisons and escalating dangers have led them to reinforce their alliances and brace for potential conflicts. This heightened sense of vigilance is shaping their approach to the future. While they hold a vision of sharing their culture beyond the mountains, current circumstances have led to a more reserved stance. The dream of cultural exchange and openness remains in the distance, overshadowed by the immediate need for security.   In their dealings with neighboring Thorn and the Tritos Dominion, the Undain maintain a defensive stance. They cautiously navigate these relationships, ensuring the stability of their people while still hoping to engage with the broader world. King Viggo Undain has been instrumental in reaching out to the other Clans of Forn, but the results have been modest. More than any other clan, the Undain have found themselves isolated, despite being situated in the heart of the most populated continent in the world.  


Central to the Undain Clan's ethos are the Stone Oaths, especially 'Learn & Mentor' and 'Blood & Stone.' These tenets guide their commitment to preserving legacy and ensuring the clan's resilience. Prioritizing the security of their people, the Undain focus on maintaining the status quo within the nation of Erindor. Their vision emphasizes continuity, upholding traditions, and safeguarding cultural heritage. This approach has developed a strong community bond, rooted in shared values and mutual responsibilities.   Internally, the clan reinforces its beliefs through education and adherence to Forn's teachings, particularly in the art of stonecarving. In light of evolving external threats, there are discussions about reinforcing their borders, reflecting their intent to protect their way of life.  

Allies & Enemies

The Undain Clan, ruling Erindor, values independence, but still relies on others. Their key alliance is with Thorn, which bolsters their diplomatic and regional strength. Relations with the Ander and Rakankrak Clans, their fellow Clans of Forn, have grown distant over time, with the Undain becoming more isolated in their mountain stronghold.   Their relationship with the Darkstone Clan, part of the Tritos Dominion, is strained due to historical decisions during the Age of Horror. These dwarves, who refused to return home, have caused lasting tensions across generations. Although not nearly as strained, the sporadic visits from the Undai dwarves, who never returned from Erimata, remind them of their once-unified heritage.   The Undain's military reputation is reinforced by their proactive role in conflicts like the Demon War and their strategic position between Pathriam's Eastlands and Westlands. The Clan has always supported their allies in times of crisis, most recently aiding Thorn post-Demon War.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Undain Clan, you may find more information here:  
Walking the Cloud Breaker
  Perched far above the capital city of Un-Dain is the Cloud Breaker Fortress. Because of the underground lifestyle, entrenched in their mountainous underground city, the citizens do not frequent the outdoors. To ensure exposure to the surface world, a cultural norm mandates every dwarf to serve rotations in the Cloud Breaker. This practice, while not conscription, guarantees that clan members experience life beyond their subterranean confines, something they have become reluctant to endure.

Temp Image of The Hold in Undain

King Heilga Undain monitoring the Cloud Breaker.

The Two-Faced God
  The Undain Clan bestowed the title "The Two-Faced God" upon the former member of Forn, Dromadaes. While the deity aided in creating the Essence Forge and upholding the Covenant, he simultaneously betrayed their trust by ascending through dark sacrifices of the Undain people. The dwarves' disdain for Dromadaes is a bottomless pit, as his betrayal not only violated their sacred values but also left an indelible scar on their collective memory, forever tainting his legacy with the stain of treachery.

Major Players

King Heilga Undain

Chaotic Good, Female Dwarf
  King Heilga, renowned for her military acumen, ascended to kingship due to her valor and strategic brilliance during the Demon War. A frontline warrior, she played a pivotal role in securing The Hold following the assassination of King Caraconne Tritos in the neighboring country, safeguarding the Undain Clan from similar threats. Her proactive measures in closing of Un-Dain exemplify her commitment to the safety and sovereignty of Erindor.   Heilga’s views on defense and preparation for potential conflicts have led her to consider the option of isolating Erindor if necessary. Her leadership style, characterized by a focus on security and readiness, has earned her respect and admiration, particularly among those who prioritize the clan’s safety.   In her personal life, despite various suitors, Heilga maintains a focus on her duties as a leader. Her role in the nation of Erindor's strength, allows her to protect her Clan and her people.

King Mairi Undain

Lawful Good, Female Dwarf
  One of the Three Kings of Un-Dain and a distinguished member of the Arcane Collective, King Mairi is a sorcerer deeply committed to preserving the purity of magical traditions. Her focus extends to actively advocating for the continued prohibition of many powerful spells. Adorned from head to toe in noble tattoos, Mairi stands as a hero to the Undain dwarves.   A shrewd diplomat and strategist, King Mairi oversees the intricate matters of imports, exports, and diplomatic relations within Erindor. Frequently at odds with King Heilga, she nevertheless pursues her vision with determination. Recently, she has been working diligently to establish a diplomatic relationship with the new King of Ania, Ender Ramus, pushing hard to forge trade agreements with the troubled country. She is considered both a respected political ally and a formidable rival.

King Viggo Undain

Neutral Good, Male Dwarf
  An individual of faith and dedication, King Viggo’s reign has been marked by his commitment to the Stone Oaths. Known as the "Stonecarver King" his most notable initiative is the opening of a new wing in the caves beneath the Crystalcap Mountains near Un-Dain. This space, filled with statues of the first dwarven settlers, serves as a sacred site for fulfilling the Calling. The king has encouraged dwarves from across Dromaria to return to Un-Dain and carve their likeness in the ancestral halls.   Viggo, who ascended to the throne at a notably young age, initially married a human woman, Lady Janice Poffman of the Tritos Dominion, bolstering a key trade alliance. Following Janice's death to old age, Viggo's subsequently married Uunri Gri-run of Thorn, purely for politics. Since then, his focus has remained on his faith and leadership responsibilities. As his 150-year reign is nearing its end, Viggo’s influence, though slightly waning, continues to guide the spiritual and cultural fabric of the Undain Clan.

Ironguard Kennion Dain

Chaotic Neutral, Male Dwarf
  Iron Guard Kennion Dain is a military figure in the defense of Erindor, overseeing The Cloud Breaker with over 300 years of dedication. Known for his straightforward approach, Kennion is guided by a clear ideal: to pursue a task relentlessly until its completion. This sense of duty is mirrored in his bond to serve his nation, viewing his station at The Hold as a distinct honor. However, his inability to experience the Calling as deeply as others in his clan has left a disconnect that he struggles to bridge.   Despite this, Kennion has a reputation among the Undain Clan as the person to seek for guidance. He is naively unaware of the impact he has had over his long life, leading many to call him "The Calling Guard." When citizens come to the surface to serve on the Cloud Breaker, it is often Kennion they end up speaking to.   There has been a recent disagreement with King Heilga Undain and Kennion. The King has been advocating for plans to lock down The Hold, a move the Iron Guard perceives as a slight against his soldiers. He opposes the idea of shutting down the city during turbulent times, firmly believing that the fortress should remain an active symbol of dwarven resilience. Because of his influence, many others share these sentiments.

Articles under Undain Clan

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