Undain Clan - Background in Dromaria | World Anvil

Undain Clan - Background

As a dwarf of the Undain Clan, you hail from the Crystalcap Mountains in Erindor. Your clan's long history is steeped in the intricate art of stone carving, a tradition that holds a place of reverence within your community. Undain society operates on a caste system where tattoos reflect your standing. At the ages of 25, 100, and 150 you receive tattoos based on your social standing and deeds. The more tattoos you bear, the higher your status.   The Stone Oaths of the Undain and the ancient Calling of Forn are taken earnestly, with many dedicating their lives to the mastery of the craft. Your clan values mentorship, guiding others to excel in this ancestral skill. Though you strive to welcome all and share the rich lineage of the dwarves, past conflicts have complicated this vision. The Undain maintain a strong alliance with the country of Thorn but remain wary of the Tritos Dominion.
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Religion
Tool Proficiencies: Jeweler's Tools, Mason's Tools
Equipment: Jeweler's tools, mason's tools, a set of fine clothes, and a purse containing 20 gold
Feature: Tattooed Standing
As an Undain dwarf, your social standing is symbolized by the tattoos you bear, and with each caste comes distinct privileges. You also benefit from the advantages of the tiers below you.   Thane: If you belong to the upper echelon, you are bestowed with an attendant from a lower caste to aid you in your daily routines. The honor also comes with the responsibility of fostering your attendant's spiritual growth.   Warbrand: As part of the middle caste, you enjoy a degree of diplomatic immunity that affords you some protection from potential repercussions from allied nations' authorities.   Irongguard: Those in the lower caste who venture out as representatives of the Undain clan are entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred during their adventures, provided they can substantiate their claims adequately.
Suggested Characteristics
Dwarves of the Undain Clan find themselves stuck between major world powers, leading them to feel strong bonds about their nation of Erindor. This also means their flaws are often associated with grudges and prickly personalities.  
Special Attribute: The Touch of Forn
  The Touch of Forn is a divine boon bestowed upon you because of the Clan's connection with Forn. This gift enables you to create items of extraordinary quality that resist the tests of time and usage, proving more durable than most.   Anything you successfully craft is incredibly resilient, boasting double the hit points of its normal equivilent.   Moreover, the exquisite craftsmanship and beauty of your creations make them highly sought-after treasures, valued 25% more than typical items.

Dwarven art by Nicholas Roerich.
All art on this page is aquired and altered through Public Domain.

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