Clans of Forn in Dromaria | World Anvil

Clans of Forn

The Clans of Forn, also known as the Matron Clans, are the foundational elements of dwarven society. These clans not only lead, but also safeguard the traditions and lore of their people, significantly influencing their communities.   Distinct in their customs and strengths, the Clans of Forn are central to the nations and lands they inhabit. Their collective commitment to the Stone Oaths and the principles of Forn highlights their pivotal position in dwarven society. This adherence to ancestral values and traditions has become what defines them.   Originating from the ancient nation of Forn on the planet of Magnon, the Clans share a heritage that has shaped their society for thousands of years. Their migrations across the lands of their new world, marked by early conflicts with dragons and the establishment of The Covenant, form the core of their collective history.   The Ander, Rakankrak, and Undain Clans have devotedly upheld the values of freedom, resilience, and unity bestowed by their deity, Forn. Over time, each clan found its place in different regions of the world. The Anders, valuing their sovereignty, chose the secluded lands of Mortéglace. The Rakankraks, in western Pathriam, established Bohdan, nurturing fervent bonds with other groups in their domain and aspiring to reunite the dwarven clans. The Undains, noted for their reclusive nature, have sustained peace and stability from their stronghold in the Crystalcap Mountains within the nation of Erindor.   Throughout their history, the clans have navigated and overcome various challenges, including internal strife and external threats. Their commitment to Forn's principles has not only kept them united, despite geographical distances, but also reinforced their distinct identities and collective purpose.  

The Clans of Forn arrive in Kalatearman.

Playing a Dwarf of Forn
  For those aspiring to step into the sturdy boots of a dwarf from the Matron Clans of Forn, delve into Chapter Six: Player Resources to discover distinctive clan backgrounds for your character.   While each background has unique features, all of them share one special attribute: The Touch of Forn. As the greatest living crafters, anything you create surpasses the ordinary, embodying exceptional quality and durability.
"Be reborn with gold in your heart and steel in your resolve."

~ Dwarven epitaph
  Every clan has its own history and purpose, but they all share some things in common. Playing a dwarf of Forn, these hooks serve as universal quests any dwarf could embark on proudly:   Reunification of the Clans. Set out on a mission to bring together the matron clans. Each clan has its vision for unification, and navigating these perspectives will test your diplomatic acumen and understanding of your people's traditions.   The Calling of Forn. Engage in a spiritual quest of The Calling and fulfill the universe's purpose. This journey challenges you to interpret and enact the sacred doctrines of Forn, blending faith and action in your character's life.   Finding One’s Place. Explore the tension between individual identity and clan allegiance. Struggle to find where you fit within your clan, or discover who you are outside of it, balancing your personal ambitions with the collective expectations of your kin.

Ander Clan

In the icy reaches of Mortéglace, the Ander dwarves are known for their martial prowess and fierce independence. Preferring isolation, they live apart from others, under the protective leadership of King Ander of Ander Hall. The current King Ander is a man of kindness and with a steel courage, renowned for his integrity.   The Anders strive to create a world where freedom and safety are everything, following the teachings of Forn. Their goal is to build a secure home that will inspire other dwarves to join them, uniting under shared values. Despite their approachable nature, their isolated and hazardous environment makes connection challenging.   As the first to settle in Mortéglace and establish their distinct way of life, the Ander Clan broke away from the Covenant with the dragons. Their decision marked a significant shift, influencing subsequent clans, especially the Rakankrak.


The core of the clan centers on establishing a haven in Mortéglace where the Stone Oaths may remain intact. Their dedication and interpretation of Forn's principles drives them to create an environment where freedom is a lived reality.   The Anders envision their homeland as a beacon, attracting other dwarves who seek a life unbound by external rule. Their efforts focus on maintaining a robust community, resilient against the harshness of their surroundings and external threats. The clan's commitment to these goals shapes their strategies, governance, and interactions with others.

Allies & Enemies

The other Clans of Forn are vital allies to the Ander Clan. Due to distance interactions may be rare, but the matron clans will forever be allies.   Citizens of Mortéglace. The scattered towns and villages across Mortéglace, particularly along the coasts, have come under the informal protection of the Ander Clan. Over time, these communities have established trade agreements and mutual defense pacts with the dwarves. Traders, who facilitate the exchange of goods to and from Ander Hall, are especially regarded as a protected class, vital for the sustenance and prosperity of the region.   The Astrologer and The Professor. These twin dragons serve as protected informants for the Ander Clan and are pivotal in the intelligence network of Mortéglace. Given aliases by the crown, their ability to subtly change their scales, shifting from hues of bronze to brass and copper, allows them to maintain disguise, a necessary precaution given their status as enemies of many lawless dragons and their position outside the Covenant. Their work involves gathering and sharing critical information, alerting locals and the Ander Clan to potential dangers. Regularly reporting to Ander Hall, they are integral to the realm's security and are generously compensated in return.   Their role as informants has not come without risks. Recently, they have drawn the ire of Kaida, the Flaunting Fang, a blue dragon who rules a domain in the northeast near Ceristas. Kaida has placed a substantial bounty on them, and in response, they have not been seen in recent months.   Warped Mammoth Crush. This gathering of fire giants, distorted by monstrous mutations, poses a significant threat to the Ander Clan. They worship the nightmarish Maegoloth the Apex, a creature of immense power and malice, and their devotion has only intensified with its recent release from the Ley Prison beneath Ander Hall.   Maegoloth the Apex. Known to the dwarves as Guth-Nas Bloodbane, Maegoloth is what remains of the giant commander Aegoloth. Granted power by the god Ishkul, Maegoloth is a terrifying blend of wurm, giant, and owl. His mission to claim Mortéglace for the giants and Ishkul poses a direct risk to the Ander Clan's sovereignty and safety.   Dragons of the Covenant. While the Ander Clan has a tenuous relationship with these dragons, the presence of so many lawless dragons in Mortéglace adds to the region's unpredictability and danger, making the role of information and defense even more vital. Most dragons avoid the area unless actively seeking to avoid the eyes of Emperor's Peak.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Ander Clan, you may find more information here:  
Exiles of Ander Hall
  Embracing the Ander Clan's creed of unity, Ander Hall offers sanctuary to all dwarves. It has become a refuge for those exiled or displaced from their homes, where they are welcomed as family. Newcomers often adopt new surnames, with 'Ander' and 'Penny' being popular choices, symbolizing their commitment to rejoining the whole of Forn. This open-door policy has led to a mixed reputation outside Mortéglace. Some view the city as a haven for those evading justice, whether their reasons are justified or not.

Temp Image of an Ander Hall

Inner Chamber of Ander Hall

Famous Ander Architecture
  Ander Hall is the pinnacle of dwarven architecture, unparalleled in scope and scale on Dromaria. Built within the Ander Mountains, its vast inner structures are a marvel of engineering. The precision and magnitude of the excavation defy belief, enhanced by the clan's prowess.   The dwarves' architectural influence extends across Mortéglace. Their style is marked by robustness and functionality, combined with an aesthetic that blends with the icy environment. As a result, most structures on the continent mirror Ander Hall's majestic yet practical design, often built from durable materials like granite and frost-resistant basalt. This architectural approach has not only given stability to settlements but also created a distinctive visual identity that harmonizes with the unforgiving frozen landscape.

Major Players

The cold northern regions do not have as many politicians or celebrities as other places on Dromaria, but they do create formidable warriors and stalwart kings.

King Ander

Lawful Good, Male Dwarf
  The current ruler of Ander Hall continues the Ander Clan's longstanding tradition where each king adopts the name 'King Ander' upon ascending the throne. This practice is intended to symbolize the unified identity of the clan, transcending individual personalities to embody the collective legacy of leadership. The current King is known for his remarkable contributions both in and out of combat, and is renowned as the kindest and most generous leader in the clan's history. His presence shines as a beacon of light and hope in the cold, dark lands of Mortéglace.   Encounters with King Ander are memorable, leaving lasting impressions on those fortunate enough to meet him. His reputation for fairness and strength extends beyond the borders of his kingdom, making him both a beloved leader and a formidable opponent to any threats against his people.   In his role, King Ander upholds the history and teachings of the Ander Clan and Forn. His approach to leadership is that of a champion and protector, rather than an authoritarian figure. He is dedicated to maintaining a stable and secure homeland, aspiring to create a haven that will encourage other dwarves to return and reunite under the banner of Forn.

Daisy Pennyday

Neutral, Female Dwarf
  Daisy Pennyday, inheritor of Rosali Pennydale's legacy—the Chosen of Bako and originator of Fornada martial art—carries forward her ancestor's traditions. Embracing the combination of the Stone Oaths and Bakodo, Daisy has mastered Fornada, a martial art that adapts to the number of allies in combat, promoting unity and strength in numbers.   Her journey of discovery led her to the Esh Republic, where she unearthed ancient scrolls detailing Fornada and Rosali's heroic exploits during the Age of Horror. Traveling across clan territories, Daisy sought like-minded warriors to share in the restoration of the lost Calling. Her path eventually brought her to Ander Hall, where she found her home.   For the past 300 years, Daisy has revived and expanded Fornada, making it more prominent than ever. Known as one of the fiercest champions of the northern lands, she frequently ventures into the wilds with her students, honing their skills in practical, real-world scenarios.

Rakankrak Clan

Masters of earth and iron, the Rakankrak dwarves carved out their existence with unyielding hands and indomitable spirits. Originating as Bohdan's initial settlers, they founded Ugarth and laid the foundations of their thriving civilization in Rakankrak's Den. Famed for their skills as miners and artisans, they honed their Calling amidst the broken remains of the Orc's Teeth Mountains.   Surviving the Age of Horror, a time when ice gripped the world and forced their flight across the sea to Undai, the Rakankraks' eventual return to Bohdan marked a pivotal turn. They reclaimed their ancestral lands, only to find them transformed by the orcs who had settled in their absence. From this an alliance was forged, blending orcish fortitude with dwarven craftsmanship. As the years progressed the bond was epitomized in the creation of the Gearhead Expressway. Bohdan’s lifeblood, the Expressway, is a creation born from combined ingenuity. To the people of Bohdan it is more than a road; it’s a symbol of time-honored techniques blended with the evolving desire of modern craftsmanship.   The Rakankraks' commitment to their craft and their land is the cornerstone of their identity. Governed by a monarchy that values both tradition and progression, the clan continues to forge a path that seeks to respect the past while embracing the future.


The Rakankrak Clan’s ethos is built on unity. In co-leading the country of Bohdan, they demonstrate the power of collective governance, setting a model for all clan members. Being a Rakankrak transcends blood ties; it's an embrace of shared values and a commitment to familial bonds that extend throughout the community.   Beyond preserving their own heritage, the Clan is dedicated to reuniting all dwarven nations under the teachings of Forn. This mission stems from their concern about the gradual fading of Forn's wisdom, not just among other clans but within certain elements of their own. Driven by this apprehension, they actively work to nurture solidarity among dwarves everywhere, hoping to reignite a collective adherence to ancient traditions.   In the political arena, Cadmus and Venden, long ago parts of the Rakankrak domain, now function autonomously, yet under Thorn's overshadowing influence. This situation, enforced by Thorn's military and the Odelian Order, presents a complex challenge. Despite the visible troop buildup along their borders, the Rakankraks remain committed to diplomatic engagement. Their approach seeks to resolve tensions peacefully, standing in contrast to the fortified postures of their neighbors.

Allies & Enemies

The Rakankrak Clan, integral to Bohdan’s identity, navigates a complicated web of alliances and rivalries shaped by history and current geopolitical realities. The other Clans of Forn are vital allies to the Rakankraks. While interactions may be rare with the distant Anders, the matron clans will forever be allies.   Bohdan, distinct on Pathriam for its independence from the Covenant, attracts fewer dragons, marking it as an outlier and, to some, a potential threat. While the Rakankraks do not hold any particular animosity toward dragonkind, the Clan's desire for independence and the dragon's disdain of mechanical innovation has led to a lasting contempt between the groups.   Champion Tommaso Chambers, leader of Ugarth, Bohdan's co-capital, works as a staunch ally of the Rakankrak Clan. The intertwined lives of the orcs and dwarves within Bohdan have fostered cooperation, with the Rakankraks providing essential resources that fuel the orcs' inventive spirit and mechanical prowess.   Recently, a notable pact with the giants of Jothun'mir, known for their independence, has been signed. This agreement, centered around food provisions, ensures the giants' support in bolstering Bohdan's border defenses when necessary.   Externally, the Rakankrak Clan views the neighboring territories of Venden, Cadmus, and the Thorn Territory as lands unjustly taken from them. Though there’s been no recent open hostility, the sense of loss and desire for reclaiming these areas persist within the clan.   The Thorn Territory houses the Bleeders, a splinter group originating from the Rakankrak Clan. This faction, having rejected the orc-dwarf alliance after the Age of Horror, now acts as Thorn's primary military force in the region. Initially a derogatory term, "Bleeders" has been adopted by this group as a badge of honor, symbolizing their commitment to their cause and their relentless pursuit to restore their lost stature. While the Rakankrak Clan as a whole harbors resentment towards the territories governed by Thorn, the general populace of Bohdan doesn’t share this animosity to the same extent.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Rakankrak Clan, you may find more information here:  
Rakankrak Moot
  The Rakankrak Moot, taking place at the border between Bohdan and the Thorn Territory, is an unprecedented event organized by the both sides of the divided Rakankrak Clan. Amidst a backdrop of longstanding division, this gathering aims to provide a sense of reconciliation, and a chance for many Bleeders to see their homeland for the first time.   Both factions approach the moot with a mix of caution and optimism. The primary aim is to facilitate a reunion of families and kin, separated by years of discord. This gathering is not about political negotiations but about connecting through shared stories and experiences, bridging generational gaps.   The moot will allow dwarves from both sides to exchange stories of their heritage, deepening their understanding of each other's journeys. It's an opportunity to look beyond the rifts and envision a future where these once-divided groups can coexist harmoniously.   Ideally the leaders from both factions will use this time to engage in dialogue, exploring the potential for a more unified relationship. While the road to reconciliation is difficult, the moot symbolizes a hopeful step towards healing, driven by the shared history and culture that binds all dwarves of Forn.

Gearhead Expressway Near Rakankrak's Den Temp Image

Final turn before Rakankrak's Den.

Dwarven Ashwagons
  Ashwagon are embodiments of personal identity, designed with practicality in mind and the dwarves have long embraced the coal spewing vehicles.   Dwarven variations typically feature smaller reinforced frames, meant to withstand the rigors of rugged terrain, with additional storage for equipment and resources. Their modular nature allows for rapid customization, a particularly valued feature among dwarves who travel from site to site. Most are equipped with Skimmer Plates for navigating the more difficult areas off road. On the Gearhead Expressway a dwarves' ashwagon is a rolling representations of the Rakankrak Clan's unification with their homeland.

Major Players

King Grammek Rakankrak

Chaotic Good, Male Dwarf
  Known for his diplomatic finesse, King Grammek has been a linchpin in strengthening the alliance with the orcs of Ugarth. His vision of reunification with the Rakankraks in the Thorn Territory drives his diplomatic endeavors, though the memories of ancestral lands often clash with the practical needs of present-day Bohdan. Grammek values the raw intensity and power of the regions vehicles, often seen appreciating the races along the Gearhead Expressway.

Queen Taslinn Rakankrak

Lawful Neutral, Female Dwarf
  Queen Taslinn embodies the spiritual heart of Forn's Calling, her faith is a soothing balm to the old wounds of her people. Unlike her husband, she leans towards tradition, often finding solace in the ancient dwarven customs. Her aspiration goes beyond the terrestrial; she dreams of a spiritual reunification, one where the ancient dwarven spirits bless the lands of Bohdan once more. Taslinn's focus on spiritual and cultural preservation is an ever growing complement to her husband's outward-looking diplomacy.

Undain Clan

In the towering Crystalcap Mountains of Erindor, the Undain Clan excel as rulers, warriors, and artisans. Esteemed for their stonecarving, the dwarves treat this art as a sacred practice, with statues central to their identity. Distinguished by intricate tattoos symbolizing personal achievements, those with the most tattoos are highly esteemed, reflecting their adherence to the Stone Oaths of Forn.   Currently, the Undain are focusing inward, strengthening their resolve amid growing external threats. The recent breaches of the Ley Prisons and escalating dangers have led them to reinforce their alliances and brace for potential conflicts. This heightened sense of vigilance is shaping their approach to the future. While they hold a vision of sharing their culture beyond the mountains, current circumstances have led to a more reserved stance. The dream of cultural exchange and openness remains in the distance, overshadowed by the immediate need for security.   In their dealings with neighboring Thorn and the Tritos Dominion, the Undain maintain a defensive stance. They cautiously navigate these relationships, ensuring the stability of their people while still hoping to engage with the broader world. King Viggo Undain has been instrumental in reaching out to the other Clans of Forn, but the results have been modest. More than any other clan, the Undain have found themselves isolated, despite being situated in the heart of the most populated continent in the world.


Central to the Undain Clan's ethos are the Stone Oaths, especially 'Learn & Mentor' and 'Blood & Stone.' These tenets guide their commitment to preserving legacy and ensuring the clan's resilience. Prioritizing the security of their people, the Undain focus on maintaining the status quo within the nation of Erindor. Their vision emphasizes continuity, upholding traditions, and safeguarding cultural heritage. This approach has developed a strong community bond, rooted in shared values and mutual responsibilities.   Internally, the clan reinforces its beliefs through education and adherence to Forn's teachings, particularly in the art of stonecarving. In light of evolving external threats, there are discussions about reinforcing their borders, reflecting their intent to protect their way of life.

Allies & Enemies

The Undain Clan, ruling Erindor, values independence, but still relies on others. Their key alliance is with Thorn, which bolsters their diplomatic and regional strength. Relations with the Ander and Rakankrak Clans, their fellow Clans of Forn, have grown distant over time, with the Undain becoming more isolated in their mountain stronghold.   Their relationship with the Darkstone Clan, part of the Tritos Dominion, is strained due to historical decisions during the Age of Horror. These dwarves, who refused to return home, have caused lasting tensions across generations. Although not nearly as strained, the sporadic visits from the Undai dwarves, who never returned from Erimata, remind them of their once-unified heritage.   The Undain's military reputation is reinforced by their proactive role in conflicts like the Demon War and their strategic position between Pathriam's Eastlands and Westlands. The Clan has always supported their allies in times of crisis, most recently aiding Thorn post-Demon War.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a member of the Undain Clan, you may find more information here:  
Walking the Cloud Breaker
  Perched far above the capital city of Un-Dain is the Cloud Breaker Fortress. Because of the underground lifestyle, entrenched in their mountainous underground city, the citizens do not frequent the outdoors. To ensure exposure to the surface world, a cultural norm mandates every dwarf to serve rotations in the Cloud Breaker. This practice, while not conscription, guarantees that clan members experience life beyond their subterranean confines, something they have become reluctant to endure.

Temp Image of The Hold in Undain

King Heilga Undain monitoring the Cloud Breaker.

The Two-Faced God
  The Undain Clan bestowed the title "The Two-Faced God" upon the former member of Forn, Dromadaes. While the deity aided in creating the Essence Forge and upholding The Covenant, he simultaneously betrayed their trust by ascending through dark sacrifices of the Undain people. The dwarves disdain for Dromadaes is a bottomless pit, as his betrayal not only violated their sacred values but also left an indelible scar on their collective memory, forever tainting his legacy with the stain of treachery.

Major Players

King Heilga Undain

Chaotic Good, Female Dwarf
  King Heilga, renowned for her military acumen, ascended to kingship due to her valor and strategic brilliance during the Demon War. A frontline warrior, she played a pivotal role in securing The Hold following the assassination of King Caraconne Tritos in the neighboring country, safeguarding the Undain Clan from similar threats. Her proactive measures in closing of Un-Dain exemplify her commitment to the safety and sovereignty of Erindor.   Heilga’s views on defense and preparation for potential conflicts have led her to consider the option of isolating Erindor if necessary. Her leadership style, characterized by a focus on security and readiness, has earned her respect and admiration, particularly among those who prioritize the clan’s safety.   In her personal life, despite various suitors, Heilga maintains a focus on her duties as a leader. Her role in the nation of Erindor's strength, allows her to protect her Clan and her people.

King Mairi Undain

Lawful Good, Female Dwarf
  One of the Three Kings of Un-Dain and a distinguished member of the Arcane Collective, King Mairi is a sorcerer deeply committed to preserving the purity of magical traditions. Her focus extends to actively advocating for the continued prohibition of many powerful spells. Adorned from head to toe in noble tattoos, Mairi stands as a hero to the Undain dwarves.   A shrewd diplomat and strategist, King Mairi oversees the intricate matters of imports, exports, and diplomatic relations within Erindor. Frequently at odds with King Heilga, she nevertheless pursues her vision with determination. Recently, she has been working diligently to establish a diplomatic relationship with the new King of Ania, Ender Ramus, pushing hard to forge trade agreements with the troubled country. She is considered both a respected political ally and a formidable rival.

King Viggo Undain

Neutral Good, Male Dwarf
  An individual of faith and dedication, King Viggo’s reign has been marked by his commitment to the Stone Oaths. Known as the "Stonecarver King" his most notable initiative is the opening of a new wing in the caves beneath the Crystalcap Mountains near Un-Dain. This space, filled with statues of the first dwarven settlers, serves as a sacred site for fulfilling the Calling. The king has encouraged dwarves from across Dromaria to return to Un-Dain and carve their likeness in the ancestral halls.   Viggo, who ascended to the throne at a notably young age, initially married a human woman, Lady Janice Poffman of the Tritos Dominion, bolstering a key trade alliance. Following Janice's death to old age, Viggo's subsequently married Uunri Gri-run of Thorn, purely for politics. Since then, his focus has remained on his faith and leadership responsibilities. As his 150-year reign is nearing its end, Viggo’s influence, though slightly waning, continues to guide the spiritual and cultural fabric of the Undain Clan.

Ironguard Kennion Dain

Chaotic Neutral, Male Dwarf
  Iron Guard Kennion Dain is a military figure in the defense of Erindor, overseeing The Cloud Breaker with over 300 years of dedication. Known for his straightforward approach, Kennion is guided by a clear ideal: to pursue a task relentlessly until its completion. This sense of duty is mirrored in his bond to serve his nation, viewing his station at The Hold as a distinct honor. However, his inability to experience the Calling as deeply as others in his clan has left a disconnect that he struggles to bridge.   Despite this, Kennion has a reputation among the Undain Clan as the person to seek for guidance. He is naively unaware of the impact he has had over his long life, leading many to call him "The Calling Guard." When citizens come to the surface to serve on the Cloud Breaker, it is often Kennion they end up speaking to.   There has been a recent disagreement with King Heilga Undain and Kennion. The King has been advocating for plans to lock down The Hold, a move the Iron Guard perceives as a slight against his soldiers. He opposes the idea of shutting down the city during turbulent times, firmly believing that the fortress should remain an active symbol of dwarven resilience. Because of his influence, many others share these sentiments.

Articles under Clans of Forn

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