King of Ania in Dromaria | World Anvil

King of Ania

The current reigning monarch overseeing the Tritos Dominion is King Ender Ramus.  



Ruling History

The Early Reigns

3600-3611: Khrazeer I takes the throne, founding the city of Ania. Known as the "Wolfslayer," his reign ends when he is eaten by wolves.
3611-3625: Khrazeer II assumes power but dies in a duel against Ramus I.
3625-3661: Ramus I takes the throne and dies of illness, leaving his son Ramus II as a child king.

The Ramus Dynasty

3661-3696: Ramus II, also known as "The Child King," dies of illness like his father.
3696-3731: Ramus III meets a unique end—assassinated by his own harem. His right hand then becomes the king.

The Leo Era

3731-3756: Leo I dies in battle.
3756-3780: Leo II also dies in battle.
3780-3801: Leo III earns the moniker "The Traitor King" and is killed for treachery. A new family claims kingship.

The Age of Horrors and the Cadele Lineage

3801-3832: Cadele I reigns through an era known as the Age of Horrors and dies of illness.
3832-3889: Cadele II follows, dying of illness as well. His wife takes over, forming the nation of Innex.
3889-3915: Cadele-Marie, the first Queen of Ania, dies of illness.
3915-3943: Cadele III dies in battle.
3943-4000: Cadele IV is assassinated, marking the end of the Age of Horror.

The Return of the Leos and the Formation of Civil Kingdoms

3999-4050: Leo IV dies in battle.
4050-4110: Leo V also dies in battle but not before renaming Innex to Sarros, also known as the Civil Kingdoms.

Brief Revival of Cadele and the Civil Strife

4110-4134: Cadele V and his entire family are slaughtered in an attack by the Leos.
4134-4151: Leo VI rises but is overthrown in a rebellion, leading to a new family taking over.

The Attuma and Falconwright Eras

4151-4202: Attuma I dies in battle.
4202-4247: Attuma II follows suit, dying in battle.
4247-4299: Attuma III is poisoned and dies.
4299-4337: Falconwright I, a Lothor-worshipping family, establishes the Temple of the Blinding Sun and dies of illness.
4337-4361: Falconwright II dies in battle.
4361-4419: Falconwright III dies of old age.
4419-4463: Falconwright IV also dies of old age.

The Age of the Regals and the Rise of Queens

4463-4502: Falconwright V dies of old age.
4502-4517: Falconwright VI is poisoned and dies.
4517-4521: Falconwright VII, known as "The Fearful King," also dies of poisoning.

The Regal Queens and the Age of Enlightenment

4521-4565: Regal I dies of old age, ushering in the age of queens for Ania with the Regal family.
4565-4582: Regal II is assassinated.
4582-4600: Regal III, known as "The Warrior Queen," dies in battle.
4600-4631: Regal IV also dies in battle.
4631-4690: Regal V, or Samantha Regal, establishes the school collective that would later become Gnomes Landing, and dies of old age.
4690-4756: Regal VI dies of old age.
4756-4804: Regal VII dies of an illness that also eradicates her family. A new family ascends to the throne.

The Rath Family and Technological Advancements

4804-4884: Rath I, known as "The Tech King," dies of old age.
4884-4965: Rath II, called "The Coinpurse King," is free with money and founds Tintown. He dies of old age.
4965-5028: Rath III also dies of old age.
5028-5060: Rath IV is assassinated, leading to a change in the ruling family.

The Later Attumas and Falconwrights

5060-5085: Attuma X is killed in battle.
5085-5110: Attuma XI is killed in battle.
5110-5137: Attuma XII is killed in battle.
5137-5201: Falconwright VIII dies of old age.
5201-5250: Falconwright X is assassinated.
5250-5281: Falconwright XI, known as "The Crippled King," dies from his injuries.

The Darendal Family and Religious Revival

5281-5315: Darendal I dies in a horse-riding accident. His family worships Daruun.
5315-5353: Darendal II dies of illness.
5353-5387: Darendal III, known as "The Farmer King" and "The Anointed of Lothor," dies of old age.
5387-5421: Darendal IV is assassinated.

The Mustella Reign and the End of an Era

5421-5483: Mustella I, known as "The Unkillable King," dies in battle.
5483-5505: Mustella II dies in battle.
5505-5524: Mustella III dies in battle.
5524-5550: Mustella IV dies in battle.
5550-5573: Mustella V dies in battle.
5573-5600: Mustella VI dies in battle.
5600-5646: Mustella VII dies in battle.
5646-5670: Mustella VIII is killed by dragons, who tell Sarros to choose a new family.

The Tritos Dominion and Modern Times

5670-6066: Tritos I, the first Elven king, rules for nearly 400 years before being killed by Lucca. A decade of succession issues follows.
5UE-Current: Ramus I

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