Thorn Territory

Enclosed by the Sterling Ocean and Amber Oceans, this peninsula harbors a landscape of contrasting vistas: the stern, rocky terrains of the Rimestone Steppes towards the south, the golden allure of the Amber Coast, and the commerce-driven vibrancy of northern port cities, where trade and entertainment flourish side by side.   The cadence of life here is finely tuned by the enduring traditions of the dwarven Rakankrak Clan and the arcane governance of the Odelian Order. As the land moves northward, the scenic coastal cities reveal a hub of commerce and leisure, boasting Dromaria's largest casino and lavish resorts. Amidst the center of this lively seascape lies the dangers of the Shifting Citadel, a colossal structure with portals leading to realms both known and unfathomed.  


The Thorn Territory unfolds as a vast peninsula, flanked by the Sterling Ocean to the west and the Amber Ocean to the east. The southern border is marked by the Rimestone Steppes, a stretch of rocky terrains that rise sharply from the earth, a natural barrier that hosts military bases amidst its rugged folds. From these steppes, small rivers meander southward out of the territory, their waters eventually merging with the ocean beyond.   Transitioning from the steppes, the ground slowly undulates into hills before reaching the dense woodland known as the Denwood. This central forest is a natural refuge amidst the surrounding expanse of country. The chill in the air is a constant companion in the Thorn Territory, intensifying into harsh winters that cloak the landscape in a mantle of snow.   On the eastern shore, the Amber Coast draws many to its shores, captivated by the golden hues of the Amber Ocean, a spectacle courtesy of the extensive coral reefs lying beneath the water's surface. To the west, the coastline gives way to a smattering of islands off the shore, within the Sterling Ocean.   As the land tapers northward, the terrain descends gently to meet the sea, opening up to a bevy of ports. This northern region, with its scenic coastal cities, is a hub of commerce and leisure, boasting Dromaria's largest casino and lavish resorts that cater to the affluent.


The territory's history is linked with the original migratory paths and decisions of the Rakankrak Clan dwarves. Initially, the clan settled in the area of what is now known as Bohdan, establishing the city of Ugarth. However, the Age of Horror drove them to seek refuge in Undai, on the Erimata continent, aligning themselves with the Dragon’s Peace.   On their return, they found Dona's orcs occupying their homeland. While a majority allied with the newcomers, a splinter group moved north beyond the Rimestone Steppes to establish Brokforge. They deemed themselves the true Rakankraks, claiming this new land as theirs.   Centuries later, as Thorn claimed much of the old Bohdan lands, an accord was formed with the Brokforge dwarves. Thorn offered military protection and resource access from its territories, in exchange for the northern land to be used for shipping and trade. This agreement marked the inception of the Thorn Territory. The region saw the rise of port cities, with the city of Will and its grand casino becoming a hub for trade and tourism.   This became the standard for the land, and for a long time the area saw relative peace. Then, the Demon War brought new challenges. Thorn was hit hard, losing its capital city of Blarek. The Thorn Territory, now lacking in defense, faced attacks from Gaides Krazier, the resurrected brother of Demon Lord Lucca, particularly around Will and Weinod’s Circle in the Denwood. The aftermath revealed a colossal structure known as The Shifting Citadel, whose interiors transitioned between various places on Dromaria and beyond. The Order of the Veil took control of the site, and it has since become a focal point for studies on arcane anomalies.   Post-war, Thorn's attention shifted to rebuilding Blarek, leaving the Thorn Territory relatively autonomous. The Brokforge dwarves had to take up arms, ensuring the region's security. This period of self-reliance was a stark contrast to the earlier protective years under Thorn, prompting a rekindling of old dwarven traditions and a reflection on their past amidst the complexities of evolving regional dynamics.  


Culture within the country is a blend of classical traditions and contemporary influences. In the south, the Rakankrak Clan dwarves honor their lineage with garb often crafted from leather and wool, dyed in warm hues of red and yellow. Across the territory, clothing frequently features intricate embroidery showcasing familial or clan emblems. The northern coastal cities, marked by bustling ports and lavish resorts, exhibit a more extravagant style, yet adhere to the vibrant color palette, evoking a sense of warmth amidst the chill.   Language forms a strong part of the territory's identity, with the tongue of the dwarves widely spoken throughout. Food is also an important aspect of the land's bounty and the people's adaptability. Hearty buffalo stews and roasted meats dominate the menu in the steppes, while the coastal regions enjoy a variety of seafood in heavy spices.   Entertainment is a unifying thread between the north and south. Dancing is a deeply cherished activity throughout the territory, embodying both communal spirit and individual expression. In the northern city of Will, known for hosting Dromaria's largest casino, nightly parties are a common spectacle. Here, patrons from all walks of life are welcomed to dance until the sun heralds a new day.   Boats are the favored mode of travel, forging connections along the coasts instead of traversing the heart of the country via roads. The impenetrable density of the Denwood and the perilous mysteries of the Shifting Citadel serve as constant reminders to the inhabitants. These unseen threads of mystery are as integral to the territory's culture as the visible vibrancy defining their daily routines.  


Navigating a tense geopolitical landscape, Thorn Territory's relationships reflect historical animosity and strategic alliances. Hostility with the country of Bohdan continues, rooted in territorial disputes and contrasting allegiances. Yet, substantial trade relations have been fostered with Erindor and Liyish, significantly bolstering the region's resources. Minor trade ties exist with the continent of Mortéglace, but with that comes danger, and less impact on the territory as a whole.   Perceived as Thorn's forgotten child, the territory has somewhat drifted due to focus on rebuilding New Blarek post-Demon War. This relative neglect has propelled the inhabitants towards maintaining a degree of autonomy. The evolving diplomatic and trade relationships signify a drive within the Thorn Territory to carve out its niche amid a changing world.  


The Sithir gold standard reigns supreme, consistent with the rest of Pathriam. The main economic activities are situated around the southern border patrols managed by the Rakankraks, and the bustling coastal resorts and casino which are major revenue generators. Besides these, the territory doesn't boast much goods or production.   Trade relationships are nurtured with regular expeditions with Thorn through Venden, and the northern ports are significant hubs for commerce. Since the Demon War the Odelian Order's presence in the country has waned, with almost all of their engagement directed towards the Shifting Citadel. Their interest still aligns with the commercial endeavors of the territory but has spurred a significant inflow of scholars and resources, catering to a niche segment of arcane research and investigation.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

The Odelian Order. A ruling assembly of mages hailing from Thorn, the Odelian Order oversees the general governance and magical endeavors in the Thorn Territory. Within the region the Order focuses on maintaining safe borders to the south, and to control the northern seas, including vital trade routes at Port Charm and Port Soul.   Educator Dolle-Brassi Creed "The Masquerade". A hero of the Demon War and a leader of the Thorn Territory's Rakankrak Clan, Dolle-Brassi is an illusion specialist known for seldom interacting directly, often employing illusions and simulacrums instead. Though deeply invested in the territory's success due to familial ties, his primary duty lies in New Blarek, overseeing the Citadel Arcane. After the war Creed has taken on far more responsibility and is considered the most tenured Educator.   Rakankrak Clan "Bleeders". Originating from a schism within the larger Rakankrak Clan during a territorial discord with Bohdan's orcs, this faction migrated north to the current Thorn Territory, establishing a stronghold in Brokforge beyond the Rimestone Steppes. The derogatory moniker "Bleeders" was initially coined by their Bohdan counterparts, a cheeky reference to their alliance with Thorn and the perceived betrayals it entailed. The largest force within the Thorn Territory, the "Bleeders" are instrumental in maintaining border security, whilst holding a tenacious desire to reclaim their ancestral prestige and lands.   Ruby Thanedir. A young yet revered dwarven ruler, Ruby's steadfast beliefs and tenacity have earned her immense respect. A scion of a traditional house, she aims to restore the Rakankrak Clan's prominence, aligning with Thorn to challenge Bohdan's oppressive stance. The term "Bleeders," initially derogatory, has been reclaimed under Ruby's leadership, symbolizing their resistance against territorial encroachments.   Order of the Veil. Tasked with monitoring inter-dimensional barriers and associated with the deity Groman, this group's operations within the territory focus on the Shifting Citadel. While usually covert, their presence here is more noticeable, forming the most public sect of the Order. Most of the central region of the country is under their purview, while they work alongside the Odelian Order to understand what is happening.   Laila Yardley. Entrusted with overseeing the Shifting Citadel, Laila's role marks her first independent leadership assignment within the Order of the Veil. Despite her good standing with the Odelian Order, her reluctance to open the Citadel for scholarly scrutiny has triggered a move to replace her with a more accommodating leader. As a well educated Upiryrial, Laila has called upon legal jurisdiction and has maintained her position for now.   Port-Master Alison Sykes. Entrusted with overseeing the northern ports, Alison navigates life with a blend of sarcasm and bull-headed stubbornness. Previously serving as a weather-wizard for the Odelian Order, an injury during the Demon War transitioned her into her current administrative role. Now reliant on a wheelchair for mobility, she, along with her monkey familiar Dimples, confronts the daily challenges of her position, highlighting the region's lack of accessibility with a sharp quip, often comparing it to the far more accessible Thorn. Her humor, often meandering into the realm of others' discomfort, alongside her staunch commitment to her duties, tends to leave a memorable mark on those who cross paths with the port master.  

Current Events

Rakankrak Moot. An upcoming moot has ignited conversations within the dwarven community. This gathering aims to bridge the chasm between the feuding factions of the Rakankrak Clan, a divide stretching back to the days of settlement. The objective is clear: resolve the discord and unify the clan once more. Opinions diverge among the Thorn Territory Rakankraks. Some harbor hopes of reconciliation while skeptics fear this overture might be a gambit to usurp lands from Thorn.   Dranglin Onslaught. The tranquil coastal resorts are under siege by Dranglin, who have escalated from being mere nuisances to formidable threats. Their audacity has soared, attacking influential and wealthy patrons, claiming lives and inducing a climate of fear. This onslaught has cast a pall over the coastal towns, compelling them to seek aid from the Odelian Order, whose response is keenly awaited.   Crystal Plague Outbreak. Unsettling news has emerged from the Denwood, the sinister Crystal Plague is proliferating. The seasoned Educator, Dolle-Brassi Creed, has promptly sealed off the forest, barring entry to all. His stern measures underline the dire threat the plague presents, not just to the Thorn Territory, but potentially to the larger region.


  • Thorn Territory
    Enclosed by the Sterling Ocean and Amber Oceans, this peninsula harbors a landscape of contrasting vistas: the stern, rocky terrains of the Rimestone Steppes towards the south, the golden allure of the Amber Coast, and the commerce-driven vibrancy of northern port cities, where trade and entertainment flourish side by side.   The cadence of life here is finely tuned by the enduring traditions of the dwarven Rakankrak Clan and the arcane governance of the Odelian Order. As the land moves northward, the scenic coastal cities reveal a hub of commerce and leisure, boasting Dromaria's largest casino and lavish resorts. Amidst the center of this lively seascape lies the dangers of the Shifting Citadel, a colossal structure with portals leading to realms both known and unfathomed.  


    The Thorn Territory unfolds as a vast peninsula, flanked by the Sterling Ocean to the west and the Amber Ocean to the east. The southern border is marked by the Rimestone Steppes, a stretch of rocky terrains that rise sharply from the earth, a natural barrier that hosts military bases amidst its rugged folds. From these steppes, small rivers meander southward out of the territory, their waters eventually merging with the ocean beyond.   Transitioning from the steppes, the ground slowly undulates into hills before reaching the dense woodland known as The Denwood. This central forest is a natural refuge amidst the surrounding expanse of country. The chill in the air is a constant companion in the Thorn Territory, intensifying into harsh winters that cloak the landscape in a mantle of snow.   On the eastern shore, the Amber Coast draws many to its shores, captivated by the golden hues of the Amber Ocean, a spectacle courtesy of the extensive coral reefs lying beneath the water's surface. To the west, the coastline gives way to a smattering of islands off the shore, within the Sterling Ocean.   As the land tapers northward, the terrain descends gently to meet the sea, opening up to a bevy of ports. This northern region, with its scenic coastal cities, is a hub of commerce and leisure, boasting Dromaria's largest casino and lavish resorts that cater to the affluent.
Thorn Territory

Thorn Territory Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages
Grunnhar, Port Charm, Port Soul, Stryrakr, Will, Wistduleth

Natural Landmarks
Amber Coast, The Denwood, Rimestone Steppes, The String

Points of Interest
The Brokforge, Fort Varangia, The Shifting Citadel

Thorn Territory Mission Statement
"Preserve the sanctity and heritage of the Rakankrak Clan's land while safeguarding the Odelian Order's vested interests within the territory."
Thorn Territory Goals
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Ascend as a prime destination for ports and entertainment, fostering a vibrant maritime and leisure industry.
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Sustain a robust military presence, ensuring the safety and sovereignty of the Thorn Territory against external threats.
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Embark on the endeavor to reclaim Bohdan.
Local Laws
  While the Thorn Territory largely adheres to the legal framework established by the Odelian Order, certain distinctive laws are in place addressing specific areas:  
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Entertainment Taxation.
A higher taxation rate is applied to these activities to leverage the territory's revenue streams.
Failure to pay the required taxes results in enforced labor proportional to the amount owed.
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Coastal Access Permit.
Individuals wishing to enter the Thorn Territory are required to obtain a CAP and maintain its status yearly.
Unauthorized entry or staying beyond the permit validity results in immediate expulsion, a hefty fine, or detention, depending on the severity of the violation.
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Land Preservation Act.
No unauthorized constructions or alterations to historical sites, including the natural terrain of the Denwood and Rimestone Steppes.
Violators are branded with a public arcane rune on their face which declares their guilt.
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Rakankrak Judicial Autonomy.
Rakankrak Clan members are primarily judged by their own clan’s judicial system, preserving their traditional legal practices.
Outside the territory, failure to adhere to Thorn's broader legal framework results in prosecution under the Thorn legal system, relinquishing the Rakankrak jurisdiction.

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