
"Today, we gather to explore a terrifying reality, the tethering of a soul and object. To understand what this means we will begin by exploring the most famous example to date, Galvani Aldini.   When my son perished, all my knowledge meant nothing. We embarked on this journey together, to shape a new world hand in hand, only to have him torn away by the clutches of dragons. When I discovered his soul tethered to the Kalatearman, something triggered inside me.   Forn and I crafted GaWani, a kingdom where Galvani could flourish and evolve. Our cherished Kalatearman transformed alongside him, infused with the essence of the one who comprehended it most intimately. As you tread the path I outline, I implore you to never forget the lessons my son's life will teach."  
~ Dona Aldini
Song Stone titled "Forbidden Tethering," Library of Asundeai
Recorded circa 3,121 DA


Technological advancements that shape the world, whether they involve intricate mechanisms propelling airships or the recorded wisdom of the Ancestors in the remarkable Song Stones, owe their existence to Dona. This deity, credited with teaching fundamental sciences like physics and chemistry, advocates for technology and creates remarkable devices with or without the aid of magic. Dona's mission is to promote knowledge and prosperity for all, offering teachings to those who seek understanding.   Dona's belief in the Calling hinges upon the conviction that through comprehension, relentless pursuit of knowledge, and unwavering purpose, individuals possess the ability to craft extraordinary marvels that propel the world toward its destined future. Consequently, a devoted following has emerged within the faith, driven by their commitment to innovation and the tireless pursuit of wisdom.   Due to their tumultuous and violent history, dragons hold an unfavorable view of Dona and the god's followers. Similarly, those who reside on Erimata and adhere to the Covenant perceive Dona's teachings and its followers as dangerous and unpredictable. Nonetheless, outside of Erimata, nearly everyone embraces inventions and creations inspired by the god's wisdom, expressing a sense of reverence for the numerous gifts bestowed upon the world.  

Modern Depictions

Dona is often portrayed as a balding male orc adorned with a myriad of inventions. Paintings capture the god of invention piloting various vehicles, ranging from steam-powered ships to gyro-powered contraptions. In the sect of the Calling associated with Dona, the deity is typically portrayed as an elderly mentor, assisting students with their inventions or scribbling equations on a blackboard.  

Tenets of Dona

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Maintain faith in your Calling.
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Prosperity and the fulfillment of The Calling are achieved through technology and invention.
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Embrace the acquisition, sharing, and progression of knowledge and invention.
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Protect the mortal inhabitants' position on Dromaria.
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Reject the notion of The Covenant as unnecessary, believing mortals can safeguard themselves from dragons.

Dona Worshiping Adventurers

Adventurers who worship Dona often include inventors seeking to showcase their creations or seek buyers, scholars in search of ancient wisdom, and individuals who believe that Dona's knowledge should be accessible to all. These daring adventurers face unique challenges on Dromaria, as speaking of the deity can be dangerous or even fatal in certain areas. Dragons and fervent defenders of the Covenant view Dona's teachings as perilous, as they challenge the practice of the god's Calling from Erimata.
God of Invention, Knowledge, & Talent

Why would you choose this faith?
  For those driven by a relentless passion for invention, knowledge, and the pursuit of progress, the faith of Dona beckons. Whether you are an aspiring inventor, a scholar thirsting for ancient wisdom, or an advocate for the democratization of knowledge, embracing the faith of Dona embarks you on a transformative journey.   Among the devoted adventurers who worship Dona, artificers, bards, and wizards are the most common.
    Characters from many backgrounds may find themselves following the path of Dona, but orcish devotees from Ugarth and citizens from Gnome's Landing are the most likely.
Holy Symbol
  The Eye of Invention, a sacred symbol of Dona, takes the form of a large eye with a pupil shaped like a gear. This emblem finds its place in almost every inventor's workshop and chemist shop, serving as a reminder of Dona's influence in the realm of innovation. However, within the confines of Erimata, the Eye is notably absent, a reflection of the discord between Dona's teachings and the beliefs upheld in that region.   Scholars and technological historians proudly don garments adorned with the Eye of Invention. It signifies their commitment to Dona's teachings and their role as custodians of the deity's wisdom. As they delve into their own invention and discovery, the Eye stands as a guiding beacon, inspiring them to push the boundaries of possibility.
Associated Religions
  Dona is most worshiped in the Calling. He has a significant section in the Path of the Ancestors dedicated to his part in bringing the Ancestors to Dromaria. The Covenant speaks negatively of Dona, causing technology to be behind in areas where it is the dominant religion.

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