
"As I depart from this plane, let your minds find solace, my young ones. I have bestowed upon you all that I could offer. In the dwindling hours ahead, treasure the presence of cherished friends and the memories of our kinderdale. Keep me nestled within your hearts, and beneath the celestial sky, I shall forever enshrine you in my embrace."  
~ Daruun
3,200 DA


Touching freshly churned soil and rubbing it between your palms, gazing to the sky, knowing the season, and realizing that it is the proper time to harvest, while possessing the will to do the work and reap the rewards—this is what it means to follow the teachings of Daruun, the deity of agriculture, hearth, and spring.   Daruun is credited with many of the techniques and crops that are vital for the survival of the Dromarian Ancestors. Additionally, he is recognized for using the planets as a guide to create the original Daruun Calendars, which included the visibility and alignment of the planets. Daruun taught about their influence on each other and life on Dromaria, referring to them as the Omens.   Since the settling of Dromaria, the Omens have been employed as a method of determining the optimal times for planting and harvesting. Furthermore, they serve as an astrological system, suggesting that the Omen under which a person is born alters their personality and lifeline. Daruun taught that souls from a planet represented by an Omen are more likely to be reborn when their original home planet is in alignment. Much of Dromaria's knowledge about the stars, planets, and agriculture is directly related to Daruun's studies and teachings.  

Modern Depictions

The mortals depict Daruun as a kindly, grandfatherly, Malkari man commonly tending a garden or field. He has also been portrayed by the famous artist Trudeau Trudeau as both an Omens Chart and as a bountiful field of wheat. Many of Daruun’s teachings are still read and studied to this day. Authors of modern planetary study and agricultural books often bear Daruun's seal as a symbol of approval.  

Tenets of Daruun

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Prioritize nourishing the masses and protecting those who face starvation.
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Emphasize the importance of the plow, the seed, and the personal dedication to hard work.
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Recognize the Omens and heed their warnings.
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Honor the goddess Narwel and the significance of her Grand Prophecy.
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Embrace Bako and answer The Calling.

Daruun Worshiping Adventurers

The majority of Daruun worshipers consist of farmers and astrologists. However, some individuals who follow his teachings embark on the path of adventuring out of necessity, driven by the need to protect their lands from predators or combat blights that threaten their crops. In addition, there are those who serve as missionaries, traveling to impoverished communities and imparting knowledge on cultivating the land and achieving self-sufficiency. They commonly share the concept of the Calling with the aim of inspiring and recruiting the next generation to embrace Daruun's teachings.
God of Agriculture, Hearth, & Spring

Why would you choose this faith?
  For those seeking a connection to nature and a focus on agricultural pursuits, Daruun's faith holds great appeal. Respected throughout Dromaria, followers of Daruun embody the values of sustainable farming and consistent coexistence with the natural world.   Druids, clerics, and monks are commonly drawn to Daruun's teachings, finding inspiration in his principles. By choosing to worship Daruun, you are infused with the essence of cultivated wisdom and the nurturing of the land.
    Characters from many backgrounds may find themselves following the path of Daruun, but Malkari farmers and people from the Tritos Dominion who follow the Summertide faith are the most likely.
Holy Symbol

Daruun's original texts bore a seal containing three stalks of ripe wheat surrounded by the nine planets. It has since been adopted as a holy symbol by those who follow his teachings.   Many farmers, bakers, and food vendors display the symbol of Daruun as a sign of high quality, and it is given as an honorific on the cover of accredited texts, furthering his great works.
Associated Religions
  Daruun is most commonly followed in the Calling and the Path of the Ancestors. Lothoren does not preach Daruun's ways, but in most societies where Lothor is heavily worshiped Daruun's teachings are used. Followers of Bako and Narwel are likely to hold a close kinship to Daruun.

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