Kotodama Clan - Background

You are a member of the Kotodama Clan, a group of scholars and magus in the Leng Empire, ruling over the Kuran Territory. The clan places great emphasis on the arcane arts and the pursuit of knowledge. Those who lack the aptitude for magic are trained in martial, craft, or service skills instead. The ruling members of the clan are all arcane spellcasters, and their mission is to wield magic within their limits. The Kotodama Clan is highly esteemed and respected due to their ancestral connection to the eldest living person, Seinaru Kotodama, and their history of producing renowned warriors and mages.   Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Performance
Tool Proficiency: One type of Musical Instrument
Equipment: A musical instrument of your choice, a fine set of clothes, a signet ring, a small magical bauble, and a purse containing 20 gp
Feature: Arcane Savvy
Your exposure to the arcane has granted you a keen insight into its workings, allowing you to better understand and analyze magical phenomena. Given sufficient time with an object or location that possesses arcane properties, you can determine the schools of magic involved and potentially identify any enchantments or spells cast upon it. Additionally, your familiarity with magical creatures enables you to communicate with them more effectively. You have advantage when interacting with magically summoned creatures due to your understanding of their motives and psychology.
Suggested Characteristics
Members of the Kotodama Clan find themselves raised with specific teachings about arcane magic that heavily influeces their views on themselves and others. Their flaws tend to stem from overuse of magic or believing they are the ones who should control it.  
Magical Bauble
  Coming from a land filled with magic there are plentiful trinkets and baubles in most households. You have found one that resonates with you that you carry. Here are a list of potential baubles, although you are welcome to make your own.  

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