Civil Servants in Dromaria | World Anvil

Civil Servants

The Civil Servants occupy a somewhat paradoxical position in the Tritos Dominion's defense structure. As a group proficient in arcane arts, they are essential to the military's operations, yet they exist in a kingdom historically wary of magic. Their role, crucial but overseen with stringent vigilance, involves crafting magical wares that subtly enhance battlefield capabilities, and finding ways to counteract enemy spell use. Amidst a resurgence of traditional skepticism, the Servants find themselves in an era where their contributions are necessary but cautiously received.   With Attendant Elisa Du'urn at the helm, appointed by the current King, the Civil Servants are undergoing a significant shift. Du'urn, adapting to her new role, is steering the division through a challenging moment, particularly as the Shatterstaves branch out as an independent entity. Her leadership focuses on preserving the division's core functions while aligning with the changing dynamics and perceptions. The Civil Servants' relationship with the Shatterstaves remains integral but has evolved with the latter's growing independence. This new dynamic requires a balance of cooperation and respect for the Shatterstaves' separate operations.   Engaged in secretive projects under the direct oversight of the King, the Civil Servants' current endeavors hint at a strategic shift towards more covert forms of arcane warfare. This aligns with the Dominion's military objectives and mirrors the shifting attitudes towards magic in the broader context of the kingdom.
Ranks of the Civil Servants
  The ranks within the Civil Servants are less complex compared to the broader hierarchy of the Civil Legion. Members of the Servants are generally viewed as occupying the lower echelons of the military units. All ranks above Trooper have the authority to command a Civil Servant, except for their leader, who answers exclusively to the higher echelons of the Legion. The sole exception to this rule is individuals who have been knighted; they retain their overarching knight rank within the Civil Legion.  
  For full details on each rank, including their roles and responsibilities, refer to: Ranks of the Tritos Dominion.


Elisa Du'urn

Neutral Good, Female Human

Attendant Elisa Du'urn's current journey began with the mysterious death of her husband Gregor, an event that steered her towards an unyielding pursuit of arcane knowledge. Despite her inability to cast spells, Elisa's determination has led her to master the use of magical artifacts. Head of the rising House Du'urn and the Civil Servants, she now has direct command over those skilled in the arcane arts.   Elisa nurtured her son Bradley's magical talent. Their joint attendance at the Collective Academy was funded by House Ramus, turning into a source of immense pride for Elisa as she witnessed Bradley flourish into a proficient practitioner of the arcane.   As the Attendant of the Civil Servants, Elisa has managed her duties with a focus on leveraging magic to serve and protect the kingdom. In a role traditionally surrounded by scrutiny, she has balanced the rising concerns over magic use with her own quest to uncover the truth behind her husband's death.   Elisa's ascent to power coincided with a period of nepotism within the kingdom's elite, especially surrounding King Ramus. Despite the murky waters of political intrigue, she has adeptly maintained her composure, ensuring the Civil Servants align with the King's objectives.   In these times of upheaval following the Demon War, Elisa has shown herself to be a woman of resilience and adaptability. Her rise to power has not been without its challenges and temptations. Elisa has taken risks that, while calculated, speak to a deeper ambition and a desire to influence the course of the kingdom's future.
"In light of recent events, a grim reality has unfolded; our kingdom has lost its King and Queen. In the wake of betrayal, with the royal heirs missing, my position as a leader and a Civil Servant has become untenable. The assailant's ability to infiltrate and strike in Hearthhome, particularly through means we are sworn to guard against, weighs heavily upon my conscience. Regrettably, I must step down, both in honor of our fallen sovereigns and in acknowledgment of our failure to protect them."

~ Attendant Ralph Donner

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