Relic Hunter - Background

As a relic hunter, you are among Malkari that search for ancestral ruins and relics from your people's history. It is likely you started your journey in the Stein, scouring the ancient desert. History has taught that many of the world's modern problems can be solved by looking into the past, and you have spent your life examining how these civilizations functioned. Being a relic hunter means becoming an unrelenting archeologist and fearless adventurer who isn't afraid to rediscover items and locations thought lost to time.
Skill Proficiences: Your choice of two among Arcana, History, Investigation, Perception, Religion, and Survival
Tool Proficiences: One of your choice
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A map to a ruin or dungeon, a lantern, a shovel, a miner's pick, a personal journal, an ink pen, and a trinket related to an ancient culture
Feature: Ruin Tracker
You are especially adept at investigating crypts, tombs, and other places of historical significance. Relic Hunters can sense the presence of past life near old civilization sites, and can identify specific signatures associated with those who once lived there. When entering such places you are easily able to remember the path you traveled, finding it impossible to get lost.
Suggested Characteristics
Relic hunters are dedicated to their discoveries, putting the find first. Tenacity and determination define many of their personality traits, ideals, and bonds. Those same traits can also turn into flaws, as they can easily be taken too far.  
Venturing Outward
  Many relic hunters begin their journey in the town of Rastein. There a central dig site has been set up to access the Stein for excavation. However, as an adventurer it is likely you have a desire to travel farther than just the sands of one desert. There is a whole world of ancient sites out there to discover.   Maybe you are interested in discovering the history of different civilizations? Is there a specific artifact that intrigues you, driving you to find it? Or is your quest more personal, a family matter that can only be solved by diving into the oldest parts of the world? Speak with your GM and figure out what drives you beyond your beginnings.

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