
Xi' was born to the primal Kidoarash within the Great Forest of Leng. During her formative years, she found the ways of the local elves and elvenari to be perplexing, which prompted her to leave her small clutch and reside with the dragons of Erimata. As a juvenile among Emperor's Peak, Xi' assimilated the customs and aspired to be part of the Thundering Flight. When the opportunity arose, she achieved her dream.   In 5,700 DA, the Prophet Stroud captured Xi' when she returned to visit Kidoarash. Xi' was kept hidden in the Tower of Malus and presumed deceased. During this period, Xi' was utilized as a source of power, primarily her blood. Stroud deprived her of sight and confined her in a pit, draining her blood for scrying and divination.   When the Band of the Last Days infiltrated the Tower of Malus, they liberated Xi' and aided her in returning to Emperor's Peak. However, during her captivity in the Tower, she became severely debilitated, with her body sustaining significant damage. Though she cautioned the dragons of the impending danger, it was too late to forestall the Prophet's machinations.   Following the attack on Emperor's Peak, Xi' resumed her position on the Thundering Flight. There were four dragons for a brief period, which was an unprecedented occurrence. Shortly after Xi's return, Fushio the Booming Bellows departed to perform his Toothless Vigil.   As a member of the Thundering Flight and a lifelong politician, Xi' excels in her chosen profession. She is patient and even-tempered, with a dedication to her ideals. Since her release from the Tower, she has regained some strength, but she is still unable to fly or see. Xi' exudes power, purposefully displaying what little strength she has left.   Xi's focus outside of the Flight has been on locating Senex Malus, and she has deployed all of her personal resources toward that objective. Her distress upon learning that Kidoarash died just five years before her release has shaken her.

Roleplaying Xi'

Personality Trait. "I have lived long enough to appreciate the rare moments of silence."
Ideal. "Peace. It’s better to coexist than to cause hurt."
Bond. "The Covenant was crafted with peace at its core, and should be reflected in the hearts and minds of every being."
Flaw. "My pacifism is in direct contrast to the land I rule over."
Dragon (Silver)

Scale Color
Reflective silver, banded snowy white
Short, barbed, around neck & tail

Current Residence
Yen Su Ma

Read Aloud Description
"There is a palpable rumbling, the intensity of ice crashing against itself. A soft glow of silver reflects off an aging dragon, curled up, scales banded by snowy white. She bears no wings, and where her eyes once were, she is severely scarred. Around her neck, continuing down her back to her tail, are tattered crests of spines, broken bits, no two of the same length. Undeterred by adversity, the dragon's serenity rises through you like the tides."

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