Citizen of Tao - Background

Tao, the largest city in the world, is a sprawling metropolis and a true melting pot of races and cultures. Here, everyone and everything visits or resides, serving as the major trade hub, attracting merchants and adventurers alike. The buildings are closely packed, creating a labyrinthine maze. Guides are always in high demand to assist visitors in navigating the city.   You have grown up in this cosmopolitan environment, exposed to diverse cultures and traditions. Your knowledge of the city's layout, the intricacies of its districts, and the bustling marketplace has allowed you to forge connections with its inhabitants. Tao embraces a diverse range of cultures, with visitors often remarking on the wild blends of traditions, languages, and customs they encounter. These cultural influences create an environment of acceptance and celebration of differences, making the city an extraordinary place to call home.
Skill Proficiencies: Two of your choice
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one Gaming Set
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: One gaming set, a set of common clothes, a backpack, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Cultured
Your exposure to diverse cultures has granted you keen insights into clothing, accents, and other subtle cues. You can discern a person's place of origin, leveraging this knowledge to your advantage. This ability opens doors, facilitates connections, and grants you an edge in navigating the complexities of foreign lands. Your capacity to seamlessly blend into urban environments is unparalleled, thanks to your understanding of clothing, dialects, and cultural nuances from various foreign places.
Suggested Characteristics
Being from such a massive city can define who a person is, from ideals and bonds, to their personality as a whole. Aspects of culture, understanding, or being overwhelmed likely impact your choices. Many flaws come from the same places, but amplified to extremes.  
The Districts of Tao
  The sprawling metropolis, is divided into five distinct districts: Court, Old, Serpent, Lower, and Upper. Each district is further divided into its own smaller sections. The governance of the city is overseen by six governors, one for each district, with an additional governor presiding over the city as a whole. Altogether, these thirteen governors form the esteemed ruling body known as the Scaled Assembly.   Court. The largest district where ruling parties gather, courts are held, and political power is brokered.   Old. The center of the city, where Tao's history began and where ancient landmarks and traditions can still be found.   Serpent. Home to the majority of religious institutions and the city's bustling merchant district.   Lower. A district primarily dedicated to housing, characterized by its vibrant and diverse neighborhoods.   Upper. A district primarily dedicated to housing, known for its elegant architecture and the presence of affluent residents.

Citizen of Tao banner art by Kati Drinkwine.

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