
~ Grunt Grunt Orkishporkish
Chosen of Lothor
4,280 DA
Chosen of Lothor
4,280 DA
Since they emerged from the Otherwyld, goblins have been regarded with disdain, seen as lowly creatures. Innate impulses have compelled them to dwell on the fringes of society, frequently enduring squalid conditions. However, in the past two centuries, a shift has gradually taken place. Goblins have come to recognize their value and have sought inclusion within certain societies. While many individuals still struggle to fully accept them, others acknowledge their tenacity for survival. Their inherent combat instincts, coupled with their innate ferocity, make them remarkable allies in times of need. Goblins stand among the smallest of the common races, typically reaching just over 3 feet in height. Their meager frames are topped with disproportionately large, generally hairless heads, marked with massive ears and beady eyes, tinged with shades of red, black, and yellow. The color of a goblins' skin mirrors the environment they inhabit, encompassing shades such as green, gray, and blue, although sightings of black and even pale white goblins have been reported. Their insatiable appetites, paired with their brimming mouth of irregularly arranged teeth, make for a fearsome sight. Most goblins reach maturity at around 10 years and are considered elderly at 60.
The inner workings of goblin society baffle outsiders. Those who call themselves "free-ranged goblins" stick to groups in the wilds, but there has been a growing number who have broken these bounds and ventured into broader civilization. This change has ignited a certain spark of discord between the goblins, commonly misperceived by others as hatred or anger.
Goblin communities are tightly knit, putting the welfare of their own at the front. A time existed when the Otherwylders eyed people as walking meals, a tactic which served them poorly. They've since come to realize that teamwork is a much more efficient means of satisfying their perpetual appetites.
On the continent of Pathriam, several goblin-led cities have sprung up, with mixed results. Noteworthy among them is Cinder, snuggled near Tempus Nova and the gateway to the Otherwyld. Here, goblins and fey rub shoulders, stirring up chaos and perpetuating stereotypes. Crammin, in the Eastlands of Pathriam, serves as an example of the anarchic nature of a goblin-run city, serving under the rule of King Trashpile.
"Throughout Dromaria's history, folk tales have painted goblins as kidnappers and devourers of children. Despite what you may think, no such event has ever been officially documented. But, I will say, I don't think there has ever been a report of a goblin babysitter."~ Saint Aurias Ren
The feasthall of King Trashpile.
During the grim days of the Age of Horror, gnomes faced countless hardships, falling prey to brutality. Distressed by the suffering of her creations, the goddess Dipthi stepped in. She took the gnomes leaving the Otherwyld and reshaped them, crafting a tougher, stronger being able to stand firm in the harsh era. Thus, goblins were born. As fierce warriors, they quickly made their mark, guided by a paragon of their people, and a new hero rose. Thurknot, champion and goddess, took on the historic task called the Plans of Savagery , helping to wipe out the terrors that haunted the land. Faith varies across all of goblin society with no specific religion holding sway. Thurknot remains a pivotal figure in goblin hearts, standing as proof of who and what they can be. While goblins don't regularly pray to Dipthi, they still share a deep link with the Otherwyld Empress, much like their gnome kin. Some Otherwylders can carry memories from past lives who were close with to the goddess. As a result, goblins and gnomes have a history of working well together, with little bad blood between them. As a race with dual natures, much like gnomes, goblins struggle to fit in. To those living in large cities, goblins come off as wild and are commonly seen as a menace. While some people understand the hope of safety beyond the wilds, the period of adjustment has not been simple. For much of history, goblins were hunted. They lived on the far edges of the world, hiding out and hunting in turn. But during the iron-fisted rule of "The Jailer King," King Caraconne Tritos of the Tritos Dominion, the goblins of the Eastlands banded together. They formed the city of Crammin as a haven and began talking about changing their ways. During this unfounded series of talks, a large group of the Crammin founders left for the Westlands of Pathriam, taking to the skies. They traveled by airship to meet with the beings of the Otherwyld, setting up the town of Cinder. In time, this would grow into Loon and Port Duck, key stops on the goblin journey.
Goblin Backgrounds
Here is a list of Dromaria specific backgrounds associated with goblins:
While these represent the largest goblin groups, goblins from anywhere may have similar backgrounds.
Diktat of Best Existence
Thurnknot established a set of rules as captured by the scriptures of the Summertide faith.
Diktat of Best Existence

Goblin Traits
The goblins of Dromaria have the same in-game statistics as found in the 5ed Player's Handbook.
Otherwyld Memories
Goblins and gnomes share a collective memory tied to their connection with the Otherwyld. Goblins can tap into this shared consciousness, recalling ancestral memories, gaining insights, and experiencing déjà vu. However, straying from the influence of the goddess Dipthi causes these memories to fade, and some goblins in industrious societies may be unaware of their dormant connection. Yet, for those who remain attuned, the Otherwyld's memories serve as a wellspring of knowledge, sometimes even shaping their identity.
A goblin painting of Dipthi.
Cultural Tidbits

Goblins have established cities across the continent of Pathriam. Cinder, Crabmeat, Crammin, Loon, & Port Duck each have their unique charm.

The fingers and toenails of goblins are made of bone. This leads to many elders having vicious-looking claws.

"Nibblet" is a commonly used term by goblins to mean anyone outside their kind.