King Trashpile

Gram Teeth was a goblin warlord who rose to power in the mid-5900s, during a period of instability and conflict in the Abadaya Badlands. He quickly gained control of the region leading an army of goblins. Under his reign, he established rule through fear and violence. He proclaimed himself King Trashpile and began the construction of the city of Crammin to house his army.   The Court of King Trashpile was famous among the people of Crammin due to its throne, which was comprised of all sorts of odds and ends from the King's conquest. The court eventually became so overwhelmed with loot, that the figure of the King could no longer be seen within.   In the wake of King Trashpile's death, Warlord Klanger, his first Hand, enjoyed being in charge so much that he kept up the charade as if the old King still lived. Klanger assumed control of the city and declared himself King Trashpile. He continued to govern Crammin as King Trashpile using fear and violence just as his predecessor did. Over time, Klanger's rule became lax and some semblance of peace settled in Crammin.   It is unknown how long Klanger maintained the ruse or when either he or the first king died. Upon discovery of his death, a new goblin became King Trashpile, maintaining the illusion, a tradition that is still carried on to this day. Legend has it that if you are brought before King Trashpile's throne on a warm day, you can still smell the first King.   The current King Trashpile is a woman known as Warlord Glop.

Skin Tone


Abadaya Badlands
Current Residence
Ruled Locations

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