Free-Ranged Goblin - Background

As a free-ranged goblin, your existence extends beyond the boundaries of Tempus Nova and the influence of the goddess Dipthi. You might hail from a nomadic group or a small town embedded within the harsh landscapes of the badlands or deserts, where scrapping together a living is the only way to survive.   A tumultuous past and an unquenchable hunger have perpetually threatened your kind, but recent years have seen significant changes. Guided by the teachings of the goddess Thurknot, who epitomizes the essence of doing what must be done, your people have refrained from treating all things as food. They've made concerted efforts towards peaceful coexistence with neighboring towns and villages, subsisting solely on what they can grow or hunt themselves. Despite the residual societal prejudice, free-ranged goblins are steadfast in their endeavor to reshape the world's perceptions about them.
Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Disguise kit, a small knife, a pet iguana, a hunting trap, and a bedroll
Feature: Living My Best Existence
You have adapted to the harsh realities of the badlands and deserts, where resources are scarce and survival is an ongoing struggle. Consequently, you have developed an impressive endurance to withstand deprivation, enabling you to survive extended periods without sleep, food, or drink. You automatically succeed on your first exhaustion roll resulting from lack of sleep, and you can endure twice as long without food or drink before experiencing adverse effects.
Suggested Characteristics
Goblins who choose to live outside the rest of their kind have a strange view of the world, often focusing on survival and food more than friendship. Your flaws are likely to revolve around other people and social situations.  
Place of Origin
  As a goblin who wanders freely it is possible your home is anywhere on Dromaria. Some more common locations may be one of the goblin cities a bit farther from the Otherwyld, such as Crammin or Crabmeat. Or perhaps you have taken advantage of the Dragon's Peace and hail from Erimata. Talk with your GM about what your environment was like and where you came from.

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